Sunday, 23 March 2014

So that's it! It's all about getting ready now….

3 weeks today and the London Marathon will be behind me! It's been a long process of building up fitness and endurance over the last 4-5 months.

It's been pretty solid apart from the bump in the road when I got ill in January. That knocked me back a good few weeks and it's been a tightrope ever since - trying to push on without ending up on the sickbed again. It was pretty bad for a week or two. Dramatic weight loss, off for a scan or 2 to make sure nothing sinister was going on and a warning to look after myself better.

On that note it forced me to reflect on what type of training and intensity I can tolerate and for how long before I tip over the edge and get ill.  I figured I could cope with about 4 weeks of the hard stuff, any more and I'd do myself no good.

So the programme I've followed has peaked over the last 3-4 weeks. It started at the Berko Half Marathon and was followed by a 70-60-60 mile week's with my rep and tempo sessions included. That's got me to a position where I'm probably as strong as I can be for a guy my age.

Now the programme is all about easing off the volume and keeping a couple of short intense sessions. That way the legs keep spinning but also recover from the pounding they've taken.

Today was my last long run. I aimed to do 20 miles and hoped to keep it under 2:45. Preparation wasn't ideal with a very late Saturday and not a lot of sleep. I got up at around 5:30 but was really struggling to get my mojo. I pottered about not sure what to wear and not sure where to run. I eventualy went out at around 6:10 feeling extremely sluggish. In fact the first 7 miles were lethargic. I was on the Herts10k loop and even though the sky was blue and the sun shining I wasn't in the zone.

I came back to the house to change out of my running jacket to dorn my Running Fource vest, take on a gel and get my drink bottle.

I forced my effort levels up for the second section. 13 miles down towards Luton on the Lea Valley path, up past Sommeries Castle, Peters Green etc etc. I've done this loop over the last few weeks and really enjoy the different gradients and challenges.

The weather was cool. The sun was out but the wind was chilling and my hands felt like they might drop off. Opening a gel at mile 12 was next to impossible as my fingers didn't work and I struggled to get the thing open.

On the way home I was pushing hard and was pleased to put in a 7:45 mile at mile 20. I felt strong as I'd been running well within my threshold pace.

It was a good run. Quite hilly with a few challenging ups and downs. That made it tough to meet my target and in the end it was just under 2:48. Still, given how I felt for the first 7 miles and how many climbs there were I'm quite pleased. 

It didn't really help me figure out what pace to push in the marathon. It's clear that if I run by heart rate I'll have no issues if I stick in the 150's. The 160's should be fine as I've seen myself put in sustained efforts at that level and not had any lactic issues post race. That'll take me to a sub 8 min pace. What that pace will be depends on so many variables - how am I feeling on the day, the weather, my hydration, how I've slept over the previous few nights….

So the hard work is done. This week will be a relatively easy 35-40 miles. I'll still run 5-6 days but cut the volume right down and my long run next week will be around 12 miles.

Thanks again for all the support. I'm a smidgeon away from my fundraising target.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Busy week, tired reps

It's been an intense week at work and I've not had time or energy for running over the last few days.

I did manage a pre-work 4 mile leg stretch yesterday morning which was good.

This evening at the end of a long day I forced myself outside for an interval session. I decided to ease off the volume and cut it to 6 x 800s with a 2 and a half minute recovery..

I wasn't in the zone at all and had to force myself round. The first 3 were difficult but all fairly consistent at around 3:07. The remaining three were a bit easier mentally but the lungs were burning by the end of each rep.

In the end they ranged from 3:09-3:02. Not too shabby in the end.

An easy day tomorrow then the last long one on Sunday.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Long Midweek Run, 16 miles

The week is up and running. Last night was an easy paced 7 miles with a few of my work colleagues.
Tonight was a bit more hard core with my first run back to Bristol from the office in Hewish. It's along a main road which I expected to be uninspiring but there were plenty of hilly sections and villages along the way to make it interesting.

I was intending to run around 9min mile pace but found myself fairly comfortable at 8:30's so held that.

