Saturday 7 August 2010

Another Puncture, 23.9miles

This was supposed to be a solo 56 mile run. A repeat of last week but this time with no drafting and a practice of my race nutrition.

I was loaded with gels, bars and my High5 Endurance drink and ready to push the effort a bit more than the last few rides.

It had been raining overnight but looked like it was drying up so I decided to leave the waterproofs and opt for the long sleeve bright yellow top.

0630 departure and no traffic, so the ride to Redbourn was as nice as it can be. From there it was Gaddesdon Row and Potten End. The hill up was tough but I kept the pace going at the top and took on my first gel at that point.

Through Ashridge and I was amazed to see a deer plus baby bambi trotting across the golf course.

Bison Hill plays on your mind on this route. Its a tough short climb but the steepest in the area and has nearly had me in tears this season. Today I was worried I'd pushed along too hard for the first 19 and would be found out. I needn't have worried. I sat all the way round the corner and only stood for the steppest section of the climb. From the top I was back on the pace and in aero position all the way to Markyate.

Then disaster struck. I changed plans and decided to stop at the local shop and buy some water. At some point there I went over glass and it was puncture time.

I tried to repair. Got the tyre off eventually and then found the hole. Then.. oh crap, where are the rubbers for the repair? Oh crap I've left them at home after the other night's puncture.

So for the second time in a week the ride was over and super Susan had to come and rescue me.

It had been going well. 16.6 average on a tough section. I need to get another 56 in before next Friday.

Run time tomorrow, 10-13miles with the lads.

Another Puncture, 23.9miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details

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