Tuesday 18 February 2014

Less than 8 weeks to go, time to stay focussed

It's getting to that stage of the training programme where panic, anxiety and rash decisions can occur. None of which will bode well for the big event.

I've been working steadily with my 3 key sessions a week - reps, tempo and long run. In between those the idea is to keep the legs turning over. No pushing it or trying to cram in some extra work. It'll only lead to fatigue, injury and tears.

So after a very lazy rest day I was back to getting things going again this morning. I started by doing a couple of slow miles and then a good stretching session before breakfast. That woke me up and got me into a good frame of mind for work.

At lunchtime the idea was a slow steady run up to the airport to pick up a car. The legs felt very fresh and strong for the first time in a few weeks. That made keeping the pace low tricky. Instead I focussed on keeping a good running form. High hips, high chin and good arms. That seemed to work and with a steady cadence I was comfortable at 8:30 pace for the 6.5miles.

I've refuelled pretty well and need to keep off the chocolate. Tomorrow is going to be difficult as Theo is 7 and there's a cake fest planned ;-)

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