So after last night's "lazy night" which had global ramifications - even the Gers fan in Peru wondered what was going on - I was back on reps with the guys at National Grid.
It was a good turn out, with 9 of us pushing the effort. I wasn't hopeful after only a few dismal runs in recent weeks while in amongst the group we had a GB vet, an Ironman and two guys who had gone sub 1.30 in last week's half marathon.
Rep 1 was steady and only Jon Jennings set off like a hare. Nobody was near him. I kept on Steve's shoulder as last time we'd done this set we'd marked each other fairly well.
Rep 2 and I decided to sprint behind Jon for 20 yards. Ok that was my comic contribution for the day. Rep 1 and 2 were 69secs followed by 68.
Rep 3 and I stayed on Steve. Again it was 69. Rep 4 and I held onto Steve again, we were seeing a fair space appearing between the group as the younger lads showed their strength.
Rep 5 and Steve pushed it, he finished in 65, I was probably at 69. Rep 6 was second last and one of the young lads decides to take on Jon. At the top the news is that he beat Jon. Ok, but he'll die on the next. I was over in 69-70, I struggled.
Last one and everyone digs deep. Young Steve goes off with Jon again. I try and stay with Steve but can't. He manages a 64, I probably do a 68 but nearly pass out. Young Steve has beaten Jon for the second rep. Good effort.
On the way back I chat with Jon, he's 43. Ran for England schools before taking on a senior a career focusing on the mile. Gave up at 32 and has only just started getting his passion back for it. He's enjoying the banter of the lunchtime and the mix of characters.
I wasn't too despondent after the session. Back in Feb I'd managed a 66sec but my splits had been between 70 and 67. I was stronger back then so this is quite an encouragement. I just need to start getting a few more miles in the legs every week. It's not been that many since the marathon back in May.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Over to get a hire car, 4.35 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Last weekend I was away for a walking weekend in North Yorkshire. It was good for the legs to get a chance to recover after quite a few weeks of strenuous effort.
This was my first run for a while, after the weekend strolling I decided to set off in z3 and see how it panned. In the end it was ok, average just over 8's and pretty comfortable.
Need to step it up a bit if I'm going to beat my pb for the Herts10k.
Over to get a hire car, 4.35 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
This was my first run for a while, after the weekend strolling I decided to set off in z3 and see how it panned. In the end it was ok, average just over 8's and pretty comfortable.
Need to step it up a bit if I'm going to beat my pb for the Herts10k.
Over to get a hire car, 4.35 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon, 13.1mile Run

As I start the run the legs are in a mess. The pace will come but I’ve got to take the next 15mins or so steady, quick feet but just ease into it. The plan is 9min pace for the first 5 miles, then into 8’s and if there’s anything left a sprint finish. That should see me around 1:50.
As I set off I’m pretty happy, the early pace is there and I know the legs will find themselves within a few minutes. We’re downhill and then, in front of me, is a 1 in 4 climb. People are walking and moaning. I keep running and get a few words of encouragement but that was slow and tough climb.
I keep going and don’t look back. Ok, back on pace and don’t panic, the legs will be alright in a minute. At mile 3 I see the drink station ahead. I need some water but at the same time I feel like I could be sick. I’ve energy drink and gels swishing around in my stomach. I take a sip and push on. I pass a couple of guys, talking to both for a few minutes before pushing on again.
More hills and the pace is a struggle. My legs are in agony, calves haven’t cramped but they feel tight and I can’t find any more pace. This is not fun.
Mile 9 and the hill of death appears. I have kept moving, refused to walk when others were but this one has me. My pace is pathetic. There’s a guy walking and I can’t catch him. My legs have seized up, I can’t push them. I might be sick. I walk.
At the top I try to get going but they’re in a bad way. I can’t get any pace going and the pain is pretty excruciating. It’s not an injury, they’ve just decided to seize up! I’ve never felt this before. I feel ok, I have energy, I have will power but my legs are finished. I ease off and decide to do the pace the legs can cope with. It’s weak.
I chat to a walker, he says there are 3 more hills. What? We’ve 3 miles to go. He’s right. Hill 1 and 2 are bad but 3 is the killer. At mile 12 a steep, sandy climb up to the main road. I end up walking again. Totally impossible to even shuffle.
