Wednesday 6 January 2010

Evening Mega Reps, 6.0 miles

So I missed the lunchtime run with Niall and Paul but as a bonus managed to arrange a rep session with Simon. For the first time in ages I was filled with fear as I set off. It was snowy and icey, and this was with the man who wins races and finishes half marathons in 1hr 17mins. I was probably going to die.

Anyway we met at Simon's at nearly 8pm and headed for the Nickey Line,
It seemed darker than last night so we took a few minutes to try and adjust. However, the inevitable couldn't be delayed and we set off on 10x400m with 45 secs recovery.

Simon went haring passed on rep 1 and I struggled hard to hold on to a 10 yard gap. And so it went on, I did my best to keep up as Simon showed his class. We took a left along Roundwood and then back around the Avenues to complete the 10. Rep 8 was my worst and I was certain my dinner was going to make appearance but just like Lazarus I somehow recovered to do 2 strong reps to finish. It was tough but good to get the chance to run in Simon's slipstream!

So, snow, a shorter recovery and more mileage, how was my performance. Well, 10 reps in October took 954 secs. Tonight 10 reps took 922 secs. In October my best rep pace was 6.01, tonight it was 5.46. Happy days.

1 comment:

  1. you're too kind and thanks for getting me out to do it - who only knows how you do this week in week out on your own
