Monday, 30 November 2009

St Andrews Day, 3.2 miles

St Andrew's Day was a great excuse to shake up the mundane and have a laugh round the streets. I got the kilt on and decided to head out in kilt and vest. Bad news, it was freezing and windy, so back inside for a sporran and a top. OK, I should've spent some time thinking colour.

A few photos and abuse from Susan and I was off. Decided to run one of my regular routes round Long Buftlers and Medway rather than head for the hills.

The people of Harpenden are a strange bunch. Not one beep of a horn, not one shout of abuse and the one lady who did eye contact looked away immediately! It was very funny, maybe I was gonna shout "Freee-dom!"

Oh well. 3.2 miles added and definetely the best so far. Can't wait till the 500 mile mark, they'll be shocked when one of The Proclaimers hits the streets.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Mud, Ponds and Rain, 15.1 miles

Sunday's long run was set at 12 miles and in the direction of Redbourn. The weather was the pits. Heavy rain overnight had stopped when I set off at 0645 but within minutes it was back.

My Garmin gave up the ghost on the way to the meeting point, I'd forgotten to charge it. Doh. So, I was going to have to run at the lads pace, too fast, for the run. Oh well.

We were joined by a new runner today, Anthony from Liverpool. We met Niall & Dave and headed up towards the Nicky Line but as it was so dark we couldn't take the path. So we headed down Cooters End Lane and then over to Kinsbourne Green, down passed Redbourn Golf Course and onto the lower end of the Nicky Line. The weather was trash and I could already tell this was going to be a longer run than planned. Nice baptism for Anthony.

We ran through Redbourn and out under the M1. we then crossed a muddy field or 2 and made our way back to Redbourn. We had now clocked 9 miles and were a long way from home.

The plan was to take a direct-ish route to Beeson End Lane but it turned out to be a trek across the boglands of Hertfordshire. As the lads floated along I felt like a heffalump, sinking and slipping my way. That was energy sapping. We could see roughly where we should've been going but seemed to be going round in circles. Eventually we made our way down towards a house and rejoiced as we found a recognisable path. We knew it was 3 uphill miles to home, which to be honest at the time was a relief.

We made our way up the hills with Dave and Niall bolting it while Anthony and I ceased any form of communication and just plodded on. Dave left us all for dead while Niall came back to offer moral support. We made it to Crabtree Lane as a 3, high fived and then Iwas off home.

Toughest run in ages. Mentally distressing, especially at mile 9 knowing we're miles from home and then again when we were lost in the bogs!

Its taken a good while to recover. I was absolutely freezing. Did I mention the weather? Oh and my new trainers, hard to believe they are only 3 runs old.

Anthony passed the initiation.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

10 miles and then breakfast, 10.2 miles

Took off early this morning to get a recovery run in. The rain had gone and it was looking like a nice bright morning. I decided to head for Childwickbury, passed Stanley Kubrik's old place and back via Beeson End Lane.

As the weather was so good I decided to go that way via Medway and the Pipers Lane / Ayres End Lane which would add a bit of variety to the usual 8 mile loop.

The focus was on staying close to 9min/mile pace, keeping the heart rate down and running with good form.

The roads were quiet except for the odd jogger and dog walker. The route up to round the lanes was longer than I anticipated and I realised it was going to be a 10 mile run. A bit longer than required and not smart given tomorrow's long run.

I ploughed on and avoided the puddles and mud as much as possible. With the sun out and a bit of blue sky it was a really pleasant run. In the end I covered 10.2 miles, average pace 8.53, average HR 146 and 1425 calories burned.

Friday, 27 November 2009

Solo Tempo, 7.2miles

Today's a tempo run, which means a sustained effort above race pace. This was to be a 15 min warm-up, 4 miles at sub 6.50 pace and then a 15 minute warm down.

