Thursday 30 January 2014

Low cholesterol and a Golden Mile

Today is an easy day. Just steady running at low heart rate, recovering from yesterday's reps and getting ready for tomorrow's tempo run.

I took off at lunchtime and struggled to get a rhythm going. In fact I was still struggling after 3 miles so I stopped and stretched for a few minutes. I found myself at the start of the Harpenden Arrows Golden Mile and decided to set off and just run at a comfortable pace.

I was moving along feeling comfortable when I looked at the Garmin and saw 6:44 pace. That was a shock and I lost my rhythm for a few minutes before settling back and holding the sense of balance. It was funny, my breathing felt fine and the legs were comfortable and I held it for the whole mile.

That was my best run along that section and a real confidence boost after yesterday's disappointing reps.

I just need to take it steady and the form will come back.

I had results back from a load of blood tests I had done. The highlight was a cracking cholesterol level of 3.1. That puts me at fairly low risk of developing heart disease which is one good thing.

Tomorrow is a tempo run. I'm not sure what the session will be but at least 3 miles at marathon pace is required. Hopefully I'll get out at lunchtime and the weather won't be too miserable.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Not quite there yet, 6x800s

I'm feeling a lot better and have felt able to get out and do a few runs this week.

Yesterday I had long day trip down to Bristol and in the evening I took an easy 4 mile run round the streets. The legs felt ok and it was good to use up some energy.

Today is reps day but i kicked off with an easy 3 miles back from dropping the kids at the bus stop. Again the legs felt good and I was really looking forward to the rep session.

The weather was pants. A cold wind and steady rain made for miserable conditions but I wanted to see how I'd cope with a good hard session. The plan was 6x800s with 2mins off.

The first few reps were fine and I felt I was pushing as hard as I could. The reality was that they were way off where I was before getting ill. Looks like I've lost some strength in the last couple of weeks.

I just need to keep focused and not get too despondent. I'm sure I can rebuild and get even stronger than I was 4 weeks ago.

Tomorrow is an easy run to recover from today and get ready for Friday's tempo effort.

Monday 27 January 2014

Burns Night Recovery

Saturday was Burns Night, the traditional evening spent celebrating the life and works of Robert Burns. This is a big year for Scotland, what with the Commonwealth Games, the Ryder Cup and a little matter of a referendum on independence. So it was important that our Burns Supper was a fitting celebration.

22 guests enjoying wine, whisky, haggis, some Burns and a few speeches made for a grand if tiring evening.

In preparation I'd taken an easy run on Saturday afternoon. Zone 1 all the way which meant I hardly broke sweat.

Sunday was the big clean up and after lunch I thought I'd go for my long run. But after getting changed and deciding on a route I realised I was completely mad and didn't go.

So today would normally be a rest day but I've squeezed 9 miles in, 2 in the morning and 7 at lunchtime. I must admit I'm still feeling tired and probably should have stuck to 5 miles at lunch. Tomorrow's a rest day as I do a day return to Bristol. I'm expecting it to be a long tiring day but hopefully I'll be ready for reps on Wednesday.

Friday 24 January 2014

Looking Good Billy Ray, Feeling Good Lewis!

Today is tempo day and although I'm still a bit weak I managed a shortish effort today at  around tempo pace.

The session was 3 x 1mile, 2min off between. I slotted the rest periods in just to give myself a chance to regroup as I've a tendency to get over-excited and set off too fast.

The reps were good and by not looking at the Garmin I just held a steady pace based on comfortable breathing. Rep 1 was steady and I had no issues but at the end of rep 2 I had a major wobble as my energy levels dipped. I've been for blood tests this morning and had to fast since yesterday, so clearly I'd not eaten enough before the session. Rep 3 was better after composing myself and keeping focused on 7-8mins of effort. The pace on the reps was ok 7:26/7:33/7:16 but the more reassuring thing was that my heart rate stayed below 168. That's a real confidence boost as over the past few years that kind of pace would have pushed me over 170. In fact this time last year I was in such bad shape that 9min mile pace was pushing me up to 170.

10 weeks to go to the London Marathon and hopefully that's me had my injury/illness downtime and I can keep building from here. Feeling Good Lewis!

Thursday 23 January 2014

Slowly does it, two more easy runs

You've got to be careful coming back from a bit of illness. It's easy to pick up a secondary infection or set the previous infection off again as the immune system is still a little weak.

Yesterday I went out for a gentle jog with plenty of rest and a few 2 mins steady efforts just to see how I felt. Well, the legs were a bit rusty but I was pleased that I had no reaction in my lungs or heart.

