Lovely day, sun shining so I took off on the bike up to church, 9miles each way. The wind was against me all the way so it was a bit of a slog. Good to be out though and seriously needed as I have EtapeCaledonia 3 weeks after the London Marathon.
http://www.etapecaledonia.co.uk/ is an 81mile road race round the southern Highlands of Scotland. Should be good but I want to be able to get round in less than 4 1/2 hours.
The ride back from Luton was much more fun, wind behind made it quite nippy along the A1081, average pace was 25mph for 4 miles. Ha ha. It was blowing a gale!
After getting home it was a quick transition and off for a mile loop on foot. The legs got going quite quickly and I eased up to 7min pace from 9's. Average was just over 8min pace for 1.1 miles.
Good news is the tape is off and the calf feels good. Not a twinge during either the cycling or running. I just need to ease up the mileage over the next week.
What are the two other objects in the photo. One looks like a cow's udder and the other one is beyond me, some kind of child silencing device?