Monday 4 March 2013

Tempo, 6.5miles

The base building is over and I feel almost healthy again! The lungs are probably 95% which is a great improvement on where I was 4 weeks ago. So with that I decided it was time to exert myself and put a bit of steady pace into a run.

The target was to remain at or around 8min miles over the Herts 10k course. The first 3 miles is pretty easy but the run home starts with a hill and from there its traditionally painful.

The sun was shining and the birds were singing as I took off. I was feeling pretty good and the pace was around 8mins. As predicted the first three miles were easy enough.

From mile 4 the heart was pounding and the legs were wondering what the hurry was. All this slow and steady run has reinforced the notion that every run should be slow. I've been avoiding the pain but with 6 weeks to the marathon there's still time to change the habit and inject a tad more pace.

I finished strongly and was pleased to see an average pace of 7.49 min/miles. Herts 10k

Not fast by any stretch but looking back it's my fastest training run since last August when I did a fast 10k after 37 miles on the bike. What was I on? 10k off the bike

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