Ok, so its been a bit of a while since I've been on the blog. Moving house and a mad period at work meant running was on the back burner with absolutely no regular running.
This week went much better as both house and work are under control.
Anthony made the call for a run on Sunday and we managed an easy loop around Wheathampstead.
Monday we were out again and this time did the Herts 10k route in 3 sections of just over 2 miles. Tuesday joined me for an easy run over to the airport and so the miles were clocking up nicely.
I've followed that lot by a run home from the airport with a rucksack full of work gear. That was a bit tougher than I expected!
This morning I went round the Herts10k route again which looks like replacing Wheato as my regular run.
A nice solid week. Same again next week I hope.