We've had so much rain that anything off road was gonna wreck my new go-flash Asics, so I decided to use the Lower Lea Valley walk for the bulk of the 4 miles. I made my way to the bottom of Cooters End Lane and from there decided the 4miles would be a loop over to Cherry Tree Lane and then back along the Wheathampstead Road. The advantage in my head was that it would be flat and not too muddy. Well it turned out to be dry but much tougher than I envisaged.

The run along from Cooters End Lane to Westfield Road is tarmac. It was flat until the end where there's an incline reminiscent of the locks on the GU canal. From there to Station Road is a slight uphill incline and with the added danger of pit bull terriers out for a walk with their hoody owners, that wasn't a pleasant part of the run.

From Station Road to Cherry Tree Lane is one of my regular sections but again has a good incline at both Crabtree and Cherry Tree Lane. The latter was 2.5 miles into the 4 and I was having to dig deep to maintain the pace.

From Cherry Tree Lane back to the main road was another tough incline, as was most of the section back towards Batford. Fortunately the last 800 yards included the downhill towards the mini roundabout and I let gravity do the work and increase my cadence. I was gasping by this point and glanced at the Garmin to see I had 400 yards to go. I put my head down and accelarated to end on the bridge over the River Lea.

I was pretty pleased with the effort averaging 6.47 min/mile over the 4 which is faster over a longer distance than normal. And my new trainers are still shiny.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Easy week, 7.5miles

My 24 week schedule is split into 4 week blocks, each involving 3 hard weeks and an easy week. Next week was due to be my easy one but circumstances have conspired to keep me off the roads this week. So this is now an easy one and I'll kick on again from Sunday.

With Susan back home I took off for an jog around Harpenden. I took the Southdown loop and added a circuit of the avenues to take the run to 7.5miles @ 9.03 min/miles.

Given the stress of the week I was glad to get out and try to ease the tension. I focused on keeping my arms low, cadence high and form good. That lot helped ease the tension in my back and neck, which I hadn't been aware of until I started running.

I was out in my new trainers tonight, Asics Gel-Stratus 3. My Nike Pegasus are the first casualties of the 1000 mile challenge. The last two sodden runs have made mincemeat of them and what was originally a small nick has turned into a major rip down the side. Susan doesn't believe me, she thinks I just wanted a brand new shiny pair. Me?

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Ton Up, 15.4 miles

That's 100 miles covered towards my target of 1000. Today's long run was anticipated to be very wet as it seems to have been raining for a week and the forecast was for heavy showers.

Surprisingly it was dry at 0630 and after a slight delay to my departure I was off to Niall's for the 0650 meet. The call had been for a run to Sherards Wood and back, which is somewhere in the region of 13 miles.

We were 4, Simon was doing the Willows 10k and so it was Dave, Paul, Niall and myself. We set off with the rain looking likely but somehow it didn't happen and in fact it brightened up and was a lovely morning.

The roads were very wet, as were the trails, mudbath would be a good description. However, we pressed on at a kind of 8-8.30 pace. A bit faster than I'd have liked so I threw in the odd slow bit to try and get the lads to take it easy. It kind of worked but then the trails became so bad that it wasn't an issue and the pace slowed to nearer 9's.

We made it to Sherards Wood in one piece. It seemed very easy and fast. Then the fun began as Niall took us on a route through the woods. It involved a steep section which was desparately boggy. Niall skipped through it, I was torn to shreds by a thorn bush and nearly went head first into the mud, Dave and Paul had similar near misses but somehow we made it to the bottom. I was bleeding badly and my new compression socks were already trashed.

The route home had a Brocket Hall extension added by Niall. Very pleasant it was too as we made our way across the golf course.

From there it was known territory and we split at Crabtree Lane so that I could head home. By the time I got home I'd done 15.4 miles, I think that's my longest run ever. Oh and that makes 100.1miles completed. Nice one.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Tempo after dark, 5.7 miles

A busy day and a meeting in Stokenchurch meant no daytime run. So my tempo run had to happen during the evening.