Today I went out for an hour. I kept the heart rate in my Zone 2 which is 146-155. It was hard work keeping in the zone as I was getting a little excited. I completed 7 miles and the legs felt a bit tired at the end but thankfully I've had no negative reaction.

I'm eating sensibly and drinking plenty including lots of cranberry juice.  Part of my issue has been letting myself get dehydrated so I've a new discipline of drinking at least 2 litres of water a day.

Tomorrow I'm tempted to try a short-ish tempo run, maybe a mile or 2 in zone 3/4 but we'll see. That might be a bit too much too soon.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Back from a knock-out blow!

It's been over a week since my last blog. It was very positive and I had no idea that just a few hours later I'd be hit by an infection that knocked me for 6 and lost me 4kg in a week.

So what happened. I woke early on the Sunday morning with a fever and a headache to end all headaches. I was awake for a few hours and realised I wasn't running the cross country. I spent the day in the house feeling rough.

I managed a day at work on Monday but overnight on Monday all hell broke loose and I was in a very bad way. Tuesday I was at the GP and given antibiotics but they did nothing and by Saturday I had lost 3kg. One more was lost before Monday and seeing the GP for a few tests to see I'm ok.

Since yesterday I've been back to normal. Tired and skinny but no fever, no headache and I've got my appetite back. I am restless so went for the gentlest of jogs today to see how the legs felt. I was ok and managed a mile with no stopping. So I did another. Susan will kill me if she finds out.

Anyway, easy does it stallion. It'll be a slow build from here. 

Oh yeah, on November 12 I was 13.5 stone, or 85kg. Today I'm just under 12.5 stone or 79kg. Oops.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Recovery Day, Easy bike & run

It's been a good week with a solid set of reps and a 4 mile tempo so today's rest has been very welcome. The legs felt good after a short 3 mile stretch on my way to the shops.

After a morning of kid activities I took Jack out on his bike for an hour. We took it easy as there's a lot of water and grit on the roads but it was still a nice ride out too Pepperstock and back. I was on my fixed wheel bike which keeps me honest when I'm out with Jack.

Tomorrow is a cross country race. Only 5 miles and not really in keeping with my marathon training plan so I'm hoping to get a few easy miles in before and after the race to push up the mileage to near 10 for the day. We'll see how it plays out.

Friday 10 January 2014

Steady 4 mile Tempo Run

After last night's fatigue I wasn't looking forward to this session. Tempo runs have traditionally been the missing ingredient in my training plans. I'm not sure why.

Work's been full on and after spending the morning on the phone I took a quick lunchtime gap to stretch the legs and see how they were feeling. I was pleased to feel some energy and bounce. I took it easy at 8.45 pace for just 2 miles. The hard effort was coming later.

I managed to finish everything around 4pm and it was still light so I headed out straight away and after a short warm-up set off at for 4 miles at a steady 7.10 pace. The first mile was comfortable and my heart rate was well below my lactate threshold. For mile 2 it was a steady incline. Nothing serious but enough to set the heart on an upward move. From there it continued to hover at LT which for me is 171.

Mile 3 was back down the slope and then mile 4 included a slight incline which was enough to send me ragged for the last half mile. Up until then my form was solid, breathing controlled and cadence pretty quick, but for the last 800 yards it was heavy breathing, form gone and steely determination to cling on to the pace.

The Garmin says I averaged 7.10 for the 4 miles which is bang on and a miracle as my pacing is normally all over the place.

Tomorrow will be an easy day. Probably 3-4miles and possibly a ride on the bike if the weather holds out.

Have a good weekend y'all.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Good evening Nebraska! 5 miles on tired legs.

I was amazed to get a message through Facebook from a fellow blogger in Nebraska. Now all I know about that is the Springsteen album and that it sounds a cold place at this time of year so I'd better not start complaining about a bit of frost!

I had a long day in London today and after getting the kids off to bed had to find the energy to get out for a few miles. It was hard work.

The legs still feel sore from yesterday and so every step was a struggle. My energy levels were low too so all in all it was feeble. I didn't stop even though I felt like it.

A good stretch, a cup of tea and a slice of toast and I'm all better. I need a good night's sleep though as it's supposed to be my tempo run tomorrow.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Back into it

I was pretty tired on Monday after the long run on Sunday. My legs were weary and a full day off was the call.

Lunchtime on Tuesday and I needed to get out and clear my head after a long morning on the phone and laptop. An easy 2 miles with a few short strides got the lungs and heart going.

In the evening I took off for an hour after dark. I'd missed the Arrows session but probably passed a few on my trek around the streets. In the end I completed nearly 7 miles miles in an hour.

Today it was back to the hard work. This session sounded painful, 10x800m, 1min off at 6.50min/mile.