I decide to do some maths. This is bad, 13.1 miles, oh well at least I won’t be over 2:30hrs, that’d be embarrassing.
Eventually the Garmin clicks 13miles and I’m not anywhere near the finish. Oh come on!! This happened at the London Marathon, this is cruel. At 13.78miles I come round the corner and wobble over the finishing line. The run is bang on 2:30 but nearly 0.7miles too long. Oh dear.
Adrian is at the finish. He’s changed out of his kit. The lad’s been worried. I should’ve been breathing down his neck. He finished in 5:54 and had a perfect race. 34min swim, 3:17 bike and 2:02 run. That’s a perfect execution.
In the end my run was 40 mins longer than I wanted. My final race time was 6:40, so that 40mins was why I missed my target. Why it went wrong I’ve no real idea, probably a combination of not enough long running in training, possibly a nutrition problem with my drinks or maybe the swim and bike just took too much out of me? Anyway, who cares!
I finished standing up and had a smile on my face for most of it. It was a great event to participate in, a good weekend away and well, there’s always next year.
Final Results:
Adrian Hampstead 5:54 (King of the Mountain)
Ken Murray 6:40 (longest ever swim award)
Rob Shillinglaw 6:59 (Continental award for most punctures)
Tom Shillinglaw 7:30 (Goldfish award for forgetting his drinks)
New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon, 13.1mile Run by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon, 90km bike.

I trot gently along the matted path and out to the road, pop on the bike and I’m away quickly. From the off I’m taking over people and feeling good. The legs feel ok but a quick look at the Garmin and my heart rate is a bit high.
My plan was to keep the heart rate down to Z2 for the first 5 miles and then move into z3. But the first section is uphill, I feel fine and just keep going. After 3 miles I’ve lost count how many people I’ve passed and only one person has passed me. OK, I can’t swim but this is alright now.
The climb up onto the plain is over and now its cruise control. The speed is good and I’m chalking people off. Down the Ornamental Route and I’m flying, I can see the road is clear so I’m off the breaks and belting it. My heart rate seems to be back in Z2/3 so happy days. This is easy.
At the bottom we’re onto the main road and again it’s a steady climb back up. No issues and all is good. I’m easing off on the climbs and nailing folks on the descents and straight lines. Cool.
Along the plain and I’m still passing people when all of a sudden I notice that I just passed Rob. I ease up. We chat. All is well with him but he’s having some food. I move on and I’m chasing the pack ahead, 1hour of the ride complete, over 17miles done.
A few more miles and I’m getting a funny sensation in the stomach. I think my drink is a bit too concentrated. Crap. It’s not very nice. My gels are going in but I’m not sure I’m digesting any of this. I switch bottles and its better but I’ve got to drink the strong stuff too.
I relax into it, I’ve got my heart rate going from z2 to 3 and at mile 28 its halfway in 1:34. Great stuff. My target is 3:15.
Just then we start a long hard climb. People are struggling around me but I stay in the seat and offer words of encouragement as I go passed. Not sure it was appreciated but I wasn’t trying to rub it in.
From the top we’re into the wind, so its down on the aero bars and find a rhythm. No problem.
As I approach the end of lap 1 I suddenly hear a bike coming up fast, it’s the race leader, finishing his second lap! Then the 2nd and 3rd place come passed too. Unreal, they are flying. Impressive.
I carry on as they turn into transition. Lap 2 is shorter but still 20 miles to go. I take a few on the downhill, I’ve good speed and so far not seen anything to make me get on the brakes.
The second lap is good. I climb well, get good speed on the plain and although the muscles are starting to ache a little it isn’t too bad. I’m slightly worried about my guts though, that drink is way too strong and I might be sick. Not part of the plan.
I approach the last 4 miles and ease off a bit. I am getting ready for the run. I zip into transition, get changed into my shoes, stop at the toilet and then I’m off. The race results tell me it was a 3:17 bike leg including transition. I made up 112 places on the bike so that’s quite pleasing. Lets get the run done.
New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon, 56mile Bike by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday, 20 September 2010
New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon, 1.9km swim.

Ok, lets get a few thing clear. I am not a triathlete. I've done 2 triathlons before, both sprints. That means they're very short.
On the first I thought I was going to drown and did breast stroke most of the swim. On the second I did about half of the 750m swim breast stroke. I then nearly collapsed during the run because I was so knackered.
