Monday, 25 February 2013

Another 6.5, Airport Run

It was frankly freezing today. For some strange reason I decided to run up to the airport instead of jumping on the train. So it was 6.5miles into the wind.

The legs didn't feel too bad after yesterday's 17 and a bit. I guess that means I can go faster which is reassuring.

I tried to take it easy but I had to keep the legs turning over just to get warm. So it was a bit of a grey zone run, not a recovery run and not a pace builder.  Airport Run

Tonight's an early night as its the M25 first thing. Tomorrow could be a few reps in Bristol but I'll see how the day pans out first.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

8 Weeks to go and still building

8 Weeks from now and the London Marathon will be all over. I should be on my way home, hopefully feeling triumphant if a little sore.

This has been a good week. I managed a steady sub 9 minute 12 miles in Bristol, followed that with 7 miles at 8.05 pace, then another 5 at 9.05.  Today it was a long slow 17.7miles at 9.32 pace.

The 7 miles at 8.05 were with my mate David Moritz. It was really good to run with someone fast. I've been taking it very steady since coming back from illness but this was a good test. I thoroughly enjoyed it and need to add a tempo set to my weekly sessions.

Today was a mental challenge. I wasn't able to do the Gade Runners 17 miles down in Hemel Hempstead today so decided to take off on my own and cover the same distance.

Today was about building endurance. I had to keep the pace slow and keep the heart rate down. So the plan was for something around 9.30 pace. I expected that to be ok for 12-14miles but then the last few miles to hurt.

I did well at keeping the heart rate down and paid no attention to pace. Around mile 10 it was into the wind and uphill. The legs were feeling it but my nutrition is working well and a combination of SIS and Maximuscle gels kept m feeling fresh.

I reached the M1 and was surprised to see I was near 13 miles. I have 4 to go and don't feel too bad. I struggle along the side of a field which has just been ploughed but when I hit the road by Redbourn Golf Club I pick up the pace. I'm pretty pleased that my last 3 miles were my fastest. No records set but good to know I have more in the tank.

In the end its a 17.7 miler and it took 2:48. That's slow compared to 3 years ago when I was doing over 20 miles in 2:42. But I'm happy given I've only been at it for 4 weeks.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Catch Up, Good miles and Bad miles

Work's been a tad busy and meant I've had very little time to catch up on the blog or fit in that many runs. That may be a blessing in disguise as I'm still not 100% and can't be running every day or else I'll be back to square one!

I've done a few steady sessions and a couple of long runs over the last 10 days. The long runs were a complete contrast.

On Sunday I did a painful 13.5 mile run to Church. I wasn't well prepared. A late night, no breakfast and only a cup of water to get me going. It was ok until mile 8 and then a real struggle. I really didn't enjoy it and was dehydrated and starving by the time I arrived at SBC. Susan was a star though and had made me some sandwiches so I was watered and fed on arrival. SBC Run

Last night I took completed a 12 mile run out-and-back in Bristol. It was freezing in the wind and with only one layer and no gloves, it was painful. However, the running legs were good and my chest/breathing felt as good as it has for weeks. I kept the heart rate low (zone 2) and managed to keep all but one under 9min pace. I was very happy with that. Bristol 12 miles

Today the legs feel strong and there's no aches or pains.

The plan is 7 miles tomorrow, a run back from the airport and then a longer one on Saturday morning. That should see me at 35 miles for the week which isn't too shabby.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Pavement Pounder, 14.5miles

It hasn't been a great week for running. I ended up driving 1000miles which doesn't really leave much time or energy for a run.

Not that the weather has been too inspiring, freezing and rain.

This morning was no different. The Met Office says it feels like -1c in the icy wind and rain. I can vouch for that I'm sitting by the Aga trying to get warm.

I missed the 7am start with Dave & Lee. Instead I set off at 7.30am in the direction of St Albans. This is one of those straight there and back runs that is a road and pavements 13-14miles. I couldn't face any mud and puddles today.

The way out was into the wind which was a great decision as I was still warm and motivated. By the turn at Westminster Lodge though I was soaked through, my cap was like a sodden ice block and a bus home was very tempting.

The slog back was with the wind and wasn't as bad as the way out. I added a loop up Hill Road and round Park Avenue to get the miles over 14.

The legs are very stiff but overall I don't feel too bad. I just need to warm through.

It's Chinese New Year and we're having a Chinese lunch with Granny today, hope you all have a lovely day and year of the Snake!

Pavement Pounder, 14.5miles

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

First run of the day, 4.5miles

The plan was to get two runs in today. Mission accomplished this morning with a 4.5miler in the freezing wind. The forecast is for snow flurries later.

The route was from the school bus, up through the park, onto the Nicky Line and home via Park Avenue. It's a pleasant run, pretty muddy across the fields but has good variety.

The plan is for 3-5miles later but we'll see what the day brings.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Mud & Blood, 10.9miles

Today was the first ramp up to above 10miles for a while. The roads were fine but some of my route took me across fields and onto some normally pleasant bridleways.

The mud took its toll and sapped what little energy I had. I also had to divert through some hedgrows just to get passed some huge puddles. Luckily I've only a few flesh wounds.

The legs felt a bit stiff towards the end and I spent 15mins stretching afterwards.

I think tomorrow will be an enforced rest day as I'm off to Bristol for the day and doubt I'll be back in time to squeeze in a few miles.

Mud & Blood, 10.9miles

Saturday, 2 February 2013

This is going to hurt...... London Marathon Training

Thanks for taking a look at the blog.

I signed up to do the London Marathon back in October but have spent the last few months limping from one virus to the next.  Recovery from pneumonia and a kidney infection wasn't quite as quick as I'd hoped.

Anyway, I'm feeling better and have started the "Panic Programme" or a 12 week schedule to get ready to run the 26.2 miles.

Last time I ran the London Marathon I was aiming for somewhere near 3 hours, this year I'll be delighted with sub 4.

This week I've managed 5 runs, a total of 28 miles and 4000 calories burned so far.

Airport Run
Bristol Loop
Twice round the Bristol Loop
Roundwood Loop
Herts 10k

The legs have ached a bit but nothing too major. My lungs are probably at 90% so I'm not pushing the pace or heart rate.

Tomorrow I'll be looking to get in a longer run, probably 10 or 11 and then on a weekly basis building that up by 1-2 miles at a time. The idea will be to peak at 19 or 20 a couple of weeks before the race.

I need to lose a few kilos. Current weight is 84kg but by race day I aim to be back to 79 or 80kg.

78 days to go and it's not going to be pretty.