The plan was a 15min warm up and then 3miles at 6.35 pace. The warm-up was fine and I'd decided to start the 3 miles at the end of Dalkeith Road and head over towards Long Buftlers and then back down Dalkieth. That turned out to be bang on 3 miles which was the only good bit.

Within minutes of starting the 3 miles I was feeling dizzy and very shakey. I pressed on but felt pretty bad most of the way. At the end the 3 miles were completed in 21 mins.

On reflection I hadn't eaten through the day so set off with nothing in the tank. I made up for it when I got home but will have to make sure I eat enough during the day.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Easy Thursday Wheathampstead Loop, 7.0 miles

The weather is dry and with the work schedule looking pretty busy for the next while this was probably my last weekday daylight run.

I had an hour which meant roughly 7 at 9min pace was just about doable. I set off on the Wheathampstead loop and took a couple of detours just to get it over 7.0. I took the Sewage Works lane, Topstreet Way, Station Road and then Granary Lane just to clock the full 7.0.

Its taking a bit of concentration to keep the pace and heart rate low, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

Refuelling after all the miles is also important. I normally have at least a pint of skimmed milk, which is good for carbs, protein and vitamins, all important if I'm to stay healthy.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Wednesday Reps, 5.9miles

The wind was really blowing today. I wondered if Scott's Mexican extravaganza in Charlotte had been to blame?

So, today was 0.4mile at 10k pace, 2min rest, 1.2miles at 10k pace, repeat twice and finish with a final 0.4mile at 10k pace. It sounded murder and it was.

I headed to the Nickey Line and set off way too fast, 5.30 pace. After the first 0.4 I was doubled up wondering if I'd be ready to go again after 2mins. I did recover and set off on the first 1.2mile rep feeling ok. By the end I was struggling badly and I was bobbing about like Paula Radcliffe. Average pace was 6.54, which wasn't bad, it was muddy, windy and mainly uphill.

3rd rep was ok, 6.49 pace. The next 1.2 was seriously tough. Very muddy and again uphill, 7.10 pace and again I was doubled up for my recovery. The last 0.4 was ok, back on dry land and flat, so the pace was 6.56.

A slow jog home and I was back before 9am. 5.91 miles covered but it was much harder than yesterday's 10. Easy run tomorrow thank goodness.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Its a Beautiful Day, 10.5miles

So I was working at home thinking I'd love to get out for a run when the phone goes, its Niall, he's working at home and is planning a lunchtime run. Ok, that's all it takes, quick change and I'm off down to his, the plan is to do the Wheathampstead loop which is around 6 miles. I'm already thinking I'll do a bit more and get it up to 10 if I can.

We're both in bright yellow tops, which is a bit loud for the locals but at least we don't get knocked down by the car coming round the corner towards us.

We set off at what Niall calls "chatting pace", its a bit quicker than normal for me on an easy run but he's entertaining me with stories and so I hardly notice we're bombing along.

We get to Wheathampstead doing about 8min/miles and then we head up the hill to Marshallswick. It's a Paul Savage loop and involves a good climb followed by a run across a ploughed field. From there its back to Batford and then Niall throws in a sprint from the River Lea to the corner shop on Station Road. I hit 4.40min/mile pace, which is flat out for me.

From there Niall headed home and I added the Cooters End Lane Loop. I was now trying to stay at around 9min pace but that was prooving tricky and I kept edging faster.

Got home in just over 80 mins with 10.5miles completed. Nice run after yesterday's rest day. Tomorrow is reps day and I'm already feeling the pain of the set of gutbusters to come.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Sunday evening and I'm a celebrity, 7.5miles

The Murray household has been subject to the latest stomach bug to hit the south east of England. Very messy it is too.

So after another sleepless night there was no way I was joining Niall and Paul for the sunday run. Instead I managed to sneak in a slow 7.5 miles around the streets of Harpenden. Very quiet they were too, x-factor and I'm a Celebrity obviously keeping the masses in front of the telly.