So why I thought it was a good idea to enter a half-ironman I will never know. 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21km run.
Doing the event were my training buddies Adrian and Rob, and Rob's brother Tom. None of us had done the distance but Adrian has done loads of triathlons over the years.
The event was in the New Forest, the weather was perfect, the lake beautiful and there was some spectacularly expensive bikes on show.
I’m not sure I got any sleep. I’m allergic to feather pillows and duvets, which were on the bed at the B&B. I was a tad worried about that but managed to avoid developing an asthmatic attack. That would’ve been a complete disaster.
5am and we’re having our porridge. 5.30am and we’re on the bus. 5.45am and we’re at the start, an hour and 15mins early. Now what? Its pitch black and the smart folk have head torches, that meant they could see in the portaloos. Neither Adrian or I were so lucky.
I manage to see Rob before the start. He’s forgotten water so had to buy some and Tom has forgotten his bike bottles, so he’s bought 2 bottles of lucozade sport and stuck them on his bike. He might struggle. Pats on the back and I’m off to get a race number scribbled on my legs and arms.
My plan for the swim is to start over on the left and keep out of the melly. If I can do 45mins that would be fab. My previous tri swims have been a disaster. I’ve always ended up nearly drowning, nearly giving up and doing at least half of it breast stroke. Today will be my longest ever swim and I hope to do it all front crawl. Slow but efficient is my plan.
At 0645 we were all in our unflattering wetsuits. The others were off in the first wave, I was in with the geriatrics.
They went and a few minutes later I was off. I took it very easy and in fact at one stage I am certain I was last. But I was comfortable and not tiring. As lap 2 started I began to pass a few strugglers, they were doing breast stroke, yep, been there.
I was feeling ok when all of a sudden I got cramp in my right calve. Ouch. I stretch and swim at the same time, it goes but I can tell it will be back. Sure enough as I near the finish it goes again. Oh this is going to be bad, I have 5 more hours.
I get to the finish and try and get out quickly but nearly go flying. I steady myself and then I'm off. I gently jog to transition and its time to get my wetsuit off. Oh no, every time I lift my leg the calves go into spasm. Crap, I need to pull the suit off. I eventually get clear and make my way out. Oh by this time there are only 20 or so bikes left out of 350.
The results tell me it took 53mins for swim and transition, 331st out of 358. Giving the struggle I had in transition, I reckon I was close to 45 mins for the swim. Good start, apart from the cramp.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Lunchtime Pyramid, easy does it
I'm tapering for the NewForest HalfIronman on Sunday. No major effort or distances planned but I decided to join the National Grid elite for their pyramid session at lunchtime.
My plan was to take it easy with the back markers and just keep the legs moving.
My target for Sunday is 6hours. One of the lads had done a 4:15 last Sunday. Ahem, different class springs to mind.
Today we had a new guy for the reps. Short stocky guy, early 40s. Didn't look to great. Rep 1 and the new guy is off like a train, none of the elite can stay with him. I laugh, ho ho, he doesn;t realise that we're on for a pyramid session. Rep 2 and the new guy is off. Ok, he'll be sick on the next one I think. Rep 3 and I don't see him, he's probably in the bushes. Rep 4 and he's back He's leaving everyone for dust!? Rep 5, nah, c'mon, who is this guy?
Rep 6, a short 30sec sprint. No, this cannot be... he's wiped the floor with us all again.
So it turns out the new guys is John Jennings, he's been at UK Athletics level, is on a different planet never mind different class. He's going to be running with us every week and wow, he'll make the others really work. As for me, I've never seen anything like it in my life.
I was happy with my reps. Felt extremely comfortable and was under 7min pace for each. Nice.
Lunchtime Pyramid, easy does it by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
My plan was to take it easy with the back markers and just keep the legs moving.
My target for Sunday is 6hours. One of the lads had done a 4:15 last Sunday. Ahem, different class springs to mind.
Today we had a new guy for the reps. Short stocky guy, early 40s. Didn't look to great. Rep 1 and the new guy is off like a train, none of the elite can stay with him. I laugh, ho ho, he doesn;t realise that we're on for a pyramid session. Rep 2 and the new guy is off. Ok, he'll be sick on the next one I think. Rep 3 and I don't see him, he's probably in the bushes. Rep 4 and he's back He's leaving everyone for dust!? Rep 5, nah, c'mon, who is this guy?
