Saturday 23 January 2010

what a week, 2.8miles

It was bound to happen! The dreaded lurgy, moved from head to chest and got me in a bear hug for a few days. I managed to get a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and since then the antibiotics have been working their magic. Absolutely no running since last Sunday morning though.

Today was my first gentle run, justto see how it was. I set off at 8min pace, a little fast, then slowed to 9s. All felt ok, especially the legs which are wondering what's happened. So I survived and here I am a few hours later with no after effects.

Tomorrow is a 10mile race. It's been in the calendar for ages. Niall, my Jedi master, is moving to Geneva and so this is the final race to establish bragging rights - forever! Shame I'm not up to a fast one but I'm ok to turn up and if I'm careful enjoy a 10mile training run to ease me back in.

I've a lot of catching up to do, I'm 40 miles behind schedule. Woops.

1 comment:

  1. You should run over as a warm up and back to warm down, that would get the miles up. Good you see the pre-race excuses in nice and early. I think it is all part of a new radical taper plan you are following.....