The objective of the run was to keep the pace around 9min/mile and the heart rate down under 150. The reason for this is to build aerobic efficiency which is essential for the marathon. The theory is that over time the speed will increase but the HR will stay in the aerobic zone and so I'll be able to go quicker for longer. Sounds ok. The pace for the run was 8.59 and average HR was 139. Very happy with that.

Now I'm just settling to watch x-factor and I'm a Celebrity which I recorded.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Thunder, Wind & Rain, 8.4 miles

The weather had been abismal overnight, wind and rain had absolutely battered the south of England, but when I set off at 7am there was a lull in the storm.

I was setting off on the Childwickbury Loop with the objective of keeping my heart rate in the aerobic zone, which is below 152 for me.

A mile in and the rain had started. It wasn't too bad all the way through Childwickbury but then at mile 5 I heard the thunder. I turned to see the darkest sky I've seen for a while. It was enough to get me running hard for home. The rain got heavier but thankfully the worst was over Redbourn and off towards Markyate rather than towards Harpenden.

There was quite a bit of wind about too. Mainly thanks to last night's curry with the lads from Running Fource. Simon picked up the "Top Gun" award, for a number of outstanding races this year and setting pb's at every distance. Niall got the "Running Man" and "Fast & Furious" award for his motivation, speed and intermediary skills. Dave got the wise words of Billy Connolly, who has lots of advice on how to taper. Paul got the most prestigous award and now has responsibility to carry the team's "first aid" kit on our runs.

8.4 miles completed in 1hr 19. Average 8.43min/mile and average HR of 146. Nice. That's 48.1 miles in 7 days. That's the furthest I've ever run in a week.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Splish Splash Splosh 6.4 miles

This was the first real test of my commitment. The weather is atrocious, heavy rain and wind.

I went out thinking my gear wasn't going to be up for the job but the jacket did ok and although the socks are trashed, the trainers did ok.

It was tempo day. 16 minute warm up followed by 24 mins at a pace keeping me just below Lactate Threshold, for me that's at a heart rate of 172, and today I averaged 7.09min/mile for the 24 mins. That was pretty good given it was very slippy and impossible to get a rythm going, just too many huge puddles.

The 24 mins were followed by a 15 minute warm down jog back home. Typically the rain started to ease and by the time I was standing outside my house it had stopped. Oh well, 6.4 miles in the bag and a wee bit of rain isn't going to stop me.

It's funny but yesterday I was full of ideas on how to make the 1000 more interesting but when its a tempo or interval session I only think about my running form. I'm quite shocked to realised that.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Feels Like Thursday Morning, 7.3miles

After getting the kids onto the school bus at 8am I was off for an hour's run around the paths and tracks of Harpenden. My route took me up Sun Lane onto the Nicky Line, from there I worked my way along to East Common and then home.

It was a lovely morning, cold but dry. There's been a lot of rain so the tracks are slippy but I'm on an easy day so there's no danger of slipping or injury.

I'm feeling motivated, but it is only week 1, so I've not resorted to the ipod. My head is full of ideas for a Burns Supper, my 500th mile will be in NHS specs, try to get as many people as possible to join me for the 1000th mile, try and run with as many people as I can over the next 24 weeks. In that spirit I'm posting the photo of Niall, Dave and I at last Sunday's Grand Union Half Marathon, that was the start of the trek. They're my Jedi Masters so it's only fitting they were present for mile 1.

7.3miles covered today and home by 9am. That's 33.3 for the week so far.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Wednesday Reps, 5.6miles

I managed to get my run in at lunchtime today which makes a big difference. Today's session was 6x800m with a 2 minute recovery between them.

I warmed up with a gentle jog down to the bottom of Crabtree Lane and from there it was back and forth along the path to Cherry Tree Lane.

It was quiet, two joggers and a couple of dog walkers. My pace was very consistent with only a 7 second spread between fastest and slowest, average was 6.27min/mile.