Rep 6, a short 30sec sprint. No, this cannot be... he's wiped the floor with us all again.
So it turns out the new guys is John Jennings, he's been at UK Athletics level, is on a different planet never mind different class. He's going to be running with us every week and wow, he'll make the others really work. As for me, I've never seen anything like it in my life.
I was happy with my reps. Felt extremely comfortable and was under 7min pace for each. Nice.
Lunchtime Pyramid, easy does it by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Mmmm, that wasn't what was planned

This was to be the last long ride before next weekend's half ironman. I was meeting Rob for the Bison loop followed by the trek round Preston & Whitwell.
It was a bit miserable, cold and wet but we pressed on with a side wind threatening to shove us in a ditch. The climb to Potten End was fine and we had our first food stop at the top. I pushed the pace through Ashridge and put a few minutes between myself and Rob in the space of 4 miles. From there it was on to Bison. The wind was against which made it too hard to sit through, so I had to stand for the last 25 yards. Not too shabby though. Slip End was fine and we stopped at Luton Hoo for our second stop. Rob suggested we needed to cut the route as time was passing too quick. So we decided to take the 17mile loop to Kimpton, Shaws Corner and home.
The ascent to Peters Green was tough, wind against again. The in Kimpton disaster struck when Rob got a puncture. He said 10 minutes. I watched, 47 minutes later and 2 inner tubes later we were freezing and decided it was time for home.
Bad way to finish but big lesson watching Rob try a repair. First thing is find what caused the puncture and remove it. He bust two replacement tubes because he didn't find the razor blade of glass.
Anyway, 37mile or so. Not great given I left home at 7 and got back around 1030.
Mmmm, that wasn't what was planned by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Detailsjavascript:void(0)
Thursday, 9 September 2010
40 and over the hills
The plan was the Bison hill loop and we managed a prompt departure after work. I was loaded with my fuel and Adrian was planning to keep the pace up.
The first leg over to Potten End was into the wind. So that was a bit tougher than usual. As we approached the hill to Potten End the heavens opened and we were soaked. That made us speed up the hill and get under the canopy of the trees. Into Ashridge and it was full of deer considering a leap across the road. We then headed down towards Bison Hill and Whipsnade. My last ride on Bison saw me crack it by sitting the whole thing. That was nearly 4 weeks ago so I was wondering how I'd do. It was a tough climb but I made it again.
We made the descent to Markyate in no time, the wind was behind which made it very comfortable. Through Slip End and home for Adrian but I decided to head on a loop to Kimpton. So it was over the hill by Luton Hoo and up to Peters Green. From there to Kimpton and up the steep hill out. The last climb of the day was out of Wheathampstead. From there it was home and 43 miles done.
40 and over the hills by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
The first leg over to Potten End was into the wind. So that was a bit tougher than usual. As we approached the hill to Potten End the heavens opened and we were soaked. That made us speed up the hill and get under the canopy of the trees. Into Ashridge and it was full of deer considering a leap across the road. We then headed down towards Bison Hill and Whipsnade. My last ride on Bison saw me crack it by sitting the whole thing. That was nearly 4 weeks ago so I was wondering how I'd do. It was a tough climb but I made it again.
We made the descent to Markyate in no time, the wind was behind which made it very comfortable. Through Slip End and home for Adrian but I decided to head on a loop to Kimpton. So it was over the hill by Luton Hoo and up to Peters Green. From there to Kimpton and up the steep hill out. The last climb of the day was out of Wheathampstead. From there it was home and 43 miles done.
40 and over the hills by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
9 Miles, Sore feet
No rain this evening so I decided not to delay my run for another 24 hours. I thought 6 miles would suffice and headed for the Wheathampstead loop.
I kept the pace slow and concentrated on good form, maintaining good mid sole strike and decent cadence. That all worked perfectly and I felt the core was strong as a result of all my swimming.
I was finding it a very comfortable run and decided to extend the loop over to Cooters End Lane. After the climb I headed over to Sun Lane and down to Sainsbury's. The shopping was mine to do.
All in all a very nice run, perfect conditions and easy paced. My feet are sore now though, no idea why? Maybe its time for some new shoes!
