Ok, lets get a few thing clear. I am not a triathlete. I've done 2 triathlons before, both sprints. That means they're very short.
On the first I thought I was going to drown and did breast stroke most of the swim. On the second I did about half of the 750m swim breast stroke. I then nearly collapsed during the run because I was so knackered.
So why I thought it was a good idea to enter a half-ironman I will never know. 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21km run.
Doing the event were my training buddies Adrian and Rob, and Rob's brother Tom. None of us had done the distance but Adrian has done loads of triathlons over the years.
The event was in the New Forest, the weather was perfect, the lake beautiful and there was some spectacularly expensive bikes on show.
I’m not sure I got any sleep. I’m allergic to feather pillows and duvets, which were on the bed at the B&B. I was a tad worried about that but managed to avoid developing an asthmatic attack. That would’ve been a complete disaster.
5am and we’re having our porridge. 5.30am and we’re on the bus. 5.45am and we’re at the start, an hour and 15mins early. Now what? Its pitch black and the smart folk have head torches, that meant they could see in the portaloos. Neither Adrian or I were so lucky.
I manage to see Rob before the start. He’s forgotten water so had to buy some and Tom has forgotten his bike bottles, so he’s bought 2 bottles of lucozade sport and stuck them on his bike. He might struggle. Pats on the back and I’m off to get a race number scribbled on my legs and arms.
My plan for the swim is to start over on the left and keep out of the melly. If I can do 45mins that would be fab. My previous tri swims have been a disaster. I’ve always ended up nearly drowning, nearly giving up and doing at least half of it breast stroke. Today will be my longest ever swim and I hope to do it all front crawl. Slow but efficient is my plan.
At 0645 we were all in our unflattering wetsuits. The others were off in the first wave, I was in with the geriatrics.
They went and a few minutes later I was off. I took it very easy and in fact at one stage I am certain I was last. But I was comfortable and not tiring. As lap 2 started I began to pass a few strugglers, they were doing breast stroke, yep, been there.
I was feeling ok when all of a sudden I got cramp in my right calve. Ouch. I stretch and swim at the same time, it goes but I can tell it will be back. Sure enough as I near the finish it goes again. Oh this is going to be bad, I have 5 more hours.
I get to the finish and try and get out quickly but nearly go flying. I steady myself and then I'm off. I gently jog to transition and its time to get my wetsuit off. Oh no, every time I lift my leg the calves go into spasm. Crap, I need to pull the suit off. I eventually get clear and make my way out. Oh by this time there are only 20 or so bikes left out of 350.
The results tell me it took 53mins for swim and transition, 331st out of 358. Giving the struggle I had in transition, I reckon I was close to 45 mins for the swim. Good start, apart from the cramp.
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