Afterwards it was a cool down jog home. Overall 5.6 miles added to the total which is now 26.0 miles.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Easy Tuesday, 7.3 miles

After getting the kids off to bed it was time to get a grab an hour on the streets and paths of Harpenden. I decided it would be the Southdown Loop and then back for the Coldharbour Loop.

On the roads I was in the mix with the Aro Sports runners out for a Tuesday night blast. For the first time I saw Spiersy, not once but twice!

The run was all about easing into the week, so the heart rate was kept deliberately low and pace at around 9min/mile. I focused on cadence and good form all the way round.

In the end it was an easy night, not too cold and no rain. It won't be that comfortable every night. The legs feel good, a slight ache in the right achilles but nothing to worry about. That's 20.4miles so far this week.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Saving the best for last

This was my last race of the year. I was hoping to finish with a new PB and something close to 90 mins but the events of the week conspired to make it stressful and sleep deprived. So this morning I woke feeling completely knackered and drained but Niall was relying on me for a lift so there was no bunking off now. Quick check on FB and the news was Dave was coming too.
We had a laugh on our way down to Watford which certainly helped pep me up. On arrival we had a trip to the portaloo. Just as Niall set off the man with the fork lift truck arrived. Visions of Niall being levitated added to the fun.
Dave & Niall weren’t clear on their race strategies. Mine was to take it slow and steady, I didn’t expect to have anything in the tank. Susan had given me nutrition advice, good breakfast, marshmallows before the race and gels at 4, 8 & 10.5. That might get me home in 99 or less.
On the start-line I made a quick decision to blast the first 800 yards, see if I could lead for a bit and have a laugh. So after a minute silence for Remembrance Day we were off and I was in the lead! For all of 30 yards, then 3 guys slotted in just in front and I took the first 300 yards in 4th. On reaching the first gate I knew it was time to slow and after a bit both Niall & Dave went passed. I’d had my fun!
From then I tried to take it steady and slow, keeping an eye on my heart rate and determined to get it in low Z4 or Z3. I kept was being passed by quite a few runners, eventually the first woman went passed and I tucked in behind her for a while, when the second lady went passed they were off and I eased again. Then the 3rd woman came along and I tried to stay with her but again started drifting back as I realised my HR was too high. At 10k, I checked the time and was through in 44.30, over 3 minutes down on Herts 10K. Niall and Dave were out of sight and I thought they must’ve been close to the 10k pace and therefore both on for sub 90’s.
I felt comfortable and kept my pace steady by tracking the 4th lady. She was chasing down lady 3 who was up ahead. I felt strong and realised I was now picking off people who had previously gone passed me. I went passed the now 3rd lady at mile 8 and expected her to track me, but I was now running strongly and my pace was increasing so she fell away. Using some of Niall’s tips I just focused on the next shirt ahead and just reeled them in. As I reached mile 10 I was amazed to see Niall just 3 shirts ahead. I tried not to panic, was I going too fast, instead I just checked my HR was ok and kept my form and belief that I was going to finish strong.
As I went passed Niall he upped his pace and we ran together for a few minutes, we had a quick joke but when Niall stopped for water he never got back on my tail. I kept moving, feeling strong and picking off shirts every 50 yards. As I reached mile 11 I couldn’t believe my eyes, there was Dave, walking and not looking too good. I went passed and tried to give some encouragement. I was now in uncharted territory, ahead of both my Jedi Masters and feeling like I still had a strong finish in my legs.
With 2 miles to go I knew I was going to be close to 95 minutes, I also knew I was strong and that 2 miles hardly counts as a run, so I concentrated on keeping my form and cadence high.
The final mile was almost all uphill. I was still picking off shirts and looking at a decent finishing place when all of a sudden I am aware of someone catching me, the breathing is heavy but the effort is supreme. I follow Niall’s tip to raise the knee and maintain cadence rather than start to overstride. It works and I hold off whoever is chasing me down. I am certain it’s Niall and that he’s put in an unbelievable effort. Unbelievably my opponent digs in and pulls parallel, I look down expecting to see a pair of long socks but I’m surprised to see a pair of ankle socks. It’s not Niall! I am slightly relieved and keep the pace up to see if I can crack 95 mins. As we reach the top of the path I nearly start crying, we have to double back and the finish is another 400 yards. I dig in and get over the line in 1hr 33mins and 43seconds, beating my previous best by 11 minutes.
I was ecstatic and enjoyed the water and banana before Dave arrived in 1.34 and Niall in 1.36. For me it had been my best race ever. I felt strong all the way and have set a new bar for myself. Belief is so important and now I know I can hold 7.10 pace for 13 miles.
Now I start building the mileage. My most important event next year is the London Marathon. I want 3 hours. It is achievable.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Heart Rate Max