9 Miles, Sore feet by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
I kept the pace slow and concentrated on good form, maintaining good mid sole strike and decent cadence. That all worked perfectly and I felt the core was strong as a result of all my swimming.
I was finding it a very comfortable run and decided to extend the loop over to Cooters End Lane. After the climb I headed over to Sun Lane and down to Sainsbury's. The shopping was mine to do.
All in all a very nice run, perfect conditions and easy paced. My feet are sore now though, no idea why? Maybe its time for some new shoes!
9 Miles, Sore feet by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Home & an Easy Cycle
We left Barbados yesterday evening and arrived first thing this morning. No sleep on the plane so it's been a strange jet-lagged kind of day.
Yesterday I'd finished the trip by doing a 2 loop swim, that was 1.5km in 34mins. By far my furthest open water swim doing front crawl all the way. I've swum further but previously have resorted to breast stroke as the panic and hyper ventilation take their toll!
I got a call from Adrian at lunchtime, he was planning an easy spin. I got the green light and we did a loop over by Kimpton and Shaw's Corner. It's just over 15 miles and we took it really easy.
Perfect first ride after 3 weeks away. I need to get a few miles in th ebag over the next 10 days. Race day is 2 weeks today.
Easy Cycle by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Yesterday I'd finished the trip by doing a 2 loop swim, that was 1.5km in 34mins. By far my furthest open water swim doing front crawl all the way. I've swum further but previously have resorted to breast stroke as the panic and hyper ventilation take their toll!
I got a call from Adrian at lunchtime, he was planning an easy spin. I got the green light and we did a loop over by Kimpton and Shaw's Corner. It's just over 15 miles and we took it really easy.
Perfect first ride after 3 weeks away. I need to get a few miles in th ebag over the next 10 days. Race day is 2 weeks today.
Easy Cycle by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Road & Golf Course, 4.3miles
It was an early start this morning so I got out at around 0630 and it was markedly easier to run.
I took the golf course and then a new road that worked its way between the old 9 and the new PGA course. It was a lovely route and a shame I only took it today - probably my last run.
I even managed to pick up the pace for the last 0.3 miles and saw the garmin go under 6min mile pace.
Later it was swim time. The currents have been slightly outrageous as has the swell. I managed to complete my laps today even when I saw a stingray.
My swimming has improved dramatically. I've been finding it very comfortable and have managed quite an improvement in efficiency. We'll see how that transforms back in the pool.
Overall its been a low intensity but high effort period of training. The runs have been a mental and physical challenge, while the swims have been very encouraging.
2 weeks to the Half Ironman race. Now it's just fine tuning, hopefully I've got the fitness to deliver a 6 hour time.
Road & Golf Course, 4.3miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
I took the golf course and then a new road that worked its way between the old 9 and the new PGA course. It was a lovely route and a shame I only took it today - probably my last run.
I even managed to pick up the pace for the last 0.3 miles and saw the garmin go under 6min mile pace.
Later it was swim time. The currents have been slightly outrageous as has the swell. I managed to complete my laps today even when I saw a stingray.
My swimming has improved dramatically. I've been finding it very comfortable and have managed quite an improvement in efficiency. We'll see how that transforms back in the pool.
Overall its been a low intensity but high effort period of training. The runs have been a mental and physical challenge, while the swims have been very encouraging.
2 weeks to the Half Ironman race. Now it's just fine tuning, hopefully I've got the fitness to deliver a 6 hour time.
Road & Golf Course, 4.3miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Sticky 5.4 miles
It was very hot this morning. I was struggling from the off. As a result I decided to take the quiet-ish lanes around the golf course and dodge the guard dogs.
That meant a bit more shade which made it about do-able. I was soaked when I got home after 5.4miles. It was a tough one.
The swim today was curtailed when I found myself in amongst a group of jellyfish. I made an instant about turn for home while screaming my head off.
Tomorrow's plan is a run and a big swim. Hopefully.
Sticky 5.4 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
That meant a bit more shade which made it about do-able. I was soaked when I got home after 5.4miles. It was a tough one.
The swim today was curtailed when I found myself in amongst a group of jellyfish. I made an instant about turn for home while screaming my head off.
Tomorrow's plan is a run and a big swim. Hopefully.
Sticky 5.4 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
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