This was a repeat of a session we did last year in prep for the Herts 10k, 3 x 2.8miles on with 3 min recovery. This year we were 6, Simon and Paul were back but it was a new one for Anthony, Big Paul and new boy Alex.
Alex is Anthony's boss and he rolls up in an Audi pimp mobile. Very nice it was too.
We reminisced about last year, I'd done a crouch start, Paul had to abandon due to toilet issues and Simon had run up and down encouraging us all while we gasped for air.
This year the weather has been poor so foot conditions are boggy and slippy. That makes it hard work as there are a few sections along fields.
Simon was just back from injury so he made sure Alex was ok. Anthony had done 30k yesterday, so he had an excuse ready.
We set off pretty well. The 2 Paul's set the pace, looking very comfortable. I was trying to stay near 7's as I have a tendency to go off way too fast. It was a tough old slog and the sweat was beginning to flow as we reached the golf course and finish of the first rep. Anthony was ok and Alex was doing well.
The second rep is substantially up. The 2 Paul's were off, I was struggling and the Garmin was telling me I had to speed up. Couldn't do it and the pace was over 7's the whole way.
The third section was very muddy and slippy, that made any pace very difficult. The 2 Paul's didn't seem to be struggling as they pulled away. The pace was slow. I pushed the last bit and managed to get the pace back up to 6min pace. Overall it was tough.
The splits were Rep1: 6.54 / Rep 2: 7:37 / Rep 3: 7:46. Average = 7:25
Last year they were: 6:30 / 7:03 / 6:58. Woops. That tells a story of limited recovery from the half ironman and also not too many running miles over recent months. Last year my focus was 100% on the 10k but this year running's been a poor 3rd to the bike an swim.
The bad news though is that Simon seems to have aggravated his injury on today's run which is a real shame given the 10k is next Sunday.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Hill Reps
So after last night's "lazy night" which had global ramifications - even the Gers fan in Peru wondered what was going on - I was back on reps with the guys at National Grid.
It was a good turn out, with 9 of us pushing the effort. I wasn't hopeful after only a few dismal runs in recent weeks while in amongst the group we had a GB vet, an Ironman and two guys who had gone sub 1.30 in last week's half marathon.
Rep 1 was steady and only Jon Jennings set off like a hare. Nobody was near him. I kept on Steve's shoulder as last time we'd done this set we'd marked each other fairly well.
Rep 2 and I decided to sprint behind Jon for 20 yards. Ok that was my comic contribution for the day. Rep 1 and 2 were 69secs followed by 68.
Rep 3 and I stayed on Steve. Again it was 69. Rep 4 and I held onto Steve again, we were seeing a fair space appearing between the group as the younger lads showed their strength.
Rep 5 and Steve pushed it, he finished in 65, I was probably at 69. Rep 6 was second last and one of the young lads decides to take on Jon. At the top the news is that he beat Jon. Ok, but he'll die on the next. I was over in 69-70, I struggled.
Last one and everyone digs deep. Young Steve goes off with Jon again. I try and stay with Steve but can't. He manages a 64, I probably do a 68 but nearly pass out. Young Steve has beaten Jon for the second rep. Good effort.
On the way back I chat with Jon, he's 43. Ran for England schools before taking on a senior a career focusing on the mile. Gave up at 32 and has only just started getting his passion back for it. He's enjoying the banter of the lunchtime and the mix of characters.
I wasn't too despondent after the session. Back in Feb I'd managed a 66sec but my splits had been between 70 and 67. I was stronger back then so this is quite an encouragement. I just need to start getting a few more miles in the legs every week. It's not been that many since the marathon back in May.
It was a good turn out, with 9 of us pushing the effort. I wasn't hopeful after only a few dismal runs in recent weeks while in amongst the group we had a GB vet, an Ironman and two guys who had gone sub 1.30 in last week's half marathon.
Rep 1 was steady and only Jon Jennings set off like a hare. Nobody was near him. I kept on Steve's shoulder as last time we'd done this set we'd marked each other fairly well.
Rep 2 and I decided to sprint behind Jon for 20 yards. Ok that was my comic contribution for the day. Rep 1 and 2 were 69secs followed by 68.
Rep 3 and I stayed on Steve. Again it was 69. Rep 4 and I held onto Steve again, we were seeing a fair space appearing between the group as the younger lads showed their strength.
Rep 5 and Steve pushed it, he finished in 65, I was probably at 69. Rep 6 was second last and one of the young lads decides to take on Jon. At the top the news is that he beat Jon. Ok, but he'll die on the next. I was over in 69-70, I struggled.
Last one and everyone digs deep. Young Steve goes off with Jon again. I try and stay with Steve but can't. He manages a 64, I probably do a 68 but nearly pass out. Young Steve has beaten Jon for the second rep. Good effort.
On the way back I chat with Jon, he's 43. Ran for England schools before taking on a senior a career focusing on the mile. Gave up at 32 and has only just started getting his passion back for it. He's enjoying the banter of the lunchtime and the mix of characters.
I wasn't too despondent after the session. Back in Feb I'd managed a 66sec but my splits had been between 70 and 67. I was stronger back then so this is quite an encouragement. I just need to start getting a few more miles in the legs every week. It's not been that many since the marathon back in May.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Over to get a hire car, 4.35 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Last weekend I was away for a walking weekend in North Yorkshire. It was good for the legs to get a chance to recover after quite a few weeks of strenuous effort.
This was my first run for a while, after the weekend strolling I decided to set off in z3 and see how it panned. In the end it was ok, average just over 8's and pretty comfortable.
Need to step it up a bit if I'm going to beat my pb for the Herts10k.
Over to get a hire car, 4.35 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
This was my first run for a while, after the weekend strolling I decided to set off in z3 and see how it panned. In the end it was ok, average just over 8's and pretty comfortable.
Need to step it up a bit if I'm going to beat my pb for the Herts10k.
Over to get a hire car, 4.35 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon, 13.1mile Run

As I start the run the legs are in a mess. The pace will come but I’ve got to take the next 15mins or so steady, quick feet but just ease into it. The plan is 9min pace for the first 5 miles, then into 8’s and if there’s anything left a sprint finish. That should see me around 1:50.
As I set off I’m pretty happy, the early pace is there and I know the legs will find themselves within a few minutes. We’re downhill and then, in front of me, is a 1 in 4 climb. People are walking and moaning. I keep running and get a few words of encouragement but that was slow and tough climb.
I keep going and don’t look back. Ok, back on pace and don’t panic, the legs will be alright in a minute. At mile 3 I see the drink station ahead. I need some water but at the same time I feel like I could be sick. I’ve energy drink and gels swishing around in my stomach. I take a sip and push on. I pass a couple of guys, talking to both for a few minutes before pushing on again.
More hills and the pace is a struggle. My legs are in agony, calves haven’t cramped but they feel tight and I can’t find any more pace. This is not fun.
Mile 9 and the hill of death appears. I have kept moving, refused to walk when others were but this one has me. My pace is pathetic. There’s a guy walking and I can’t catch him. My legs have seized up, I can’t push them. I might be sick. I walk.
At the top I try to get going but they’re in a bad way. I can’t get any pace going and the pain is pretty excruciating. It’s not an injury, they’ve just decided to seize up! I’ve never felt this before. I feel ok, I have energy, I have will power but my legs are finished. I ease off and decide to do the pace the legs can cope with. It’s weak.
I chat to a walker, he says there are 3 more hills. What? We’ve 3 miles to go. He’s right. Hill 1 and 2 are bad but 3 is the killer. At mile 12 a steep, sandy climb up to the main road. I end up walking again. Totally impossible to even shuffle.
I decide to do some maths. This is bad, 13.1 miles, oh well at least I won’t be over 2:30hrs, that’d be embarrassing.
Eventually the Garmin clicks 13miles and I’m not anywhere near the finish. Oh come on!! This happened at the London Marathon, this is cruel. At 13.78miles I come round the corner and wobble over the finishing line. The run is bang on 2:30 but nearly 0.7miles too long. Oh dear.
Adrian is at the finish. He’s changed out of his kit. The lad’s been worried. I should’ve been breathing down his neck. He finished in 5:54 and had a perfect race. 34min swim, 3:17 bike and 2:02 run. That’s a perfect execution.
In the end my run was 40 mins longer than I wanted. My final race time was 6:40, so that 40mins was why I missed my target. Why it went wrong I’ve no real idea, probably a combination of not enough long running in training, possibly a nutrition problem with my drinks or maybe the swim and bike just took too much out of me? Anyway, who cares!
I finished standing up and had a smile on my face for most of it. It was a great event to participate in, a good weekend away and well, there’s always next year.
Final Results:
Adrian Hampstead 5:54 (King of the Mountain)
Ken Murray 6:40 (longest ever swim award)
Rob Shillinglaw 6:59 (Continental award for most punctures)
Tom Shillinglaw 7:30 (Goldfish award for forgetting his drinks)
New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon, 13.1mile Run by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon, 90km bike.

I trot gently along the matted path and out to the road, pop on the bike and I’m away quickly. From the off I’m taking over people and feeling good. The legs feel ok but a quick look at the Garmin and my heart rate is a bit high.
My plan was to keep the heart rate down to Z2 for the first 5 miles and then move into z3. But the first section is uphill, I feel fine and just keep going. After 3 miles I’ve lost count how many people I’ve passed and only one person has passed me. OK, I can’t swim but this is alright now.
The climb up onto the plain is over and now its cruise control. The speed is good and I’m chalking people off. Down the Ornamental Route and I’m flying, I can see the road is clear so I’m off the breaks and belting it. My heart rate seems to be back in Z2/3 so happy days. This is easy.
At the bottom we’re onto the main road and again it’s a steady climb back up. No issues and all is good. I’m easing off on the climbs and nailing folks on the descents and straight lines. Cool.
Along the plain and I’m still passing people when all of a sudden I notice that I just passed Rob. I ease up. We chat. All is well with him but he’s having some food. I move on and I’m chasing the pack ahead, 1hour of the ride complete, over 17miles done.
A few more miles and I’m getting a funny sensation in the stomach. I think my drink is a bit too concentrated. Crap. It’s not very nice. My gels are going in but I’m not sure I’m digesting any of this. I switch bottles and its better but I’ve got to drink the strong stuff too.
I relax into it, I’ve got my heart rate going from z2 to 3 and at mile 28 its halfway in 1:34. Great stuff. My target is 3:15.
Just then we start a long hard climb. People are struggling around me but I stay in the seat and offer words of encouragement as I go passed. Not sure it was appreciated but I wasn’t trying to rub it in.
From the top we’re into the wind, so its down on the aero bars and find a rhythm. No problem.
As I approach the end of lap 1 I suddenly hear a bike coming up fast, it’s the race leader, finishing his second lap! Then the 2nd and 3rd place come passed too. Unreal, they are flying. Impressive.
I carry on as they turn into transition. Lap 2 is shorter but still 20 miles to go. I take a few on the downhill, I’ve good speed and so far not seen anything to make me get on the brakes.
The second lap is good. I climb well, get good speed on the plain and although the muscles are starting to ache a little it isn’t too bad. I’m slightly worried about my guts though, that drink is way too strong and I might be sick. Not part of the plan.
I approach the last 4 miles and ease off a bit. I am getting ready for the run. I zip into transition, get changed into my shoes, stop at the toilet and then I’m off. The race results tell me it was a 3:17 bike leg including transition. I made up 112 places on the bike so that’s quite pleasing. Lets get the run done.
New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon, 56mile Bike by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday, 20 September 2010
New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon, 1.9km swim.

Ok, lets get a few thing clear. I am not a triathlete. I've done 2 triathlons before, both sprints. That means they're very short.
On the first I thought I was going to drown and did breast stroke most of the swim. On the second I did about half of the 750m swim breast stroke. I then nearly collapsed during the run because I was so knackered.
So why I thought it was a good idea to enter a half-ironman I will never know. 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21km run.
Doing the event were my training buddies Adrian and Rob, and Rob's brother Tom. None of us had done the distance but Adrian has done loads of triathlons over the years.
The event was in the New Forest, the weather was perfect, the lake beautiful and there was some spectacularly expensive bikes on show.
I’m not sure I got any sleep. I’m allergic to feather pillows and duvets, which were on the bed at the B&B. I was a tad worried about that but managed to avoid developing an asthmatic attack. That would’ve been a complete disaster.
5am and we’re having our porridge. 5.30am and we’re on the bus. 5.45am and we’re at the start, an hour and 15mins early. Now what? Its pitch black and the smart folk have head torches, that meant they could see in the portaloos. Neither Adrian or I were so lucky.
I manage to see Rob before the start. He’s forgotten water so had to buy some and Tom has forgotten his bike bottles, so he’s bought 2 bottles of lucozade sport and stuck them on his bike. He might struggle. Pats on the back and I’m off to get a race number scribbled on my legs and arms.
My plan for the swim is to start over on the left and keep out of the melly. If I can do 45mins that would be fab. My previous tri swims have been a disaster. I’ve always ended up nearly drowning, nearly giving up and doing at least half of it breast stroke. Today will be my longest ever swim and I hope to do it all front crawl. Slow but efficient is my plan.