I took off at lunchtime and the first 2 800's were a struggle. I couldn't get into the pacing and my lungs and heart felt like they weren't going to settle. Eventually they did and I managed to get to rep 5 feeling ok. On the way back it seemed fine until the uphill on the last rep. That hurt and I struggled to get the pace back on target. I'll take that. Overall I was pretty tight to the target and that's a good sign.

Monday 6 January 2014

Sunday Long Run

Today was a test for me. 15 miles at 8min pace was the call by Phil. That's a tad too fast for my long run which should be nearer 9min pace if the text books are to be believed. But I was up for it to see how long I could last and whether my heart, legs or mental strength would buckle first.

The conditions weren't ideal. It had been a clear frozen night and all of yesterday's rain and puddles had frozen so every footpath and road was sheet ice.

Six of us set off from the George at 7am, Phil, Viddy, Darren, Steve and Richard. I must admit I felt quite out of my depth. The initial route was out towards Kinsbourne Green, up Roundwood Lane and out passed Apple Tree Farm. All was well until we came to the mother of all puddles. It was a tricky jump and scramble to get passed it but I made it. Richard was unlucky though and slipped head first into the ice bath. He was soaked through and we decided we needed to get him home before hypothermia set in.

We headed back towards Southdown and out to Heartwood, making the route up as we came across flooded areas that made us turn back.

The pace for the first 6 miles was between 7.42 - 8.22 and I was surviving. The next 4 miles were a mix of hills and mud as we made our way across to No Mans Land and the Wicked Lady pub. The pace was slower because of the conditions but the effort was constant.

Mile 11 was an uphill to Wheathamstead from the pub. This was the moment when my legs buckled. The heart rate and head were fine but my legs were shot and I couldn't keep up as the lads skipped up the hill. At the top they were waiting and I downed a gel and dug in as I knew we were now turning for home.

Mile 12 was 7.55 pace and then we arrived at Piggotshill Lane to do a rep up and down. From there it was steady home and a finishing 15.5miles in 8.19 average moving pace.

It was a really enjoyable run. Challenging in places but a true test of where I am. Compared to my 12-13 mile runs in early November and early December I've stepped up, holding a faster pace for longer. My heart rate stayed below my lactate threshold which for a run of that pace is another good confidence builder.

I'll probably do an easy 2-3 miles today just to stretch the legs out but other than that its back to work and a rest from hard running.

Saturday 4 January 2014

New Year Catch Up!

It's been a while since I've been on the blog. Christmas and New Year festivities meant there was little time. Sadly illness affected the party atmosphere as both Susan's granny and uncle were in bad shape. We got through it even though our travel arrangements home were turned upside down in the last few hours before we left. We survived thanks to Susan's mum who flew home with the kids on her own. What a hero.
So the running was good. I did a hill rep session on Christmas Eve in a blizzard. I was happy with the pace and effort.
Boxing Day was a climb up the Turret and 13 miles with 1800ft climbing.
27th December was a shorter run with only a good effort up the Knock to get the heart going.
In the evening I got a surprise call from reception at the Hydro saying a certain Niall McIntyre was asking for me. It was great to catch up with Niall, Katja and family for an hour or two in the evening. Niall started me on this running journey back in 2008 and it was only a shame we couldn't fit in a few miles.

We were meant to travel home early on the 28th but an early phone call put the kibosh on that. Instead Susan and I spent the morning shuffling relatives between hospitals and care homes. After a while I was only getting in the way so was sent off to do a run. This time I set off along the route of the new Beauly-Denny power line - sorry couldn't help a bit of pylon spotting.

Sunday morning I was back in England and the legs were feeling tired after a solid week in the hills. I took it easy going round the Avenues for an easy 2.5miles.

Monday and we were off to the South coast for New Year. I managed a 10k round Camber in gale force winds and on soft sand. My legs were still feeling weary and I plodded home into the wind.
I thoroughly enjoyed spending New Years eve with the Speirs' and Hamstead's. I didn't get to run with Simon who was coughing his guts up but I did get to swim with Adrian on New Years Day.

After the New Year festivities it was time to start the hard work. 5x800 reps with 2min rest in between were the call of the day on Thursday. The heart was pounding on these but I was delighted to do what could bee my fastest ever 800m.

Friday I managed two easy runs. First a 2.5miles down the town and then a later 4.5miles round the avenues.

Today I went for a boggy, wet 3.5miles run with Jack who was on his bike. There has been a ridiculous amount of rain and some of my usual route was flooded.

It's been a steady week after the time in Scotland but tomorrow I'm out with the big boys for 15miles at 8min pace. Let's see how I get on and how long I can last at that pace.