I was being joined by my colleague Amy for the last 6 miles and had to wait around for her to be dropped off.  It was getting dark just as we got onto the Jubilee cycle path which covers the last 3 miles.

The company for the last few miles was excellent and helped me keep the pace at a steady level.

Afterwards it was time for a good stretch and then off to watch United get the 3-0 win they needed. Nice.

Monday, 17 March 2014

4 Weeks to Go!

There's only 4 weeks until the London Marathon and everyone is very glad of that!  The mileage has been piling up and the intensity of my training has stepped up in the last couple of weeks as I am to peak on the 13th April.

Last week was a 70miler. This week got off to a good start as I felt fresh and motivated. But some long days in the office have left me a little jaded and it's been more of a struggle as the week has gone on.

The weekend has been glorious but with 4 kids it's not possible to nip out for a few hours during the day. So for me it's early starts which is not great when you're already shredded from work.

Yesterday was easy enough, an early 5 miles over to Kinsbourne Green and back. That was followed by a day of cycling, walking up and down town a few times and a bit of gardening.

So this morning the legs were stiff and tired but fortunately I was on an easy Sunday and the plan was for 15miles (click to see the route).

I headed out towards Luton, up to Sommeries Castle, along to Peters Green, past Laura and Andrew's house and then unto Sauncey Wood. From there I extended over to Piggotshill and then it was home.

I had some good tunes on the iPod and was grateful of a bit of Coldplay helping me over my first climb.

On a couple of flat bits I threw in some marathon pace efforts to see if I could settle at 7:30 pace without looking at the Garmin. I wasn't too bad which is a reasonably good sign, I think?

I was fairly much out of it when I got back. The last couple of miles were tough and I had to grit my teeth to keep going. In the end I averaged 9:10 pace which is probably a bit faster than I planned.

It was a good week. Confidence building sessions on Wednesday & Friday confirm I'm back to my pre illness levels. It's taken a good 6 weeks to get back but patience has worked well.

The coming week has a couple if big sessions. On Wednesday I plan to do a 17 miler and then on Sunday a 20 miler. On Sunday I'm hoping to split it into slow and marathon pace efforts.

Friday, 14 March 2014

7 mile tempo at marathon pace, nice confidence booster

Man, it was a belter today. Sun was blazing and unlike the rest of England we had no fog.

At lunchtime it was my tempo run. I had time to squeeze about 7 miles in if I kept to something around 7:30 pace. As I warmed up I was thinking it was going to be hard, my legs were tired and I felt very stiff from the mileage of the last few days.

A quick stretch and I was off, heading down the Nickey Line towards Hemel. I thought that it would be an easy mile to break me in and a good test to see if I could hit the pace. My idea was to keep my heart rate in the 150's knowing that it was uphill on the way back and I'd stray into the 160's and maybe 170's.

The pace was very comfortable and I held the heart rate down.

I passed a couple of stray gel wrappers dropped by fellow runners and decided that I was picking them up on the way back. Can't have our tribe dropping litter in the countryside.

After passing through the M1 tunnel I soon reached the 3.5mile mark and did an about turn. Most of the next 3.5 miles would be uphill and it would be a good test to see how my pace and heart rate coped.

Overall it wasn't too bad. With about a mile to go the heart went to 165 and stayed there until the end. 165 is still under my lactate threshold so I'm quite happy to be running 7:30's uphill at that level. In my 2010 marathon I was running above lactate threshold from mile 1 and came undone at mile 18 when the legs just seized up as the lactic acid built in the muscles.

This was a confidence boosting run, averaging 7:19 pace over 7 miles at a comfortable heart rate, and especially as I was feeling weary during the warm-up.

Tomorrow the plan is for some easy miles - over 9min pace all the way. Then on Sunday I'm not sure whether I go for another 20 or ease off for a week. We'll see.

Oh yeah, in the end it was 3 gel wrappers collected and shoved in the bin. Don't be a litterbug out there.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Easy 12miles, 2 run Thursday

It was a cracking day today. Very warm in the sun now that the easterly wind has died.