At 0645 we were all in our unflattering wetsuits. The others were off in the first wave, I was in with the geriatrics.
They went and a few minutes later I was off. I took it very easy and in fact at one stage I am certain I was last. But I was comfortable and not tiring. As lap 2 started I began to pass a few strugglers, they were doing breast stroke, yep, been there.
I was feeling ok when all of a sudden I got cramp in my right calve. Ouch. I stretch and swim at the same time, it goes but I can tell it will be back. Sure enough as I near the finish it goes again. Oh this is going to be bad, I have 5 more hours.
I get to the finish and try and get out quickly but nearly go flying. I steady myself and then I'm off. I gently jog to transition and its time to get my wetsuit off. Oh no, every time I lift my leg the calves go into spasm. Crap, I need to pull the suit off. I eventually get clear and make my way out. Oh by this time there are only 20 or so bikes left out of 350.
The results tell me it took 53mins for swim and transition, 331st out of 358. Giving the struggle I had in transition, I reckon I was close to 45 mins for the swim. Good start, apart from the cramp.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Lunchtime Pyramid, easy does it
I'm tapering for the NewForest HalfIronman on Sunday. No major effort or distances planned but I decided to join the National Grid elite for their pyramid session at lunchtime.
My plan was to take it easy with the back markers and just keep the legs moving.
My target for Sunday is 6hours. One of the lads had done a 4:15 last Sunday. Ahem, different class springs to mind.
Today we had a new guy for the reps. Short stocky guy, early 40s. Didn't look to great. Rep 1 and the new guy is off like a train, none of the elite can stay with him. I laugh, ho ho, he doesn;t realise that we're on for a pyramid session. Rep 2 and the new guy is off. Ok, he'll be sick on the next one I think. Rep 3 and I don't see him, he's probably in the bushes. Rep 4 and he's back He's leaving everyone for dust!? Rep 5, nah, c'mon, who is this guy?
Rep 6, a short 30sec sprint. No, this cannot be... he's wiped the floor with us all again.
So it turns out the new guys is John Jennings, he's been at UK Athletics level, is on a different planet never mind different class. He's going to be running with us every week and wow, he'll make the others really work. As for me, I've never seen anything like it in my life.
I was happy with my reps. Felt extremely comfortable and was under 7min pace for each. Nice.
Lunchtime Pyramid, easy does it by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
My plan was to take it easy with the back markers and just keep the legs moving.
My target for Sunday is 6hours. One of the lads had done a 4:15 last Sunday. Ahem, different class springs to mind.
Today we had a new guy for the reps. Short stocky guy, early 40s. Didn't look to great. Rep 1 and the new guy is off like a train, none of the elite can stay with him. I laugh, ho ho, he doesn;t realise that we're on for a pyramid session. Rep 2 and the new guy is off. Ok, he'll be sick on the next one I think. Rep 3 and I don't see him, he's probably in the bushes. Rep 4 and he's back He's leaving everyone for dust!? Rep 5, nah, c'mon, who is this guy?
Rep 6, a short 30sec sprint. No, this cannot be... he's wiped the floor with us all again.
So it turns out the new guys is John Jennings, he's been at UK Athletics level, is on a different planet never mind different class. He's going to be running with us every week and wow, he'll make the others really work. As for me, I've never seen anything like it in my life.
I was happy with my reps. Felt extremely comfortable and was under 7min pace for each. Nice.
Lunchtime Pyramid, easy does it by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Mmmm, that wasn't what was planned

This was to be the last long ride before next weekend's half ironman. I was meeting Rob for the Bison loop followed by the trek round Preston & Whitwell.
It was a bit miserable, cold and wet but we pressed on with a side wind threatening to shove us in a ditch. The climb to Potten End was fine and we had our first food stop at the top. I pushed the pace through Ashridge and put a few minutes between myself and Rob in the space of 4 miles. From there it was on to Bison. The wind was against which made it too hard to sit through, so I had to stand for the last 25 yards. Not too shabby though. Slip End was fine and we stopped at Luton Hoo for our second stop. Rob suggested we needed to cut the route as time was passing too quick. So we decided to take the 17mile loop to Kimpton, Shaws Corner and home.
The ascent to Peters Green was tough, wind against again. The in Kimpton disaster struck when Rob got a puncture. He said 10 minutes. I watched, 47 minutes later and 2 inner tubes later we were freezing and decided it was time for home.
Bad way to finish but big lesson watching Rob try a repair. First thing is find what caused the puncture and remove it. He bust two replacement tubes because he didn't find the razor blade of glass.
Anyway, 37mile or so. Not great given I left home at 7 and got back around 1030.
Mmmm, that wasn't what was planned by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Detailsjavascript:void(0)
Thursday, 9 September 2010
40 and over the hills
The plan was the Bison hill loop and we managed a prompt departure after work. I was loaded with my fuel and Adrian was planning to keep the pace up.
The first leg over to Potten End was into the wind. So that was a bit tougher than usual. As we approached the hill to Potten End the heavens opened and we were soaked. That made us speed up the hill and get under the canopy of the trees. Into Ashridge and it was full of deer considering a leap across the road. We then headed down towards Bison Hill and Whipsnade. My last ride on Bison saw me crack it by sitting the whole thing. That was nearly 4 weeks ago so I was wondering how I'd do. It was a tough climb but I made it again.
We made the descent to Markyate in no time, the wind was behind which made it very comfortable. Through Slip End and home for Adrian but I decided to head on a loop to Kimpton. So it was over the hill by Luton Hoo and up to Peters Green. From there to Kimpton and up the steep hill out. The last climb of the day was out of Wheathampstead. From there it was home and 43 miles done.
40 and over the hills by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
The first leg over to Potten End was into the wind. So that was a bit tougher than usual. As we approached the hill to Potten End the heavens opened and we were soaked. That made us speed up the hill and get under the canopy of the trees. Into Ashridge and it was full of deer considering a leap across the road. We then headed down towards Bison Hill and Whipsnade. My last ride on Bison saw me crack it by sitting the whole thing. That was nearly 4 weeks ago so I was wondering how I'd do. It was a tough climb but I made it again.
We made the descent to Markyate in no time, the wind was behind which made it very comfortable. Through Slip End and home for Adrian but I decided to head on a loop to Kimpton. So it was over the hill by Luton Hoo and up to Peters Green. From there to Kimpton and up the steep hill out. The last climb of the day was out of Wheathampstead. From there it was home and 43 miles done.
40 and over the hills by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
9 Miles, Sore feet
No rain this evening so I decided not to delay my run for another 24 hours. I thought 6 miles would suffice and headed for the Wheathampstead loop.
I kept the pace slow and concentrated on good form, maintaining good mid sole strike and decent cadence. That all worked perfectly and I felt the core was strong as a result of all my swimming.
I was finding it a very comfortable run and decided to extend the loop over to Cooters End Lane. After the climb I headed over to Sun Lane and down to Sainsbury's. The shopping was mine to do.
All in all a very nice run, perfect conditions and easy paced. My feet are sore now though, no idea why? Maybe its time for some new shoes!
9 Miles, Sore feet by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
I kept the pace slow and concentrated on good form, maintaining good mid sole strike and decent cadence. That all worked perfectly and I felt the core was strong as a result of all my swimming.
I was finding it a very comfortable run and decided to extend the loop over to Cooters End Lane. After the climb I headed over to Sun Lane and down to Sainsbury's. The shopping was mine to do.
All in all a very nice run, perfect conditions and easy paced. My feet are sore now though, no idea why? Maybe its time for some new shoes!
9 Miles, Sore feet by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Home & an Easy Cycle
We left Barbados yesterday evening and arrived first thing this morning. No sleep on the plane so it's been a strange jet-lagged kind of day.
Yesterday I'd finished the trip by doing a 2 loop swim, that was 1.5km in 34mins. By far my furthest open water swim doing front crawl all the way. I've swum further but previously have resorted to breast stroke as the panic and hyper ventilation take their toll!
I got a call from Adrian at lunchtime, he was planning an easy spin. I got the green light and we did a loop over by Kimpton and Shaw's Corner. It's just over 15 miles and we took it really easy.
Perfect first ride after 3 weeks away. I need to get a few miles in th ebag over the next 10 days. Race day is 2 weeks today.
Easy Cycle by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Yesterday I'd finished the trip by doing a 2 loop swim, that was 1.5km in 34mins. By far my furthest open water swim doing front crawl all the way. I've swum further but previously have resorted to breast stroke as the panic and hyper ventilation take their toll!
I got a call from Adrian at lunchtime, he was planning an easy spin. I got the green light and we did a loop over by Kimpton and Shaw's Corner. It's just over 15 miles and we took it really easy.
Perfect first ride after 3 weeks away. I need to get a few miles in th ebag over the next 10 days. Race day is 2 weeks today.
Easy Cycle by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Road & Golf Course, 4.3miles
It was an early start this morning so I got out at around 0630 and it was markedly easier to run.
I took the golf course and then a new road that worked its way between the old 9 and the new PGA course. It was a lovely route and a shame I only took it today - probably my last run.
I even managed to pick up the pace for the last 0.3 miles and saw the garmin go under 6min mile pace.
Later it was swim time. The currents have been slightly outrageous as has the swell. I managed to complete my laps today even when I saw a stingray.
My swimming has improved dramatically. I've been finding it very comfortable and have managed quite an improvement in efficiency. We'll see how that transforms back in the pool.
Overall its been a low intensity but high effort period of training. The runs have been a mental and physical challenge, while the swims have been very encouraging.
2 weeks to the Half Ironman race. Now it's just fine tuning, hopefully I've got the fitness to deliver a 6 hour time.
Road & Golf Course, 4.3miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
I took the golf course and then a new road that worked its way between the old 9 and the new PGA course. It was a lovely route and a shame I only took it today - probably my last run.
I even managed to pick up the pace for the last 0.3 miles and saw the garmin go under 6min mile pace.
Later it was swim time. The currents have been slightly outrageous as has the swell. I managed to complete my laps today even when I saw a stingray.
My swimming has improved dramatically. I've been finding it very comfortable and have managed quite an improvement in efficiency. We'll see how that transforms back in the pool.
Overall its been a low intensity but high effort period of training. The runs have been a mental and physical challenge, while the swims have been very encouraging.
2 weeks to the Half Ironman race. Now it's just fine tuning, hopefully I've got the fitness to deliver a 6 hour time.
Road & Golf Course, 4.3miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Sticky 5.4 miles
It was very hot this morning. I was struggling from the off. As a result I decided to take the quiet-ish lanes around the golf course and dodge the guard dogs.
That meant a bit more shade which made it about do-able. I was soaked when I got home after 5.4miles. It was a tough one.
The swim today was curtailed when I found myself in amongst a group of jellyfish. I made an instant about turn for home while screaming my head off.
Tomorrow's plan is a run and a big swim. Hopefully.
Sticky 5.4 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
That meant a bit more shade which made it about do-able. I was soaked when I got home after 5.4miles. It was a tough one.
The swim today was curtailed when I found myself in amongst a group of jellyfish. I made an instant about turn for home while screaming my head off.
Tomorrow's plan is a run and a big swim. Hopefully.
Sticky 5.4 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday, 30 August 2010
Long Run, 6.3 miles
I took a rest on Sunday so felt good this morning as I set out. I decided early that I would break 10k today.
The weather was ok as I set off, the sun was behind some clouds so it felt reasonably good. That didn't last too long and by 1mile the sun was out and very hot when I wasn't in the shade. That is the downside of staying on the golf course tracks as the shade is limited. I could do the roads but my risk assessment says if a dog doesn't get me a car or bus will. So I'm sticking to the golf course. There's been no danger of being hit by a ball yet.
The pace was steady 10s which was probably a bit fast for a longer one. I kept it going and felt pretty tired for the last 0.8. It was 1.05 for 6.3miles!
Long Run, 6.3 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
The weather was ok as I set off, the sun was behind some clouds so it felt reasonably good. That didn't last too long and by 1mile the sun was out and very hot when I wasn't in the shade. That is the downside of staying on the golf course tracks as the shade is limited. I could do the roads but my risk assessment says if a dog doesn't get me a car or bus will. So I'm sticking to the golf course. There's been no danger of being hit by a ball yet.
The pace was steady 10s which was probably a bit fast for a longer one. I kept it going and felt pretty tired for the last 0.8. It was 1.05 for 6.3miles!
Long Run, 6.3 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Spin and Swim
0715 start for the spin class this morning. The only foreigner amongst the locals. Last time I did a spin was 2-3 years ago and I'd only done 2 or 3 classes then. Anyway, the local Bajan accent was tough to follow so I just had to watch my classmates to follow the instructions.
We went hell for leather for the first 10 minutes, building to the equivalent of a very steep climb. So the class developed, build up the effort, recover, build effort then recover. After 45 mins that was it. I was under the impression it was an hour so felt a bit short changed. Then I tried to stand up, oh jelly legs! Tougher than I appreciated. HR had been in Z4 but not reached 5.
After that it was down to Sandy lane with the kids and Susan. Did the loop. Quite a strong current today which added to the task but I made it round, 100% crawl and in 17 mins. I was happy and not too fatigued. Still haven't gone for the second lap yet.
