Friday 22 November 2013

Airport Run, 3 miles Tempo effort

It was a stunning day. Blue clear skies, crisp air with a cold northerly breeze. A tad on the cool side but one that gets rid of any cobwebs.

I'm just establishing my running schedule from now until the marathon in April. Each week will have a mix of fast reps, steady tempo and a slow long run, add a mix of recovery runs, swimming and some time on the turbo trainer and that's me for the next 20 weeks.

Friday's going to be tempo day and today's first session was an undulating 3 miles back from Luton Parkway station. I'm in the base building phase for the next 2-3 weeks so no need to kill myself just establish good habits.

After a warm-up I was off and tried not too look at the pace but focus on how I was breathing so as to keep myself comfortable. It wasn't too bad apart from on the steeper climbs which I had me trying to keep the legs turning at the same speed but with a shorter stride.

Overall I was happy to have got that one out of the way. Over the next few weeks and months I'll extend that effort from 3 miles to over 10. Sounds like it will hurt.

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