Sunday 2 February 2014

Tempo Saturday, Long Run Sunday

I'm looking forward to having my feet up tomorrow. I need a rest.

Two tough sessions back to back takes its toll but hey ho.

Friday was a wash out, weather and work conspired to keep me from getting my tempo session done over the lunch hour. Instead that was my pleasure on Saturday morning.

I dropped the kids at trampolining and headed for 4 miles at tempo pace - roughly 7:20ish for me.
The weather was breezy and a bit chilly but the main issue was dodging the puddles and mud from the deluge we've been having.

I went off too fast and from there was on the back foot struggling to maintain a steady rhythm. I'm better easing into it than chasing the pace from the start. I'll try and remember for next time.

The session finished down near Southdown where I was dodging cars and pedestrians so the pace was all over the place in the end.

Normally I'd have an easy day between hard session but today had to be a long run. I had to be back early to get off to Church so that meant a 6:30 start and a  16 mile loop to St Albans and back the plan.

To be honest it was pretty steady all the way and a tad tedious with no company. I might have to resort to an iPod in future.

I kept the heart rate around 155 all the way which is zone 2 and very comfortable. The route had a few ups and downs.  On the way back I decided to head over to Piggots Hill Lane and throw in an up and down. That was tough on the legs but bizarrely did the job of getting me back in rhythm.

The hip flexors and calves were feeling it on the last stretch home but overall it was a good run and the wheels didn't come off.

Tomorrow I'm chilling. It'll be a bit of core work and stretching but no miles are planned.

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