This afternoon we went for a drive to Bathsheba on the East coast. Stumbled upon the local Surfing competition involving surfers from around the Caribbean. It was awesome. That's coolness personified.
We went hell for leather for the first 10 minutes, building to the equivalent of a very steep climb. So the class developed, build up the effort, recover, build effort then recover. After 45 mins that was it. I was under the impression it was an hour so felt a bit short changed. Then I tried to stand up, oh jelly legs! Tougher than I appreciated. HR had been in Z4 but not reached 5.
After that it was down to Sandy lane with the kids and Susan. Did the loop. Quite a strong current today which added to the task but I made it round, 100% crawl and in 17 mins. I was happy and not too fatigued. Still haven't gone for the second lap yet.
This afternoon we went for a drive to Bathsheba on the East coast. Stumbled upon the local Surfing competition involving surfers from around the Caribbean. It was awesome. That's coolness personified.
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Easy Run and Swim
Blimey it was hot today. As a result apathy ruled. I did a short run in the morning which was easy peasy.
I'm the only runner at 7, the rest of the regular golf course crew are power walkers. I've been accepted now and even get a wave from the opposite fairway if we don't actually pass.
The morning swim was a tough one. The waters are changing and there was quite a swell. For a novice like me that's enough to normally set off bit of panic and hyperventilation but today I made it round in one piece. Managed front crawl all the way round.
Bottled it when had the chance to go to the gym. I guess the heat had taken its toll.
I'm the only runner at 7, the rest of the regular golf course crew are power walkers. I've been accepted now and even get a wave from the opposite fairway if we don't actually pass.
The morning swim was a tough one. The waters are changing and there was quite a swell. For a novice like me that's enough to normally set off bit of panic and hyperventilation but today I made it round in one piece. Managed front crawl all the way round.
Bottled it when had the chance to go to the gym. I guess the heat had taken its toll.
Friday, 27 August 2010
Breakthrough Run and Swim
8th run of the trip and today was definitely a breakthrough. I felt strong the whole way round and managed to maintain a 10s pace.
I even managed to pick it up for the last stretch which brought the average down to 10 overall.
After that I had a decent swim. The 750m loop in 17 mins was reasonable for me but I felt strong afterwards even though the water was extremely choppy.
I've only managed one 1 hour session on the bike in the gym, so i need to get that doubled tomorrow.
Breakthrough Run, 4.8miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
I even managed to pick it up for the last stretch which brought the average down to 10 overall.
After that I had a decent swim. The 750m loop in 17 mins was reasonable for me but I felt strong afterwards even though the water was extremely choppy.
I've only managed one 1 hour session on the bike in the gym, so i need to get that doubled tomorrow.
Breakthrough Run, 4.8miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Monkey Run, 5.7miles
I decided the guard dogs were a bit too scary so was back on the golf course for today's run. I set off before 7am which was nice but by 7.30am it was absolutely murder. Its 29c overnight so by the time I'm running its low 30's.
The golf course had a group of monkeys strolling across it this morning. Heading for the houses to see if they could scavenge some food. We've seen them in our garden twice so far. They normally get a few bananas to share.
The run was steady 10 pace. Probably should've taken an 11 for the first as I was feeling the heat by the end. A good start to the day.
I've started to think these runs are quite good for the Half Ironman. I'll be pretty fatigued for the run section and these runs over here are both physically and mentally challenging.
Monkey Run, 5.7miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
The golf course had a group of monkeys strolling across it this morning. Heading for the houses to see if they could scavenge some food. We've seen them in our garden twice so far. They normally get a few bananas to share.
The run was steady 10 pace. Probably should've taken an 11 for the first as I was feeling the heat by the end. A good start to the day.
I've started to think these runs are quite good for the Half Ironman. I'll be pretty fatigued for the run section and these runs over here are both physically and mentally challenging.
Monkey Run, 5.7miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
New Route, 5 miles
Set off just after 7am this morning. It was much cooler but still no other joggers. I asked one of the locals why no one ran? He said they do, at 4.30am when it's cool. Oh well, I'll be running on my own.
Today I decided to venture off the golf course and round some of the lanes. It was quite brave as the map and road configuration don't match. Also every house has a guard dog (or two) and they seem to be kept hungry. So at every fence there was a raging dog venting for meat! It kept me moving that's for sure.
So off I went and ended up quite a bit further from home than anticipated. Also had to run along a main road for a bit which also had the laxative affect. Everyone driving a vehicle, whether its a car, bus or truck, fancies himself as the next Michael Schumacher, so you stay out of the way.
Anyway, all that behind me the run was pretty good. I ended up near an Italian spot called Daphne's which we plan to eat at on Wednesday and also was very close to a local gym with spin classes. I need to get some bike work done before I get back.
Later in the morning it was swim time. Very happy with my loop, 18mins and maintained good form for all of it. I just need to take the next step and go for 2 laps.
More of the same planned for tomorrow but probably try and get a gym session in if I can.
New Route, 5 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Today I decided to venture off the golf course and round some of the lanes. It was quite brave as the map and road configuration don't match. Also every house has a guard dog (or two) and they seem to be kept hungry. So at every fence there was a raging dog venting for meat! It kept me moving that's for sure.
So off I went and ended up quite a bit further from home than anticipated. Also had to run along a main road for a bit which also had the laxative affect. Everyone driving a vehicle, whether its a car, bus or truck, fancies himself as the next Michael Schumacher, so you stay out of the way.
Anyway, all that behind me the run was pretty good. I ended up near an Italian spot called Daphne's which we plan to eat at on Wednesday and also was very close to a local gym with spin classes. I need to get some bike work done before I get back.
Later in the morning it was swim time. Very happy with my loop, 18mins and maintained good form for all of it. I just need to take the next step and go for 2 laps.
More of the same planned for tomorrow but probably try and get a gym session in if I can.
New Route, 5 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday, 23 August 2010
Too Late, Run
It was more like 8am when I set off today. Too late, the sun was up and if I wasn't in the shade it was unbelievable. Nearer 7am from now on.
The run was steady enough, aiming for the shade. Bad news was the dreaded stomach cramps. So I had to head home after 44mins. Just made it, the relief was akin to Ewan McGregor in Trainspotting.
Plenty swimming drills again today. Its getting easier and the tumble turn ratio is improving, today was 1 in 3 duds. That's getting to the point that I might give it a go in the pool at home.
Tomorrow I'm planning to extend the run a little and see what new paths I can find.
Too Late, Run by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
The run was steady enough, aiming for the shade. Bad news was the dreaded stomach cramps. So I had to head home after 44mins. Just made it, the relief was akin to Ewan McGregor in Trainspotting.
Plenty swimming drills again today. Its getting easier and the tumble turn ratio is improving, today was 1 in 3 duds. That's getting to the point that I might give it a go in the pool at home.
Tomorrow I'm planning to extend the run a little and see what new paths I can find.
Too Late, Run by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Friday, 20 August 2010
1 hour run and swimming
The run felt a little easier this morning. I eased in at 11 pace and then stoked it up to 10's. Classic, but in all seriousness all I can manage, otherwise I'll be out of it for the day and that ain't allowed.
So it was a trot round the golf course. Cracking day, no clouds and all the overnight puddles had dried.
I made it round twice in just on the hour. Perfect.
Swimming is improving. I managed a loop today and Susan said it was looking good. I managed to concentrate on good shape in the water and not start rocking and rolling. After a week of 1 loop I can sense the need to push for lap 2. That'll match the race day swim, so let's be honest I've got to be able to do it!
I've been practicing my tumble turns and 1 in 10 is bang on. The other 9 are a wierd mixture of twists, push offs to the bottom and zig zags. I'll persevere but not sure I'll be ready for Harpenden pool.
1 hour run and swimming by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
So it was a trot round the golf course. Cracking day, no clouds and all the overnight puddles had dried.
I made it round twice in just on the hour. Perfect.
Swimming is improving. I managed a loop today and Susan said it was looking good. I managed to concentrate on good shape in the water and not start rocking and rolling. After a week of 1 loop I can sense the need to push for lap 2. That'll match the race day swim, so let's be honest I've got to be able to do it!
I've been practicing my tumble turns and 1 in 10 is bang on. The other 9 are a wierd mixture of twists, push offs to the bottom and zig zags. I'll persevere but not sure I'll be ready for Harpenden pool.
1 hour run and swimming by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Run and Swim
After yesterday's melt down I decided to take it at 10-11min pace to see if I could survive. My mate Ian Mullane called it from Singapore, just take the slow pace and get over it.
So I set off at 11's. No major problem. Came to the climb at the 3rd hole and took it really easy. The HR was in zone 2 but no higher.
I went round the course enjoying the scenery and feeling the heat but not struggling like the day before.
I planned two laps but nature called and I decided to head home. One lap just over 3 miles and no reaction.
Down at the beach it was my 3rd time round the swimming zone in the bay. I completed it with no major tiredness so I am pretty happy.
Drills in the pool too. I've even been practicing tumble turns which is my latest humiliation. Oh well someone's got to provide the entertainment.
Run and Swim by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
So I set off at 11's. No major problem. Came to the climb at the 3rd hole and took it really easy. The HR was in zone 2 but no higher.
I went round the course enjoying the scenery and feeling the heat but not struggling like the day before.
I planned two laps but nature called and I decided to head home. One lap just over 3 miles and no reaction.
Down at the beach it was my 3rd time round the swimming zone in the bay. I completed it with no major tiredness so I am pretty happy.
Drills in the pool too. I've even been practicing tumble turns which is my latest humiliation. Oh well someone's got to provide the entertainment.
Run and Swim by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Ouch, 5.49 miles
Second run of the holiday and decided I needed to take it easy. So set off steady and went for a couple of loops round the golf course.
All was fine until about 1.5miles in and then it started to hurt. I kept it going and arrived home in just under an hour.
I had to sit down and it took a good few minutes before I was able to get going. Flamin' heck that was slow but I felt like I'd just done a set of reps and then done them all over again.
I'm going to have to go at 10-11min pace if I'm going to get any running done.
Ouch, 5.49 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
All was fine until about 1.5miles in and then it started to hurt. I kept it going and arrived home in just under an hour.
I had to sit down and it took a good few minutes before I was able to get going. Flamin' heck that was slow but I felt like I'd just done a set of reps and then done them all over again.
I'm going to have to go at 10-11min pace if I'm going to get any running done.
Ouch, 5.49 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday, 16 August 2010
Easy run, 4.7miles
Easy run round the golf course. Decent enough course but not too challenging. A couple of picture postcard holes though - well worth the climb to the tee to see the Caribbean in the distance.
The run was easy paced but the humidity makes it a real challenge. Energy sapping and a stark contrast to running at home.
I've no bike for the next 3 weeks so will need to build up to some reasonable runs to keep my fitness levels up.
Easy run, 4.7miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
The run was easy paced but the humidity makes it a real challenge. Energy sapping and a stark contrast to running at home.
I've no bike for the next 3 weeks so will need to build up to some reasonable runs to keep my fitness levels up.
Easy run, 4.7miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Swim Session, Sandy Lane, Barbados
Sea swimming is a bit different. No turning at the end of a length and therefore no loss of rhythm.
I swam a 750-800m circuit outside Sandy Lane where a fairly massive section of beach is protected from jet skis, speedboats and anything with an engine.
The loop was good. I started strongly and the first third was in control and very even. As I started to tire I felt the rhythm go and the body start to wobble a bit. By the last 3rd I was all over the place and Susan said it was quite comical.
I've just started reading Lance's biography again, Its Not About the Bike. My favourite line so far is "What makes a great endurance athlete is the ability to absorb potential embarrassment, and to suffer without complaint."
I can do the embarrassment bit by the bucketful. So I'll be back out tomorrow for another 800m.
I swam a 750-800m circuit outside Sandy Lane where a fairly massive section of beach is protected from jet skis, speedboats and anything with an engine.
The loop was good. I started strongly and the first third was in control and very even. As I started to tire I felt the rhythm go and the body start to wobble a bit. By the last 3rd I was all over the place and Susan said it was quite comical.
I've just started reading Lance's biography again, Its Not About the Bike. My favourite line so far is "What makes a great endurance athlete is the ability to absorb potential embarrassment, and to suffer without complaint."
I can do the embarrassment bit by the bucketful. So I'll be back out tomorrow for another 800m.
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Lunchtime reps, 10x2min on / 1 off
Excellent steady session. Fairly pleased with the pacing which was tighter than it looks. Also pleased with the push on the last rep, fastest of the 10.
Still a mile behind the grid elite. They were firing and finished at least 30 yards ahead on the last rep.
Lunchtime reps, 10x2min on / 1 off by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Still a mile behind the grid elite. They were firing and finished at least 30 yards ahead on the last rep.
Lunchtime reps, 10x2min on / 1 off by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Easy Cycle with Susan, 20.5miles
Easy cycle over by Preston. Came back from Whitwell over the top to Kimpton which was a change from the normal route.
Very easy and a good set up for tomorrow's lunchtime reps with the Grid elite.
Easy Cycle with Susan by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Very easy and a good set up for tomorrow's lunchtime reps with the Grid elite.
Easy Cycle with Susan by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Swim Session
Swim session. 30 mins of drills. No major shakes just steady effort.