I got out at lunchtime in my running vest and did a loop of the Herts 10k route. The mud has dried up now after months of rain and it's a pleasure to run off road again.

Even the golf course was heaving and I had to dodge between the tee's and watch for annoying someone putting for a birdie.

I intended to take it ready but found myself pushing a bit harder up the hill but then eased off for the run home.

This evening we've had 15 ladies round from Louis' nursery. If ever there was an excuse to make myself scarce and get a few miles in this was it.

I set off on my loop over to Kinsbourne Green and back.  I threw in a climb unto the new section of Nicky Line and came back that way. With no head torch it was nice running on a level tarmac section.

Overall it was 12.5 easy miles today. Averaging around 9min miles. Tomorrow is tempo day and the intention is 7-10 miles at 7.30 / 7.45 pace.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Wednesday Reps, 10x800

Today's my intervals or reps day. With only over 4 weeks until the marathon there's no gains to be made in going full gas on these sessions. Instead it was a steady but fast pace with a short recovery period. I settled on 10 x 800m, with 1 min rests.

The route was out passed Roundwood and back along the Nicky Line a couple of times.

Weather was a bit chillier than I was expecting but by my 7th rep I'd forgotten all about that.

I was pleased to be holding a fairly steady effort level but with the pace varying with the incline.

The pace probably averaged around 6:50 for the 800's which is alright. Tomorrow I'm going to take very easy, just a few miles to the total. But Friday it will be a decent session with a good few miles at marathon pace.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Back into it, another big week.

I had a day return to Bristol yesterday. Not the best for a rest day but at least I wasn't on my feet.
After dropping the car in the evening I took the chance to stretch the legs after 6 hours of driving.
An easy 3miles, split by a train journey was excellent. The legs felt fresh afterwards and ready for the week ahead.

Today I was in London and walked from Blackfriars up to St James. This is the last 2 miles of the marathon and it was nice to walk it and take in the sites. I won't be in any position to take anything in at this stage of the marathon!

After work I headed out for a 7 mile easy run just to get back into it. The energy levels were ok but i hadn't drunk enough and was thirsty most of the way round.

This was the first time in ages I went up Beeson End Lane. This was one of my regular runs a few years ago but for some reason I've not been going over that way.

Tomorrow is reps day. I'll hopefully get a few easy miles in early on and then hit the reps at lunchtime.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Big week, 70 miles

That was a big week. I somehow managed to get 70miles completed in 9 runs since Monday.

The big one was today, 24 miles in the morning and covered in around 3hrs 37mins. I felt good and could have carried on but wisdom prevailed and I stopped at that point.

The morning was absolutely cracking. David and I set off just before 7 on a 12 mile loop down towards Flamstead. That took us out round Redbourn and back up the Nicky Line. The plan was to pass by the house and pick up gels and a drink for the second 12.

David set a steady tempo and held me just under 9min pace. That was a tad faster than I'd normally pace it but I felt fine and appreciated the company. Unfortunately he wasn't on top form and felt ill so pulled out at mile 12 and headed for home.

I had my drink, picked up a bottle and gels, and headed out towards Sommeries Castle, Peters Green and Sauncey Wood. There was a fair number of ups and downs to get through. The ups were easy but the downhill sections were brutal on the quads.

The scenery was fantastic and I enjoyed seeing Lauran & Andrew's house in full morning sunshine.

On the final stretch I bumped into Speirsy and his kids. A quick catch up on his 12 miler and I was off, finishing the last couple of miles feeling strong.

This evening I've just done a couple more miles to stretch the legs and make sure I got over the 70 mile mark for the week.

Tomorrow is a rest day and then back to it on Tuesday. The plan is another 70 this week.

Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me over the last few weeks. It makes a tremendous difference when you know that so many people are backing you. Cheers.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

5 evening miles

Back home and after getting through the homework and bath time chores I managed to get out for a few more miles.

The plan was to keep  the heart rate low and the pace easy. Tomorrow is tempo day and I need to recover properly from yesterday's reps.

The legs and energy levels were good so it was an easy and pleasant 5 miles holding 9min pace.