So I went for an easy run, just to keep the legs ticking over. Susan was going to check on Louis, who wasn't settling as he usually did.

4 mile loop round passed St Georges-Red Cow-Coldharbour-Crabtree-Piggotshill-Milton Road. Easy, good cadence and form. Saw a fox making its way along the top of Topstreet Way. HR was z2, with only a slight move to Z3 for Crabtree Lane.

Got home to find Louis was up, Susan was worried that his breathing was forced. I sat with him and he settled, then he started to struggle a bit, then a lot and very quickly his colour began to change. We rang a friend who is a nurse but before we'd explained what was happening he had gone blue. We rang 999. Within 5 minutes the medics were in the house, Louis was on oxygen and they were preparing to transfer him to A&E. He changed from blue to grey but they said he was ok! We were panicking - big time.

Louis & Susan went off to L&D by ambulance, blue light all the way. I was left in a state of shock. Hours passed and I felt completely punch drunk. A few texts, phone calls and a FB post got the prayer chain going and it was a comfort to know that friends and family were praying and offering support.

No sleep and my HR and emotions doing sumersaults wasn't part of my race prep. Not sure Sunday will happen.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Not so easy Sunday morning

Next week is the Grand Union Canal Half Marathon, so Niall and I are supposed to be in taper mode for the race. We agreed an easy run, 5 miles, 2 easy, 1 at race pace, 2 easy and home.

We'd received a mail from Simon calling the shots for the non racers, it sounded fun and my legs were feeling strong on Saturday night, so I was tempted to call Niall and say lets do the other longer run. I didn't make the call, using my head instead of my heart.

We met at 0730 at Niall's, an extra 15 mins in bed hadn't been much use, I'd been kicking my heels since 7am ready to roll. From Niall's we headed along the Cooters End Lane loop, up the hill and along to the Nicky Line. Niall was keeping the pace safe by chatting away. Up the hill he tactically handed the conversation to me! I was gasping but I suppose it slowed us.

The rain had started to get heavier but in the shelter of the Nicky Line we weren't too uncomfortable. At Mile 4 we thought we'd put in the race pace, 6.45-6.50, mile. We assured each other we wouldn't race and keep it steady. We found the pace reasonably quickly and settled into it. The section of Nicky Line is downhill, so it was easy. I looked down for a second and when I looked up Niall had put 10 yards between us. I raised the pace and got on his tail, he increased the pace again and I looked at the Garmin, 6.05 min/mile, mmm, I decided to back off competely and eased to 8's, my heart rate had gone way high in the 2-300 yards of fast stuff.

We headed home from the bottom of the line, 2.95 miles from my house. Chatted our way along but going through the fields we were soaked and battered by the wind. Best moment was my cap going flying 20 yards up in the air.

So in the end the 5 miles had become near enough 10 and the easy bit had been minimal. I'm feeling tired and glad I have a good excuse for an easy week. Still not sure how hard to push next week. At this point a 90 minute half marathon feels out of reach.