Swimming will be a major activity over the next 3 weeks so I expect my stamina to improve.
Weather looks ok for tomorrow so hope to get out for a run or cycle.
Swimming will be a major activity over the next 3 weeks so I expect my stamina to improve.
Weather looks ok for tomorrow so hope to get out for a run or cycle.
Monday, 9 August 2010
Bison Hill is Conquered, 53miles
This was a breakthrough ride. Bison Hill is the steepest test around here and today was the day I sat for the whole climb and wow did it feel good!
My first ride up the hill this year nearly ended in me being sick and walking up. Last year I didn't get close to this level. I am delighted.
I was joined by William for the usual route over to Ashridge and back to Harpenden. After Bison we did a bit of drafting work which was 3 miles at 26/27/28mph, we were flying.
After 29miles William passed the baton to Adrian. We went over to Peters Green and then the route to Preston, Whitwell, Codicote and home. This saw a 47mph top speed on the hill down to East Hyde and then a decent bit of drafting along to Codicote and Wheathamstead.
This was an excellent session. The nutrition for the ride was 4 gels, 1 muesli bar, 1.5litre of High5 endurance drink. Lunch was a sandwich, mid afternoon some fruit'n fibre.
Bison Hill is Conquered, 53miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
My first ride up the hill this year nearly ended in me being sick and walking up. Last year I didn't get close to this level. I am delighted.
I was joined by William for the usual route over to Ashridge and back to Harpenden. After Bison we did a bit of drafting work which was 3 miles at 26/27/28mph, we were flying.
After 29miles William passed the baton to Adrian. We went over to Peters Green and then the route to Preston, Whitwell, Codicote and home. This saw a 47mph top speed on the hill down to East Hyde and then a decent bit of drafting along to Codicote and Wheathamstead.
This was an excellent session. The nutrition for the ride was 4 gels, 1 muesli bar, 1.5litre of High5 endurance drink. Lunch was a sandwich, mid afternoon some fruit'n fibre.
Bison Hill is Conquered, 53miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Anniversary Run with Speirsy, 11miles
We're just a week short of a year since Speirsy first Sunday morning run. That was a loop round Cooters End Lane and then the Herts 10k route.
Today we met for an easy 10 miles. He's doing a 56 mile race next Saturday so wanted an easy paced run. Suited me, 9min sundays are perfect. Anthony and a new Paul were out but both SavaPaul and Dave had letters from their mums.
Simon and Paul led the route. The beginning was well known up the path to Mackery End. From there we headed towards Kimpton mainly on new paths for me and Anthony. We popped out near Barley Bean Farm which is one of our road routes but were quickly back on paths and fields.
I was lost even though I knew we weren't that far from home, just completely disorientated.
Simon and Paul set an 8.40 pace while Anthony and I held the 9. Simon and Paul waited up for us.
Good run. Will do those paths again. Tough ups and no real gimme's on the down as you're continually ducking under trees and bushes.
Legs hurt afterwards, that's my longest run in quite a few weeks.
Anniversary Run with Speirsy, 11miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Today we met for an easy 10 miles. He's doing a 56 mile race next Saturday so wanted an easy paced run. Suited me, 9min sundays are perfect. Anthony and a new Paul were out but both SavaPaul and Dave had letters from their mums.
Simon and Paul led the route. The beginning was well known up the path to Mackery End. From there we headed towards Kimpton mainly on new paths for me and Anthony. We popped out near Barley Bean Farm which is one of our road routes but were quickly back on paths and fields.
I was lost even though I knew we weren't that far from home, just completely disorientated.
Simon and Paul set an 8.40 pace while Anthony and I held the 9. Simon and Paul waited up for us.
Good run. Will do those paths again. Tough ups and no real gimme's on the down as you're continually ducking under trees and bushes.
Legs hurt afterwards, that's my longest run in quite a few weeks.
Anniversary Run with Speirsy, 11miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Another Puncture, 23.9miles
This was supposed to be a solo 56 mile run. A repeat of last week but this time with no drafting and a practice of my race nutrition.
I was loaded with gels, bars and my High5 Endurance drink and ready to push the effort a bit more than the last few rides.
It had been raining overnight but looked like it was drying up so I decided to leave the waterproofs and opt for the long sleeve bright yellow top.
0630 departure and no traffic, so the ride to Redbourn was as nice as it can be. From there it was Gaddesdon Row and Potten End. The hill up was tough but I kept the pace going at the top and took on my first gel at that point.
Through Ashridge and I was amazed to see a deer plus baby bambi trotting across the golf course.
Bison Hill plays on your mind on this route. Its a tough short climb but the steepest in the area and has nearly had me in tears this season. Today I was worried I'd pushed along too hard for the first 19 and would be found out. I needn't have worried. I sat all the way round the corner and only stood for the steppest section of the climb. From the top I was back on the pace and in aero position all the way to Markyate.
Then disaster struck. I changed plans and decided to stop at the local shop and buy some water. At some point there I went over glass and it was puncture time.
I tried to repair. Got the tyre off eventually and then found the hole. Then.. oh crap, where are the rubbers for the repair? Oh crap I've left them at home after the other night's puncture.
So for the second time in a week the ride was over and super Susan had to come and rescue me.
It had been going well. 16.6 average on a tough section. I need to get another 56 in before next Friday.
Run time tomorrow, 10-13miles with the lads.
Another Puncture, 23.9miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
I was loaded with gels, bars and my High5 Endurance drink and ready to push the effort a bit more than the last few rides.
It had been raining overnight but looked like it was drying up so I decided to leave the waterproofs and opt for the long sleeve bright yellow top.
0630 departure and no traffic, so the ride to Redbourn was as nice as it can be. From there it was Gaddesdon Row and Potten End. The hill up was tough but I kept the pace going at the top and took on my first gel at that point.
Through Ashridge and I was amazed to see a deer plus baby bambi trotting across the golf course.
Bison Hill plays on your mind on this route. Its a tough short climb but the steepest in the area and has nearly had me in tears this season. Today I was worried I'd pushed along too hard for the first 19 and would be found out. I needn't have worried. I sat all the way round the corner and only stood for the steppest section of the climb. From the top I was back on the pace and in aero position all the way to Markyate.
Then disaster struck. I changed plans and decided to stop at the local shop and buy some water. At some point there I went over glass and it was puncture time.
I tried to repair. Got the tyre off eventually and then found the hole. Then.. oh crap, where are the rubbers for the repair? Oh crap I've left them at home after the other night's puncture.
So for the second time in a week the ride was over and super Susan had to come and rescue me.
It had been going well. 16.6 average on a tough section. I need to get another 56 in before next Friday.
Run time tomorrow, 10-13miles with the lads.
Another Puncture, 23.9miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Lunchtime Reps and Evening Cycle, 27miles
Really tough session at lunchtime with the National Grid elite. 30 secs on and 30 off.
Ironman Will and uber fast Steve set the pace for the first 10 reps. I was managing to stay respectably close without actually keeping up.
After 10, John Wilson stepped up to the plate and pushed the pace into another level. I was blown. I started falling back as they pushed on and on.
A few guys dropped out which was tempting but I finished the session in bits. Rightly Ironman Will had pulled out of the last 3 reps, he's doing his second ironman of the summer this weekend.
This evening Adrian was out for a 50 miler. I joined him at mile 23 and took the lead over to Brocket Hall, Old Welwyn, Codicote and Whitwell. It was a windy evening and we seemed to be continually riding into it. Annoying.
All was good. I have my new High5 endurance drink which loads the carbs as well as the fluids. I also took on a midway gel and bar. I felt very strong at the end of 27miles and could've done a bit more.
Tonight was our first crash though. Adrian got a bit too close while drafting and caught my back wheel which sent him flying. Luckily apart from some grazed fingers he was ok. That's a year since we started our drafting sessions almost to the day! What a way to celebrate.
Good day today. Tomorrow I'll ease off with just a swim and get ready for a big weekend. Another 56miler planned and this time I'll be on my own and pushing the pace.
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Ironman Will and uber fast Steve set the pace for the first 10 reps. I was managing to stay respectably close without actually keeping up.
After 10, John Wilson stepped up to the plate and pushed the pace into another level. I was blown. I started falling back as they pushed on and on.
A few guys dropped out which was tempting but I finished the session in bits. Rightly Ironman Will had pulled out of the last 3 reps, he's doing his second ironman of the summer this weekend.
This evening Adrian was out for a 50 miler. I joined him at mile 23 and took the lead over to Brocket Hall, Old Welwyn, Codicote and Whitwell. It was a windy evening and we seemed to be continually riding into it. Annoying.
All was good. I have my new High5 endurance drink which loads the carbs as well as the fluids. I also took on a midway gel and bar. I felt very strong at the end of 27miles and could've done a bit more.
Tonight was our first crash though. Adrian got a bit too close while drafting and caught my back wheel which sent him flying. Luckily apart from some grazed fingers he was ok. That's a year since we started our drafting sessions almost to the day! What a way to celebrate.
Good day today. Tomorrow I'll ease off with just a swim and get ready for a big weekend. Another 56miler planned and this time I'll be on my own and pushing the pace.
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Swim session
Took the lunchtime swim option as the weather has deteriorated quite badly today. Thunder storms rule.
The pool was pretty empty which was great. I managed to relax into a session of bilateral and off-side breathing drills.
Also discovered a new improvement which was to delay my breathing ever so slightly so that I turned my head when travelling fastest, that way I was in a bigger wake and had a more relaxed breath. I was delighted with that which made everuthing massively more efficient.
My offside breathing sets also helped with slowing the stroke down and again this seemed to help avoid the panic and rapid breathing which sometimes occurs.
The pool was pretty empty which was great. I managed to relax into a session of bilateral and off-side breathing drills.
Also discovered a new improvement which was to delay my breathing ever so slightly so that I turned my head when travelling fastest, that way I was in a bigger wake and had a more relaxed breath. I was delighted with that which made everuthing massively more efficient.
My offside breathing sets also helped with slowing the stroke down and again this seemed to help avoid the panic and rapid breathing which sometimes occurs.
Monday Brick, Easy Bike & Run
Monday night I decided it was time to start the bike-run bricks. So an easy 13miles over to Kimpton and back was followed by a 5 mile run.
It was all about getting used to the change in activity and establishing a comfortable running gait. Worked well and will need to factor these in regularly.
My ironman mate Will recommended a change though. Instead of one bike / one run in a session the advice is 20mins hard bike followed by 15mins hard run times 3.
So we'll be trying that little ditty next week.
Monday Brick, easy bike by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday Brick, Easy Run by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
It was all about getting used to the change in activity and establishing a comfortable running gait. Worked well and will need to factor these in regularly.
My ironman mate Will recommended a change though. Instead of one bike / one run in a session the advice is 20mins hard bike followed by 15mins hard run times 3.
So we'll be trying that little ditty next week.
Monday Brick, easy bike by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday Brick, Easy Run by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Recovery run, 6.75miles
I wasn't sure I'd be up for a run after yesterday's exertions but in the end I felt ok.
The legs were a bit tired but soon found themselves as I set off over to Aldwickbury. My cadence picked up on the downhill and from there the form was good.
It was an excellent day, no wind or rain, shame today wasn't the long ride. Doh.
Overall it was 6.75 miles, easy pace and felt good.
Recovery run, 6.75miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
The legs were a bit tired but soon found themselves as I set off over to Aldwickbury. My cadence picked up on the downhill and from there the form was good.
It was an excellent day, no wind or rain, shame today wasn't the long ride. Doh.
Overall it was 6.75 miles, easy pace and felt good.
Recovery run, 6.75miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Saturday, 31 July 2010
56miles, rain, wind and sun
It was an early start. Up at 6, bit of breakfast and the fill the water bottles and off to meet Rob in Redbourn at 7.
We're both doing the Half Ironman in the New Forest and need to build the bike endurance, so today was 56miles which is the distance we cover in the race.
We met on time and set off towards Gaddeson Row, then it was over to Potten End, taking our first serious climb. From Potten End it's down through Ashridge and over to Bison Hill.
It's absolutely bucketing for the first 20miles but by the time we're over Bison it has stopped. We've just got the wind now.
From Bison, which I found pretty tough today, it was down to Markyate and over to Slip End. Rob was being disciplined and stopping for a refuel on every hour. I was a bit lax and took on a muesli bar and gel in 3 hours.
We made it down to Kinsbourne Green then headed back to Luton Hoo and over the top to East Hyde. I peaked at 42mph on the downhill. The next climb was up to Peters Green and now we were starting to feel it, this was mile 33 so a bit to go yet.
The route over to Breechwood Green and Preston is very up and down, so the pace was slowing and the effort was massive. From Preston we enjoyed a substantial downhill to Whitwell.
The last 13 miles were gritted teeth. I was feeling the burn on the inclines and having to dig in to keep the pace up.
Great run though and by the end the sun was out. Main lesson is on the nutrition, I need to take on more and be as disciplined as Rob. 4000 calories burnt and an average heart rate of 137.
56miles, rain, wind and sun by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
We're both doing the Half Ironman in the New Forest and need to build the bike endurance, so today was 56miles which is the distance we cover in the race.