Tomorrow is tempo day and the plan is to start focusing on marathon pace in these sessions. I think that's around 7.45 pace and should feel reasonably easy.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


This evening was reps time. I was still in Somerset and decided to try the Strawberry Line for my reps. It's an old railway line that's been converted to a cycle & walking path - sounds familiar.

The session was 3x800-3x600-3x300. I was expecting it to be difficult given the miles I've done in the last few days but it wasn't that bad.

The pace for the 800's was around 6:30, the 600's were slightly quicker and the 300's were just under 6's.

It was an enjoyable session and an excellent path for either reps or a tempo run.

Tomorrow is all about easy mileage again and hopefully I'll rack up another 10.

Ramping up the mileage

With 3 weeks of intense training to go and then 3 weeks tapering down for the Marathon, this is the week to start ramping up the mileage and establishing the firm endurance base.

My legs felt remarkably ok after the Berko Half so I took off for a 5 miler at lunchtime which was very pleasant in the sunshine.

Yesterday I was in Bristol and managed to find time and energy after work to complete 13 miles. These were at a steady 9min/mile pace and I was grateful to have the company of one of my colleagues for 8 miles.

Tuesday is my new vegetarian day. I've joined another of my colleagues in giving up eggs, meat and fish on a Tuesday. It's no big deal really but makes a nice change.

This morning I was up at the crack of dawn and did a 4 mile loop of the Bristol Harbour. It was still dark when I got back at 6.10 but it looks like it's going  to be a glorious day.

Tonight it's reps and I hope to complete them on a new path not far from Bristol. 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Berko Half Marathon and all that

It's a weird thing this running. I'm obviously training for the London Marathon and entered the Berkhamsted Half as a stepping stone to the big event but somehow you get caught up in the "should I race?", "can I get a PB?", "what if I just go for it?"

It's mentally draining, honestly. I spent the week preparing and running through every scenario under the sun. Fortunately I'd had a disaster 4 years ago in the same race and as part of the same build up to London. That time I went for the PB and tore a calf muscle on one of the last downhill stretches.

Having already lost 7-10 days in January to illness I couldn't afford an injury. Should've been a no-brainer but up until this morning I was still unsure.

Eventually, thanks to the wisdom of Richard "the mousse" Bruce, I held back for most of the race and only tried to step it up on the last 3miles.

The week has been easy, although I still racked up 18 miles by the end of Saturday. I was feeling strong and the adrenalain was pumping.

This morning, after my porridge, I was off over to Berko. I arrived with 40 minutes to spare and used the time to get a decent warm up and stretch. I was glad of that and didn't feel the cold with only a PHAB vest for the race.

At the off I was caught up in the 1.30-1.45 crowd and as it's a bit narrow at the start everyone was pushing on to get under the railway bridge and out of the town. By the time we were out in the country I was easing off the pace to keep my heart rate below lactate threshold and my effort at around marathon pace. That meant keeping the heart under 170bpm and staving off the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

Mile 3 was up a hill and I was pleased to just hold with the group I was in. After that it was another slightly up mile followed by a serious downhill. The course is up and down with 4 decent inclines along the way. I held the heart rate and let the pace follow.

After completing mile 10 I decided enough was enough and pushed on. I targeted runners ahead and picked them off one by one. Passing a good few and getting the pace and effort up a bit. Funnily enough even with the increase in perceived effort the heart rate didn't really increase until the very last sprint finish.

At the end it was a 1:38 finish which is my best time at Berko but a good 5 mins down on my Half PB. So there's a bit of frustration, knowing I could've put in a greater effort but at the same time it's a good stepping stone to London.

Aferwards I did another short run and stretch before the drive home. Once home it was another 2 miles to keep the legs from seizing up.

The agony wasn't over yet though and I jumped in an ice bath for 10 mins to really do myself some damage. Not so worried about my legs after that I can tell you.

The next 3 weeks are all about increasing the volume. I'll be building up the mileage to 70 per week and seeing if I can do a 24 miler at some point.

Thanks so much for the financial sponsorship. I'm over £1100 towards PHAB with about £500 to go.