Sunday 10 November 2013

Towards the London Marathon, Grand Union Canal Half Marathon

I'm delighted to have a place in next April's London Marathon. Things have worked out in an amazing way for me to link up with PHAB Kids, a charity which I've had knowledge and experience of for most of my life. 
Phab's aim is to promote and encourage people of all abilities to come together on equal terms, to achieve complete inclusion within the wider community.
My Lewis based family and friends will remember my dear cousin Helen Macleod who, along with her parents, benefited from the support and opportunities PHAB provided.

Helen was one of the anchors in my life as I grew up.  Our holidays in Stornoway always included a daily visit from Helen and her folks which would lead to a trip down town, or out to the Castle grounds or a road trip to Ness. Wonderful times where the old estate car would have at least 4 kids stuffed in the boot.

I'll post more about Helen in the coming weeks as I dig out old photos and more stories.

So the first steps towards London were kicked off today. 13.1miles on the Grand Union Canal Half Marathon. I was delighted to be able to participate and come in under 1:40 after what has been an eventful week or so. Susan has slipped a disc and pretty much immobile all week. Trips to 2 hospitals on Saturday got us a clear diagnosis and a few options for resolution that will play out over the next week or so.

So this morning my good friend David Moritz got me to the start. It was a 7am departure for a 10am start. Then I plodded, ached and groaned my way from Uxbridge to Watford. I have never been so unprepared in all my life! At times I just fancied stopping for a sleep but somehow dug in to do what I think is my third fastest half marathon. Grand Union Canal Half Marathon.

So that's it the pace is set and the training programme gets underway. I'll be logging the miles and clogging the blog with all the ups and downs. 

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