We met on time and set off towards Gaddeson Row, then it was over to Potten End, taking our first serious climb. From Potten End it's down through Ashridge and over to Bison Hill.
It's absolutely bucketing for the first 20miles but by the time we're over Bison it has stopped. We've just got the wind now.
From Bison, which I found pretty tough today, it was down to Markyate and over to Slip End. Rob was being disciplined and stopping for a refuel on every hour. I was a bit lax and took on a muesli bar and gel in 3 hours.
We made it down to Kinsbourne Green then headed back to Luton Hoo and over the top to East Hyde. I peaked at 42mph on the downhill. The next climb was up to Peters Green and now we were starting to feel it, this was mile 33 so a bit to go yet.
The route over to Breechwood Green and Preston is very up and down, so the pace was slowing and the effort was massive. From Preston we enjoyed a substantial downhill to Whitwell.
The last 13 miles were gritted teeth. I was feeling the burn on the inclines and having to dig in to keep the pace up.
Great run though and by the end the sun was out. Main lesson is on the nutrition, I need to take on more and be as disciplined as Rob. 4000 calories burnt and an average heart rate of 137.
56miles, rain, wind and sun by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Friday, 30 July 2010
Swim & Easy 5 Miles
30min swim session. Steady freestyle for the lengths. Added a few single arm drills which were pretty comfortable.
Took an evening run round the Cooters End Lane. Took it very easy keeping the heart rate down. Enjoyed the hill and then lifted the pace for the closing 2 miles.
Excellent session, felt comfortable and has set me up for the weekend. Bike session tomorrow morning.
Easy 5 Miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Took an evening run round the Cooters End Lane. Took it very easy keeping the heart rate down. Enjoyed the hill and then lifted the pace for the closing 2 miles.
Excellent session, felt comfortable and has set me up for the weekend. Bike session tomorrow morning.
Easy 5 Miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Swim & Bike, 34miles
Easy 30min swim. Mainly freestyle. Working on balance and catch. Good session.
Evening 34 miles on the bike. Route was Wheathampstead, Codicote, Langley. Lost Adrian up there so returned to Codicote and then headed down to Whitwell and up to Preston. Met up with Adrian in Preston, he'd been to Hitchin.
We returned to Harpenden via Peters Green and the Luton Hoo hill.
Excellent day. Could've done a run but will save that for the morning.
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Evening 34 miles on the bike. Route was Wheathampstead, Codicote, Langley. Lost Adrian up there so returned to Codicote and then headed down to Whitwell and up to Preston. Met up with Adrian in Preston, he'd been to Hitchin.
We returned to Harpenden via Peters Green and the Luton Hoo hill.
Excellent day. Could've done a run but will save that for the morning.
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Easy Run, 4.75miles
Eased back in after a 3 day enforced childminding and work break. Felt very fresh and set off with the heart rate very low.
Took the pace up to get me nearer z2. Average was in the 8.20's and felt ok, although the humidity was a tad on the uncomfortable side.
Met Neil who was clocking the steps on his pedometer so walked back with him. He's on a weight loss program and walking 23,000 steps a day.
Tomorrow is another busy day and I'd love to get out on the bike but I think its a bit dodgy.
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Took the pace up to get me nearer z2. Average was in the 8.20's and felt ok, although the humidity was a tad on the uncomfortable side.
Met Neil who was clocking the steps on his pedometer so walked back with him. He's on a weight loss program and walking 23,000 steps a day.
Tomorrow is another busy day and I'd love to get out on the bike but I think its a bit dodgy.
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Friday, 23 July 2010
Swim & Bike, 31.5miles
Lunchtime swim was pretty good. 30mins and a max of 3 people sharing the lanes. I managed a few good drills, working hard on the catch and also rotation from the hips to get those breaths in.
Worked well and felt pretty easy for a change!
This evening I got the green light for a couple hours so set off for a loop round Bison Hill. This was my 3rd time round this loop and it is getting easier. I maintained a good tempo and average 17mph which is good given it's hilly and I was Billy No Mates. Bison was pretty tame. I managed to stay seated quite a way up, normally its standing from a fairly early point. So happy days.
The aero bars are working well. No doubt they make life easier and give an extra few % for free. Just need to adjust the settings on the seat to get things perfect but a good start.
The weekend is likely to be pretty quiet. Suze is off to Crieff tomorrow with Louis, so I'll have 3 to look after 24x7. It'll be tiring in a different kind of way!
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Worked well and felt pretty easy for a change!
This evening I got the green light for a couple hours so set off for a loop round Bison Hill. This was my 3rd time round this loop and it is getting easier. I maintained a good tempo and average 17mph which is good given it's hilly and I was Billy No Mates. Bison was pretty tame. I managed to stay seated quite a way up, normally its standing from a fairly early point. So happy days.
The aero bars are working well. No doubt they make life easier and give an extra few % for free. Just need to adjust the settings on the seat to get things perfect but a good start.
The weekend is likely to be pretty quiet. Suze is off to Crieff tomorrow with Louis, so I'll have 3 to look after 24x7. It'll be tiring in a different kind of way!
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Lunchtime Reps and Evening Cycle, 16miles
2 Sessions today. Lunchtime reps with the NG elite. 5 x 4mins on and 2mins off.
It was my first proper rep session since early spring. It was pretty tough given the rusty running form and the hot, humid conditions.
Rep 1 was steady enough but the A-team were a good 40 yards ahead by the end. Rep 2 was harder but the gap was similar. 3-5 were murder, I really struggled and the lads seemed to step it up!
I'll need to step up the running if I'm to reach the heady heights of March.
The evening cycle was more comfortable. The rain had cleared the atmosphere so it was less humid. William and Adrian joined me for a 16 mile loop. The plan was to keep the tempo up and throw in a few drafting stretches. It didn't go to plan as Adrian fell off the second round and we more or less strolled back. Average was just 15mph which was a bit lower than hoped for.
Lunchtime Reps, 5x4min by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Evening Cycle, 16miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
It was my first proper rep session since early spring. It was pretty tough given the rusty running form and the hot, humid conditions.
Rep 1 was steady enough but the A-team were a good 40 yards ahead by the end. Rep 2 was harder but the gap was similar. 3-5 were murder, I really struggled and the lads seemed to step it up!
I'll need to step up the running if I'm to reach the heady heights of March.
The evening cycle was more comfortable. The rain had cleared the atmosphere so it was less humid. William and Adrian joined me for a 16 mile loop. The plan was to keep the tempo up and throw in a few drafting stretches. It didn't go to plan as Adrian fell off the second round and we more or less strolled back. Average was just 15mph which was a bit lower than hoped for.
Lunchtime Reps, 5x4min by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Evening Cycle, 16miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Recovery run and ride, 5 & 19.5miles
Lunchtime Z1 run. Very hot and humid so it was sweatsville after the run, not pretty.
Tonight I had the new aerobars in position and set off with Susan on an easy ride round Markyate and Flamstead. 19.5miles easy Z1.
Easy 5 miles, Z1 by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tonight I had the new aerobars in position and set off with Susan on an easy ride round Markyate and Flamstead. 19.5miles easy Z1.
Easy 5 miles, Z1 by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Swim session
Lunchtime soiree to the pool. Today's focus was on breathing and a tempo that I can sustain for 100 lengths.
I took it slow, focusing on good rotation and high elbows. The result was smooth progress through the water with no panic.
Very happy with today's session. Confidence is growing and with 2 months to go I should make the grade.
As well as the swim session today was a Wiggle day. Took delivery of some new shades and tri bars. The bars are fitted but it was too late to head out. Tomorrow I hope to get out.
I took it slow, focusing on good rotation and high elbows. The result was smooth progress through the water with no panic.
Very happy with today's session. Confidence is growing and with 2 months to go I should make the grade.
As well as the swim session today was a Wiggle day. Took delivery of some new shades and tri bars. The bars are fitted but it was too late to head out. Tomorrow I hope to get out.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Lunchtime swim and Monday Posse for a 22mile loop
Swam at lunchtime. Focus on the catch and breathing. All went well apart from a mouthful of the chlorinated stuff on a rest lap.
Feeling stronger with every swim session, so just need to keep it regular.
This evening Susan, William and Adrian joined for the 22mile loop round Preston. William's £2.5k bike made mincemeat of us on the downs and any time acceleration was required. Sweet.
Managed a 3 mile drafting at 26mph, good workout for the lads.
Excellent day. Inadvertently pressed the stop button on the garmin at Whitwell so missed 8 miles from the log.
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Feeling stronger with every swim session, so just need to keep it regular.
This evening Susan, William and Adrian joined for the 22mile loop round Preston. William's £2.5k bike made mincemeat of us on the downs and any time acceleration was required. Sweet.
Managed a 3 mile drafting at 26mph, good workout for the lads.
Excellent day. Inadvertently pressed the stop button on the garmin at Whitwell so missed 8 miles from the log.
Untitled by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Sunday Morning 10k, Evening 22mile ride miles
Good day. Began with an easy 10k with Paul and Anthony.
We'd not run for a while and thankfully Paul was tired so that meant we could jog along at 9min pace.
The cobwebs were swept away and we'll keep the momentum going now.
The day was spent at London Zoo but I managed an evening spin. 22 miles at 16mph average.
Sunday 10k by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday 22 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
We'd not run for a while and thankfully Paul was tired so that meant we could jog along at 9min pace.
The cobwebs were swept away and we'll keep the momentum going now.
The day was spent at London Zoo but I managed an evening spin. 22 miles at 16mph average.
Sunday 10k by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday 22 miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Saturday Cycle, 22miles
Easy Saturday evening cycle with Susan.
Lovely evening, easy on the heart rate and pace.
Saturday Cycle, 22miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Lovely evening, easy on the heart rate and pace.
Saturday Cycle, 22miles by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Friday, 16 July 2010
Friday Swim
Lunchtime swim. Lots of drills. Worked hard and felt fairly wacked.
Good focus on the freestyle drills for breathing and breathing.
Felt comfortable during the swim but drained later. I reckon it's dehydration which is fairly ironic.
Tomorrow is bike time. The wind is down and the plan is 50 miles.
Good focus on the freestyle drills for breathing and breathing.
Felt comfortable during the swim but drained later. I reckon it's dehydration which is fairly ironic.
Tomorrow is bike time. The wind is down and the plan is 50 miles.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Easy Run, Camber Sands
Sunday morning, 6 miles in Camber Sands.
Easy Run, Camber Sands by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Easy Run, Camber Sands by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Another Easy Run, Camber Sands
Easy Monday morning run at Camber Sands. On the sand and in the dunes, so it was tougher than normal.
Another Easy Run, Camber Sands by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Another Easy Run, Camber Sands by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Childwickbury Loop
Easy 8 mile run round the Childwickbury loop.
Childwickbury Loop by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Childwickbury Loop by kdmurray65 at Garmin Connect - Details
Friday, 9 July 2010
Easy Bike, 22miles
Took an evening jaunt over to Luton, passed the Airport, Wigmore and back out the lanes to Peters Green.
From there it was down to East Hyde, over the hill and down to Luton Hoo and home.
Beautiful evening and the legs feel good after a step up in volume and intensity this week.
Easy run tomorrow morning and then down to the Kent coast for the weekend. Wetsuit packed for a few sessions in the sea.
Swim Session
The swimming is my real weak spot. I struggle to get into a comfortable rhythm and so my breathing goes horribly wrong.
Today was drill time. Just working on bilateral breathing and rotation so that I get air instead of water. It worked fairly well, just a few gulps of the chlorinated stuff.
By the end of my session I managed a few lengths in a good relaxed state that meant breathing comfortably and making good steady progress.
I have a few sea swims planned for the weekend. We'll see how they go.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Evening Cycle, recovery
Needed to get the legs moving after a reps session at lunchtime.
Enjoyed a short blast on the back of 2 serious cyclists.
Reps, 10x400m
I've not done reps for yonks. This session nearly killed me.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Monday, 5 July 2010
Sunday, 4 July 2010
July 4, catch up
Tri training is underway. The swimming is my main struggle. I was never great but a winter of running has meant that my pool time has been zero.
Getting back in the water I've had to get back to basics. So its drill time coupled with just churning out the lengths. It's actually not as bad as it was 2 years ago. Then I could manage 2 lengths of crawl and die. Now I can keep going reasonably ok, not fast but at least I can breath.
I've 2 months to build my swim fitness. The half ironman starts with a 1.9km swim.
The bike fitness is good. My endurance is in good shape after the marathon training and I've improved my technique and confidence. New top speed is 45mph. Also nailed Bison Hill again on my second ride over that way, so just need to keep building the strength up. I think its a 90km bike ride to follow the swim.
Running is on the back burner. Not much time for serious running but need to change that. So tomorrow it'll be back to a lunchtime run with the Grid team. Then hopefully to the Aros on Tuesday.
Getting back in the water I've had to get back to basics. So its drill time coupled with just churning out the lengths. It's actually not as bad as it was 2 years ago. Then I could manage 2 lengths of crawl and die. Now I can keep going reasonably ok, not fast but at least I can breath.
I've 2 months to build my swim fitness. The half ironman starts with a 1.9km swim.
The bike fitness is good. My endurance is in good shape after the marathon training and I've improved my technique and confidence. New top speed is 45mph. Also nailed Bison Hill again on my second ride over that way, so just need to keep building the strength up. I think its a 90km bike ride to follow the swim.
Running is on the back burner. Not much time for serious running but need to change that. So tomorrow it'll be back to a lunchtime run with the Grid team. Then hopefully to the Aros on Tuesday.
Friday, 18 June 2010
Sports Day
Excellent sports day for the Murray clan. Jack winning the 200m and 70m runs and Olivia in the winning relay. Medals galore.
I had the gear with me for a run home from Markyate. We were supposed to be 4 but by the time we got going it was just me and Jamie.
It was chatting pace all the way. Up and down to Markyate, up the hill to Pepperstock and then along to Kinsbourne Green.
The rain was falling which made it a refreshing run. Jamie did well, setting a good pace on the flat but struggling a bit up the hills.
Legs felt good. 7 miles at just under 9 pace. Easy peasy.
I had the gear with me for a run home from Markyate. We were supposed to be 4 but by the time we got going it was just me and Jamie.
It was chatting pace all the way. Up and down to Markyate, up the hill to Pepperstock and then along to Kinsbourne Green.
The rain was falling which made it a refreshing run. Jamie did well, setting a good pace on the flat but struggling a bit up the hills.
Legs felt good. 7 miles at just under 9 pace. Easy peasy.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Bison Hill 1, Kenny 0
This was my first outing on the bike with my imaginary friend Adrian. We met at 6.30 and reckoned a 2 hour spin was appropriate.
We headed for Redbourn and then out to Gaddeson Row. We were into the wind which would pay dividends later.
We headed up the hill to Potten End. A decent climb but no bother as we're only at mile 10.
Down through Ashridge and we're on familiar Berko Half Marathon territory. We spot a lone rider and decide to hunt him down and speed passed. Adrian drags me along and as we get close I take the lead and power passed. Surprisingly the solo rider tags on the back and hangs on. We spin along with the 3 of us exchanging front spot. Awesome.
From Ashridge it was down to the bottom of Bison Hill. Its the most serious hill in the locality and last year I ate it up. This was my first attempt of 2010. Mmmm. I'm not as hard as I was last year. I struggled up the hill, at times on the brink of the unthinkable. I made it though. Recovery was long.
We eventually did recover and on the ride down to Markyate we put in a session at 24mph. Swapping our turns at the front every 2-3mins.
After Markyate it was Slip End and I managed to hit 40.5mph in the dips.
From Slip End it was the back roads via Pepperstock and Kinsbourne Green. By the time I made it home that was 32miles.
After dropping the bike I took a quick run. Just a loop down Crabtree Lane and back up Station Road. Enough to get through the bike-run transition.
Tomorrow the plan is a run back from Markyate.
We headed for Redbourn and then out to Gaddeson Row. We were into the wind which would pay dividends later.
We headed up the hill to Potten End. A decent climb but no bother as we're only at mile 10.
Down through Ashridge and we're on familiar Berko Half Marathon territory. We spot a lone rider and decide to hunt him down and speed passed. Adrian drags me along and as we get close I take the lead and power passed. Surprisingly the solo rider tags on the back and hangs on. We spin along with the 3 of us exchanging front spot. Awesome.
From Ashridge it was down to the bottom of Bison Hill. Its the most serious hill in the locality and last year I ate it up. This was my first attempt of 2010. Mmmm. I'm not as hard as I was last year. I struggled up the hill, at times on the brink of the unthinkable. I made it though. Recovery was long.
We eventually did recover and on the ride down to Markyate we put in a session at 24mph. Swapping our turns at the front every 2-3mins.
After Markyate it was Slip End and I managed to hit 40.5mph in the dips.
From Slip End it was the back roads via Pepperstock and Kinsbourne Green. By the time I made it home that was 32miles.
After dropping the bike I took a quick run. Just a loop down Crabtree Lane and back up Station Road. Enough to get through the bike-run transition.
Tomorrow the plan is a run back from Markyate.
Monday, 14 June 2010
Back from ankle buster
So the ankle felt better and I had the chance to get the demons behind me. I had to return a hire car to Enterprise in St Albans.
Easy run home, decided to take the road just to make sure there was no problem. Easy it was too and I strolled it in just over 45 mins. That's an easy 9min pace into the wind.
Good to be back. Now I need to get my head down and get some fitness back. The holidays are over.
Easy run home, decided to take the road just to make sure there was no problem. Easy it was too and I strolled it in just over 45 mins. That's an easy 9min pace into the wind.
Good to be back. Now I need to get my head down and get some fitness back. The holidays are over.
Monday, 7 June 2010
Return of the Jedi, a bit over 5 miles
So Jedi Master Niall was back in town for the day. We met late on as we both had cars to return to St Albans. The plan was to run gently back and then I'd drop him at the airport.
The drop dragged on as Niall had trashed his car, mine was spotless. With the clock ticking we needed to make haste and set off for Heartwood.
The first part is downhill so we were steady and chatting freely. We then had to turn onto the trail up through the fields. That's when disaster struck. Right foot slipped into a pothole and twist with a capital T. Even the Jedi master said "Ouch".
I walked the initial pain off and then we set off up the hill. It was sore but seemed to be getting better. Then I'd hit a divot or a tree root and "ouch".
It was a bad one. We made it home but all the way I was thinking - walk you idiot - but walking's not allowed for Jedi's.
Anyway, made it, got the compression and ice on it. Up and down stairs is painful. I've not had an ankle this dodgy since playing football over in London Colney against some bunch of morons.
Hopefully I'll be back by the weekend.
The Jedi master was in supreme form. The hills were just pimples and the pace was just above a walk for him. That's why he's the master.
The drop dragged on as Niall had trashed his car, mine was spotless. With the clock ticking we needed to make haste and set off for Heartwood.
The first part is downhill so we were steady and chatting freely. We then had to turn onto the trail up through the fields. That's when disaster struck. Right foot slipped into a pothole and twist with a capital T. Even the Jedi master said "Ouch".
I walked the initial pain off and then we set off up the hill. It was sore but seemed to be getting better. Then I'd hit a divot or a tree root and "ouch".
It was a bad one. We made it home but all the way I was thinking - walk you idiot - but walking's not allowed for Jedi's.
Anyway, made it, got the compression and ice on it. Up and down stairs is painful. I've not had an ankle this dodgy since playing football over in London Colney against some bunch of morons.
Hopefully I'll be back by the weekend.
The Jedi master was in supreme form. The hills were just pimples and the pace was just above a walk for him. That's why he's the master.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Easy Does It, bike & run
Half term and a busy period at work has made it really difficult to get any training done. My last run was 2 weeks ago and apart from pottering about town I've not been on the bike for over 2 weeks. A couple of tame swims don't count.
So it was good to get out tonight. I hooked up with Anthony. We'd done our rain and snow runs through the winter and tonight was payback time. It was a perfect evening, warm, light breeze, not too humid.
We headed down to the Luton path and at COoter's End headed over East Hyde and up to Peters Green. The chat and banter was excellent. We sorted the World Cup, England have a chance, especially now Gerard is captain, oh yeah, and Stevie's definetly off to Real Madrid.
Anthony relived Istanbul 2005, Champions League final. His story of organising the trip for 10 scousers was hilarious.
Just outside Peters Green and 6 miles in I left Anthony to make his own way back. I had to pick up my bike which had been borrowed by James Cole for today'a Blenheim Triathlon. He did well and the bike helped make it a reasonable time.
I cycled home and was delighted to be out.
Overall it was a nice and easy session. The legs feel good and hopefully with holidays and the work schedule looking a bit more reasonable I can establish a pattern to my training again.
So it was good to get out tonight. I hooked up with Anthony. We'd done our rain and snow runs through the winter and tonight was payback time. It was a perfect evening, warm, light breeze, not too humid.
We headed down to the Luton path and at COoter's End headed over East Hyde and up to Peters Green. The chat and banter was excellent. We sorted the World Cup, England have a chance, especially now Gerard is captain, oh yeah, and Stevie's definetly off to Real Madrid.
Anthony relived Istanbul 2005, Champions League final. His story of organising the trip for 10 scousers was hilarious.
Just outside Peters Green and 6 miles in I left Anthony to make his own way back. I had to pick up my bike which had been borrowed by James Cole for today'a Blenheim Triathlon. He did well and the bike helped make it a reasonable time.
I cycled home and was delighted to be out.
Overall it was a nice and easy session. The legs feel good and hopefully with holidays and the work schedule looking a bit more reasonable I can establish a pattern to my training again.
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Easing back on the bike
The last few weeks have been quite strange. There's no doubt a marathon, no matter how much training you do, takes its toll. My legs feel fine now but it took 3 weeks. As well as the legs, the general feeling of fatigue was a bit strange.
Given I trained hard all the way through the winter and didn't have any downtime apart from short spells due to illness or injury, I think I deserved an easy 4 weeks.
I've been back out on the bike this last week. I've been up around Kimpton and over by Luton Hoo. It's been all zone 1 work and just about getting the legs spinning.
Last night I took in the hill up from Luton Hoo and down the other side to the Lower Luton Road. Then up to Peters Green and home via the downhill to Batford and up Westfield Road. I felt strong and happy to be back out.
Over the next week I'll kick off my training programme for the Forestman Half Ironman. 1mile swim, 50 mile bike and a 13.1 mile run. Its in September and although the running will be fine I need to build endurance in the other sports and obviously have the capacity to stitch them together and complete in less than 6 hours.
So watch out Kenny's back and this time he's wearing trunks.
Given I trained hard all the way through the winter and didn't have any downtime apart from short spells due to illness or injury, I think I deserved an easy 4 weeks.
I've been back out on the bike this last week. I've been up around Kimpton and over by Luton Hoo. It's been all zone 1 work and just about getting the legs spinning.
Last night I took in the hill up from Luton Hoo and down the other side to the Lower Luton Road. Then up to Peters Green and home via the downhill to Batford and up Westfield Road. I felt strong and happy to be back out.
Over the next week I'll kick off my training programme for the Forestman Half Ironman. 1mile swim, 50 mile bike and a 13.1 mile run. Its in September and although the running will be fine I need to build endurance in the other sports and obviously have the capacity to stitch them together and complete in less than 6 hours.
So watch out Kenny's back and this time he's wearing trunks.
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Easy 5 miles
The legs are still not 100% after the marathon. There are a few aches and pains in unusual spots, so I'm still taking it easy.
It was election day and after my vote - no queue in Harpenden - I was off for a trot round West Common, Rothampstead and the Nickey Line.
The pace was steady 9's which meant the heart rate was low. The aches and pains in the calves and thighs eventually went and I enjoyed being out.
A good stretch afterwards and it was time to settle down and watch the election unfold.
It was election day and after my vote - no queue in Harpenden - I was off for a trot round West Common, Rothampstead and the Nickey Line.
The pace was steady 9's which meant the heart rate was low. The aches and pains in the calves and thighs eventually went and I enjoyed being out.
A good stretch afterwards and it was time to settle down and watch the election unfold.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
I'm almost a red aro, 6.8miles
So, more than 8 days after the marathon and I was ready for a proper run.
The legs aren't back to normal yet. Still feeling the fatigue but in need of a spin.
I've been threatening for months to join Speirsy at the Aro Sports tuesday evening session. Tonight was the night.
I arrived just after 7.30 to see a few familiar faces. Colin gave me a good welcome too which was great. Then it was decision time on the run, I'm off with Simon, Hannah, Ben and Ali on a 6-7 mile loop over to Sandridge.
I was delighted to be out on a beautiful evening with no pressure. I don't have a race coming up and I don't have a weekly mileage target, so lets just get back out and see how it goes.
I set off with Simon and Ali, as Hannah and Ben went off very quickly. We chatted about the marathon and generally caught up on the last few weeks.
We went over to Nomansland Common then headed up towards Sandridge, running on a path parallel to the road. Ali and I had taken a shortcut so we caught up with Hannah. I decided to see if I could run at her pace. That was fine until we turned onto the path back to Heartwood. That's a longer uphill than I remembered and as I felt the weight in my legs Hannah just skipped away! I eased off and Ali went passed in pursuit of Hannah.
From then I was on my own but enjoying being out again. I took the heart rate down and just eased back via East Common and Cross Lane. Awesome 6.8 miles. Average pace 7:36.
So there you go. My first run with the Aro Sports team and when I pay my £20 I'll be in the team! Speirsy pointed out that a year ago I would have been unable to talk during or after a run at that pace. That is very true but I managed both tonight. Happy days.
The legs aren't back to normal yet. Still feeling the fatigue but in need of a spin.
I've been threatening for months to join Speirsy at the Aro Sports tuesday evening session. Tonight was the night.
I arrived just after 7.30 to see a few familiar faces. Colin gave me a good welcome too which was great. Then it was decision time on the run, I'm off with Simon, Hannah, Ben and Ali on a 6-7 mile loop over to Sandridge.
I was delighted to be out on a beautiful evening with no pressure. I don't have a race coming up and I don't have a weekly mileage target, so lets just get back out and see how it goes.
I set off with Simon and Ali, as Hannah and Ben went off very quickly. We chatted about the marathon and generally caught up on the last few weeks.
We went over to Nomansland Common then headed up towards Sandridge, running on a path parallel to the road. Ali and I had taken a shortcut so we caught up with Hannah. I decided to see if I could run at her pace. That was fine until we turned onto the path back to Heartwood. That's a longer uphill than I remembered and as I felt the weight in my legs Hannah just skipped away! I eased off and Ali went passed in pursuit of Hannah.
From then I was on my own but enjoying being out again. I took the heart rate down and just eased back via East Common and Cross Lane. Awesome 6.8 miles. Average pace 7:36.
So there you go. My first run with the Aro Sports team and when I pay my £20 I'll be in the team! Speirsy pointed out that a year ago I would have been unable to talk during or after a run at that pace. That is very true but I managed both tonight. Happy days.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
London Marathon, the last 7 miles!
So mile 19 hurt but I was prepared for a phase which would involve the gritting of teeth. I knew I wasn't injured, I'd felt the pain before and knew it wasn't real. I was taking on my gels and as much fluid as I could. Lets get this done.
Mile 20 I dig in and its back to 8.00 pace. I'm happy with that and keep digging. The sun is out and the temparature is rising. I'm feeling hot and need water. I take as much as I can but nearly throw up. So keep the bottle and decide to sip it carefully. Mile 21 is 8:48.
The pain is now pretty much excruciating. I normally feel the pain in my calves but today its the quads and thighs. They are in agony and every step is hurting. I keep my head down and dig in but I know its gone very slow.
I look up and see a guy dressed as Dangermouse go passed. Oh no, I have nothing in the tank and can't respond. This is going to be a disaster. The crowd are cheering for him. Nightmare.
The odd shout of "c'mon Kenny" is the last thing I want to hear. I am no longer in a good place and I don't need reminding! Shut up!
Everything is saying stop, walk, no one cares, why are you doing this? But I can't, no way, I'm not doing that. I start saying "believe, believe, believe". The dark thoughts go and then justice is done, Dangermouse is on the side with cramp! Mile 22 is 9:23.
I just keep turning the legs, determined not to walk, the pace is bad and I'm doing all sorts of calculations. 3:30 is on, 3:40 is certain, just don't walk. Mile 23 is 9:23.
Mile 24 and I know the family are near the end, I dig in. The sun is out, the crowd shout "c'mon Kenny, you're looking good!" Oh yeah? Give me a break!
I approach the end of 24 and looking along the length of the crowd I see our frind Mez! Then the family, Susan, the kids, Steve, Jonny & Jamie. They are cheering like mad, all smiles and beaming faces!
I got a fantastic rush from that. Then 100 yards further on I see Michael, Kate & Eva"C'mon Kenny".
I'm back, even if I look completely shattered! I start to engage with the crowd again and know I'm going to get through. Mile 24 is 9:01.
Right, here we go. Blackfriars Tunnel is a tough part of the course, Niall has warned me. 24 miles of cheering and now you descend below the road and railway lines, into the darkness, into the silence. I've been warned to ignore the casualties as people give up and drop out, be prepared for the silence, be prepared for a climb out of the tunnel.
I start my descent prepared. As I reach the bottom I see the end and the light. I'm nearly out and I'm waiting for the bad bit. There must be some mistake? That wasn't too bad.
I can see Big Ben. I know I'm nearly there but no counting my chickens. Mile 25 clicks over and its back in the 8's.
Now I need to keep going. But its really hard and Big Ben isn't getting any closer. The scene along the Embankment is like something out of "Saving Private Ryan". There are casualties everywhere. People on the side throwing up, people walking, stretchers, its a disaster. I'm chugging on. Up ahead its the 40km mark, we have to run across the mats so the timing chips clock us. I mentally tell myself to lift my feet, I could trip. Next thing the runner in front goes flying, does the trip I'd just thought about.
I keep going but the sun is out and Big Ben is being evasive. This is hard again. Finally make it and turn up passed Westminster and can see the gates into Birdcage walk. I'm nearly there.
Onto Birdcage Walk and its lined with supporters and trees, I'm in pain and just trying to maintain momentum. Mile 26 clicks, 8:45. Keep going.
I'm running next to the crowd when someone shouts "there's a ballet dancer ahead!" I look up, 20 yards ahead is a guy dressed in a pink tutu and a set of wings. He's doing a dead man shuffle, "you can catch him" shouts the crowd. I speed up and chase him down, the crowd are cheering and as I get passed they all woop! I'm shattered and then see the 800m to go sign. Oh no, but I know I can do that in 180 seconds. I start counting and keep going. I reach 180 and look up, there's the sign saying 400m to go. I nearly start crying. Where's the finish? My garmin says I've done 26.5miles, this is a joke. Where am I?
I keep going and eventually round a corner see the finish. It looks 400 metres away! This is a nightmare. I keep going, my fingers are tingling as no blood is reaching them, I'm oblivious to everything but manage to raise my arms in defiance. I didn't walk. I reach the finish, stop running and do the jelly legs walk. Done it. Final time 3:32:30.
I don't fall over but I'm out of it. I am moved along by the stewards, "here's your medal", "keep moving please", "go and get a photo taken", "collect your bag".
"Where are the Virgins?" I ask but no one knows.
I head to the meet and greet point. Dave's there. He says he's had a nightmare. His worst bit was when I guy dressed as a ballet dancer passed him on the finishing straight.
The London Marathon, ecstacy, pain, tears and in the end one of the funniest moments of the year. Done and I'm ready to sign up for next year. Team Tutu anyone?
Mile 20 I dig in and its back to 8.00 pace. I'm happy with that and keep digging. The sun is out and the temparature is rising. I'm feeling hot and need water. I take as much as I can but nearly throw up. So keep the bottle and decide to sip it carefully. Mile 21 is 8:48.
The pain is now pretty much excruciating. I normally feel the pain in my calves but today its the quads and thighs. They are in agony and every step is hurting. I keep my head down and dig in but I know its gone very slow.
I look up and see a guy dressed as Dangermouse go passed. Oh no, I have nothing in the tank and can't respond. This is going to be a disaster. The crowd are cheering for him. Nightmare.
The odd shout of "c'mon Kenny" is the last thing I want to hear. I am no longer in a good place and I don't need reminding! Shut up!
Everything is saying stop, walk, no one cares, why are you doing this? But I can't, no way, I'm not doing that. I start saying "believe, believe, believe". The dark thoughts go and then justice is done, Dangermouse is on the side with cramp! Mile 22 is 9:23.
I just keep turning the legs, determined not to walk, the pace is bad and I'm doing all sorts of calculations. 3:30 is on, 3:40 is certain, just don't walk. Mile 23 is 9:23.
Mile 24 and I know the family are near the end, I dig in. The sun is out, the crowd shout "c'mon Kenny, you're looking good!" Oh yeah? Give me a break!
I approach the end of 24 and looking along the length of the crowd I see our frind Mez! Then the family, Susan, the kids, Steve, Jonny & Jamie. They are cheering like mad, all smiles and beaming faces!
I got a fantastic rush from that. Then 100 yards further on I see Michael, Kate & Eva"C'mon Kenny".
I'm back, even if I look completely shattered! I start to engage with the crowd again and know I'm going to get through. Mile 24 is 9:01.
Right, here we go. Blackfriars Tunnel is a tough part of the course, Niall has warned me. 24 miles of cheering and now you descend below the road and railway lines, into the darkness, into the silence. I've been warned to ignore the casualties as people give up and drop out, be prepared for the silence, be prepared for a climb out of the tunnel.
I start my descent prepared. As I reach the bottom I see the end and the light. I'm nearly out and I'm waiting for the bad bit. There must be some mistake? That wasn't too bad.
I can see Big Ben. I know I'm nearly there but no counting my chickens. Mile 25 clicks over and its back in the 8's.
Now I need to keep going. But its really hard and Big Ben isn't getting any closer. The scene along the Embankment is like something out of "Saving Private Ryan". There are casualties everywhere. People on the side throwing up, people walking, stretchers, its a disaster. I'm chugging on. Up ahead its the 40km mark, we have to run across the mats so the timing chips clock us. I mentally tell myself to lift my feet, I could trip. Next thing the runner in front goes flying, does the trip I'd just thought about.
I keep going but the sun is out and Big Ben is being evasive. This is hard again. Finally make it and turn up passed Westminster and can see the gates into Birdcage walk. I'm nearly there.
Onto Birdcage Walk and its lined with supporters and trees, I'm in pain and just trying to maintain momentum. Mile 26 clicks, 8:45. Keep going.
I'm running next to the crowd when someone shouts "there's a ballet dancer ahead!" I look up, 20 yards ahead is a guy dressed in a pink tutu and a set of wings. He's doing a dead man shuffle, "you can catch him" shouts the crowd. I speed up and chase him down, the crowd are cheering and as I get passed they all woop! I'm shattered and then see the 800m to go sign. Oh no, but I know I can do that in 180 seconds. I start counting and keep going. I reach 180 and look up, there's the sign saying 400m to go. I nearly start crying. Where's the finish? My garmin says I've done 26.5miles, this is a joke. Where am I?
I keep going and eventually round a corner see the finish. It looks 400 metres away! This is a nightmare. I keep going, my fingers are tingling as no blood is reaching them, I'm oblivious to everything but manage to raise my arms in defiance. I didn't walk. I reach the finish, stop running and do the jelly legs walk. Done it. Final time 3:32:30.
I don't fall over but I'm out of it. I am moved along by the stewards, "here's your medal", "keep moving please", "go and get a photo taken", "collect your bag".
"Where are the Virgins?" I ask but no one knows.
I head to the meet and greet point. Dave's there. He says he's had a nightmare. His worst bit was when I guy dressed as a ballet dancer passed him on the finishing straight.
The London Marathon, ecstacy, pain, tears and in the end one of the funniest moments of the year. Done and I'm ready to sign up for next year. Team Tutu anyone?
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Virgin London Marathon, the first 19 miles
So we're off. I'm at the front and have virtually a clear road. I'm on race pace within seconds. Wow.
The plan was easy first 5 miles, ease in, then find the zone and hope to stave off the wall until around mile 21/22. First 5 miles should be at 7:45/8:00 pace, anything faster and I'll regret it.
I'm tearing along and mile 1 is over, oh no, 7:24. Ok, calm down. I see a few guys jump into some toilets and I think what a good idea, I need to slow down. Next set of toilets and I jump in. Ok, I tell myself to slow down, calm down. Take it easy.
I join the race and finish mile 2, 7:19 and that included 30secs in the toilet. Oh Lord, what am I doing!
Mile 3 and I'm thinking right, slow down. It's downhill and I'm chatting away trying to get myself under control. It's over, 7:08. Oh no.
Mile 4, ok don't blow it. I'm chatting freely and feeling fine, not breathless not hurting. It's over, 6:58. Oh well. I've not done the slow start! I'm 3 minutes inside my plan and I've stopped for the toilet.
I know then I've blown it. This is going to hurt sooner than planned. Oh well in for a penny. I decide to just settle close to 7:30 and enjoy it while I can.
So being the quiet retiring type, I begin to engage with the crowd. High fiving anyone with a hand out, shouting back at any bloke that gives a cry of "Go Kenny" and blowing kisses to the ladies. I am in my element and lapping it up. So it goes on and on and on. It's amazing and I am smiling, enjoying the banter and chatting to fellow runners.
I look around and read a few of the messages on the back of people's shirts. Big mistake, I nearly start sobbing when I read of 5 year old children, 24 year old brothers, 46 year old dads, all gone too early and here are those left running their hearts out.
At mile 11 I start looking out for my good mate Andy. He's going to be around 11 or 12. Eventually I hear the cry of "Kenny" and make contact with Andy. I tell him I'm bang on and feeling good. It was awesome making contact with a friend rather than just the masses. The adrenalin rush is very real and I'm buzzing as we turn onto Tower Bridge.
The sight of the bridge is incredible, both sides are lined with people. Everyone's running on the right and then one guy skips through the barriers and piles down the left. I join him with one other guy. The crowd on that side go wild, we are in our element! 3 amigos!
I come off Tower Bridge and hit half way with the pace of the last 9 miles tight between 7:30 and 7:47. I'm happy with that. My garmin says 1:37 which is bang on my race plan. Is the dream alive?
We turn towards Docklands and as we are heading out we see the leading men heading our way, 7 or 8 miles ahead of us, running like the wind. We all just start applauding. It is phenomenal.
This is a messy part of the course, it gets hot, the sun comes out and its like being under a grill. The legs start to feel a bit heavy, nothing to worry about yet but ok I can feel them now. Miles 14 & 15 are 7:41 & 7:39.
Mile 16 and we're in a melly of tight roads and corners. The race becomes congested and we've slowed. I'm ok but we're at 8:00 and 8:04 for 16 & 17. Mile 18 and I know I'm heading for trouble, I've stopped engaging with the crowd and I am just thinking about my legs and what can I do to stave off the inevitable. Mile 18 is 8:10.
Mile 19 and I have hit the wall. The lactic acid has built up in my leg muscles. My heart rate has been too high and therefore less efficient at clearing the toxins. As the toxins build up it brings on the pain and fatigue as the muscles get less and less oxygen to keep them working effectively. I know all this is happening and just need to dig in. The gritting of teeth phase is going to be 7 miles long.
I hear a cry of "Kenny!" Sounds familiar, I look up, raise a hand but don't recognise the guy and I'm struggling too much to look at his mates. That was a mistake, Andy had made the journey from 12 to 19 to cheer me on and he was in the group. He sent a text to Susan, "Just seen Kenny at 19, he's puffing hard!" That was kind, I was on the way down. Where was the guy who'd been high fiving, blowing kisses, shouting back at the crowd. Mile 19 was 8:40. The slide was on.
The plan was easy first 5 miles, ease in, then find the zone and hope to stave off the wall until around mile 21/22. First 5 miles should be at 7:45/8:00 pace, anything faster and I'll regret it.
I'm tearing along and mile 1 is over, oh no, 7:24. Ok, calm down. I see a few guys jump into some toilets and I think what a good idea, I need to slow down. Next set of toilets and I jump in. Ok, I tell myself to slow down, calm down. Take it easy.
I join the race and finish mile 2, 7:19 and that included 30secs in the toilet. Oh Lord, what am I doing!
Mile 3 and I'm thinking right, slow down. It's downhill and I'm chatting away trying to get myself under control. It's over, 7:08. Oh no.
Mile 4, ok don't blow it. I'm chatting freely and feeling fine, not breathless not hurting. It's over, 6:58. Oh well. I've not done the slow start! I'm 3 minutes inside my plan and I've stopped for the toilet.
I know then I've blown it. This is going to hurt sooner than planned. Oh well in for a penny. I decide to just settle close to 7:30 and enjoy it while I can.
So being the quiet retiring type, I begin to engage with the crowd. High fiving anyone with a hand out, shouting back at any bloke that gives a cry of "Go Kenny" and blowing kisses to the ladies. I am in my element and lapping it up. So it goes on and on and on. It's amazing and I am smiling, enjoying the banter and chatting to fellow runners.
I look around and read a few of the messages on the back of people's shirts. Big mistake, I nearly start sobbing when I read of 5 year old children, 24 year old brothers, 46 year old dads, all gone too early and here are those left running their hearts out.
At mile 11 I start looking out for my good mate Andy. He's going to be around 11 or 12. Eventually I hear the cry of "Kenny" and make contact with Andy. I tell him I'm bang on and feeling good. It was awesome making contact with a friend rather than just the masses. The adrenalin rush is very real and I'm buzzing as we turn onto Tower Bridge.
The sight of the bridge is incredible, both sides are lined with people. Everyone's running on the right and then one guy skips through the barriers and piles down the left. I join him with one other guy. The crowd on that side go wild, we are in our element! 3 amigos!
I come off Tower Bridge and hit half way with the pace of the last 9 miles tight between 7:30 and 7:47. I'm happy with that. My garmin says 1:37 which is bang on my race plan. Is the dream alive?
We turn towards Docklands and as we are heading out we see the leading men heading our way, 7 or 8 miles ahead of us, running like the wind. We all just start applauding. It is phenomenal.
This is a messy part of the course, it gets hot, the sun comes out and its like being under a grill. The legs start to feel a bit heavy, nothing to worry about yet but ok I can feel them now. Miles 14 & 15 are 7:41 & 7:39.
Mile 16 and we're in a melly of tight roads and corners. The race becomes congested and we've slowed. I'm ok but we're at 8:00 and 8:04 for 16 & 17. Mile 18 and I know I'm heading for trouble, I've stopped engaging with the crowd and I am just thinking about my legs and what can I do to stave off the inevitable. Mile 18 is 8:10.
Mile 19 and I have hit the wall. The lactic acid has built up in my leg muscles. My heart rate has been too high and therefore less efficient at clearing the toxins. As the toxins build up it brings on the pain and fatigue as the muscles get less and less oxygen to keep them working effectively. I know all this is happening and just need to dig in. The gritting of teeth phase is going to be 7 miles long.
I hear a cry of "Kenny!" Sounds familiar, I look up, raise a hand but don't recognise the guy and I'm struggling too much to look at his mates. That was a mistake, Andy had made the journey from 12 to 19 to cheer me on and he was in the group. He sent a text to Susan, "Just seen Kenny at 19, he's puffing hard!" That was kind, I was on the way down. Where was the guy who'd been high fiving, blowing kisses, shouting back at the crowd. Mile 19 was 8:40. The slide was on.
Monday, 26 April 2010
Virgin London Marathon, Pre Race
This was it. Race day. 1000 miles in training, too many blogs to mention, over 60 sponsors, a newspaper article, a news piece at National Grid and a target time of 3:15. No pressure then!
The weather had been dominated by a high pressure in the south of England which has meant cold bright mornings that got warmer as the day went on. The forecast was for a boiling hot day.
This morning however it's warm and muggy. Oh dear. Humidity? We haven't had that since last October. I think it could be bad.
Breakfast at 0615 is cornflakes, coffee and toast. I'm force feeding myself because I know I'll need the energy later. Toilet stop before I head to meet Dave for the 0647 train to London Bridge.
The banter is good. The train is full of very nervous runners. Training done, no going back now. Everyone is perplexed with the weather. What's going to happen.
At London Bridge Dave and I go our separate ways, he's off to the Blue Start with the elite. I'm off to the Red Start with the pineapples, bananas and a few Darth Vaders.
On the train to Greenwich I talk to a guy called Rupert. He's not run for a while but done lots of gym work. On a cross trainer apparently. Man alive, how did this guy get a place? He's not done any running. I overhear a guy telling how he's lost 8 stone since Christmas - good lad. I then spot Darth Vader II telling a few Storm Troopers to pull themselves together. Mmm I wonder if the Blue Start is this interesting!
At Greenwich its mayhem. Red Bull are dishing out freebies. People are everywhere. All shapes and sizes. Everyone on the way to the start zone.
I arrive and find the loos. Good idea to go straight there. I join a queue 5 people long, I'm waiting 30 seconds. I come out and the queue is 15 long. 5 minutes later and they are 40-50 people long and growing!
I settle down on the grass. 1hr 15mins to race start so no need to get too excited. I sit back, sip my Lucozade sport, eat a carb bar and watch the sights.
At about 0845 it starts to rain. Just a little at first, then the heavens open. I am prepared, standard issue bin-liner is in my bag. I get the old jumper on too and I'm happy, warm and dry. I decide to ditch my bag at the baggage truck and head to my starting pen. I'm in zone 1, which is bang at the front. I get down there and everyone is hiding under the trees freezing.
I hang about before ditching the gear and heading to the very front of the pen. I'm bang in the middle staring at the stewards and the back of Jonathon Edward's head. I'm in nap position. I begin thinking "blow race pace, if I'm at the front I'm going to go like the clappers and get in the lead! I am going to sprint the first 400 yards!!" I've done it before but this is the biggy! Niall will be proud.
Before we get going the weather changes again! Now its stopped raining and is warming up and its humid. Oh dear, what's this all about? We look at each other wondering why we're sweating and we haven't started.
Eventually they walk us out of the park and round the corner to the start-line proper. Disaster, about 200 people are already there. It's the "good for age" bunch and they are uber fast. So my moment of glory is not going to happen!
We are held up for a few seconds and then with no major countdown we're off. No going back now. Ok, what was my race plan again?
The weather had been dominated by a high pressure in the south of England which has meant cold bright mornings that got warmer as the day went on. The forecast was for a boiling hot day.
This morning however it's warm and muggy. Oh dear. Humidity? We haven't had that since last October. I think it could be bad.
Breakfast at 0615 is cornflakes, coffee and toast. I'm force feeding myself because I know I'll need the energy later. Toilet stop before I head to meet Dave for the 0647 train to London Bridge.
The banter is good. The train is full of very nervous runners. Training done, no going back now. Everyone is perplexed with the weather. What's going to happen.
At London Bridge Dave and I go our separate ways, he's off to the Blue Start with the elite. I'm off to the Red Start with the pineapples, bananas and a few Darth Vaders.
On the train to Greenwich I talk to a guy called Rupert. He's not run for a while but done lots of gym work. On a cross trainer apparently. Man alive, how did this guy get a place? He's not done any running. I overhear a guy telling how he's lost 8 stone since Christmas - good lad. I then spot Darth Vader II telling a few Storm Troopers to pull themselves together. Mmm I wonder if the Blue Start is this interesting!
At Greenwich its mayhem. Red Bull are dishing out freebies. People are everywhere. All shapes and sizes. Everyone on the way to the start zone.
I arrive and find the loos. Good idea to go straight there. I join a queue 5 people long, I'm waiting 30 seconds. I come out and the queue is 15 long. 5 minutes later and they are 40-50 people long and growing!
I settle down on the grass. 1hr 15mins to race start so no need to get too excited. I sit back, sip my Lucozade sport, eat a carb bar and watch the sights.
At about 0845 it starts to rain. Just a little at first, then the heavens open. I am prepared, standard issue bin-liner is in my bag. I get the old jumper on too and I'm happy, warm and dry. I decide to ditch my bag at the baggage truck and head to my starting pen. I'm in zone 1, which is bang at the front. I get down there and everyone is hiding under the trees freezing.
I hang about before ditching the gear and heading to the very front of the pen. I'm bang in the middle staring at the stewards and the back of Jonathon Edward's head. I'm in nap position. I begin thinking "blow race pace, if I'm at the front I'm going to go like the clappers and get in the lead! I am going to sprint the first 400 yards!!" I've done it before but this is the biggy! Niall will be proud.
Before we get going the weather changes again! Now its stopped raining and is warming up and its humid. Oh dear, what's this all about? We look at each other wondering why we're sweating and we haven't started.
Eventually they walk us out of the park and round the corner to the start-line proper. Disaster, about 200 people are already there. It's the "good for age" bunch and they are uber fast. So my moment of glory is not going to happen!
We are held up for a few seconds and then with no major countdown we're off. No going back now. Ok, what was my race plan again?
Saturday, 24 April 2010
It's been a wierd week. The legs have felt tired even though I've only run a handful of miles. Mentally I've been all over the place and my confidence has been shaken.
Today I'm ready. I've reflected on 1000miles of training. It's delivered an incredible increase in stamina coupled with the ability to run quicker over the shorter distances. That puts me in good stead for tomorrow so long as I am sensible.
The target is to be sub 3:15 which would give me a good for age time. If I do it I'll be ecstatic. If not then I won't be too upset, I am fitter than ever and taking part in one of Great Britain's landmark annual events. I'm a lucky boy.
Sub 3:30 will still be awesome and anything sub 4 will be worthy of respect. The weather is getting warmer and there's a good chance tomorrow will be the hottest day of our year so far.
Anyway, I intend to pace myself for 3:15. I hope to pass halfway in 1:35 and then get a 1:38 second half. It's completely unknown territory but I've done the training and believe its achievable. Fast, smooth and light is my mantra for the run. I'm ready.
Today I'm ready. I've reflected on 1000miles of training. It's delivered an incredible increase in stamina coupled with the ability to run quicker over the shorter distances. That puts me in good stead for tomorrow so long as I am sensible.
The target is to be sub 3:15 which would give me a good for age time. If I do it I'll be ecstatic. If not then I won't be too upset, I am fitter than ever and taking part in one of Great Britain's landmark annual events. I'm a lucky boy.
Sub 3:30 will still be awesome and anything sub 4 will be worthy of respect. The weather is getting warmer and there's a good chance tomorrow will be the hottest day of our year so far.
Anyway, I intend to pace myself for 3:15. I hope to pass halfway in 1:35 and then get a 1:38 second half. It's completely unknown territory but I've done the training and believe its achievable. Fast, smooth and light is my mantra for the run. I'm ready.
Friday, 23 April 2010
Nearly there, 3.5miles
I've not run since Sunday. That's 4 days off. I needed a few miles as I could sense the legs were rusty.
The plan was an easy 15mins to warm up and then a mile at race pace and then an easy run home followed by a stretch.
The legs wondered what was going on as I headed roughly in the direction of the Nickey Line. Both calves felt tight and the heart rate was pretty much out of control!
It did start to calm down after a mile, then the aches and pains had gone and the rythm returned. After 15 mins it was time to raise the pace. I found 7.30 very easily which was reassuring and I knew when I was beginning to go too fast. The pace was bang on and I was pleased to get that out of the way.
I jogged back to the park and stretched for a bit. Cracking day and hardly anyone about.
Tomorrow I will run, but just a mile or two to keep the legs on form for Sundays pounding.
The plan was an easy 15mins to warm up and then a mile at race pace and then an easy run home followed by a stretch.
The legs wondered what was going on as I headed roughly in the direction of the Nickey Line. Both calves felt tight and the heart rate was pretty much out of control!
It did start to calm down after a mile, then the aches and pains had gone and the rythm returned. After 15 mins it was time to raise the pace. I found 7.30 very easily which was reassuring and I knew when I was beginning to go too fast. The pace was bang on and I was pleased to get that out of the way.
I jogged back to the park and stretched for a bit. Cracking day and hardly anyone about.
Tomorrow I will run, but just a mile or two to keep the legs on form for Sundays pounding.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Taper week
One week to the Marathon and the schedule says 11 mile easy run.
I was out at a party last night, got home at 1.00am and had been crazy enough to agree to run with Paul at 0715. Bad decision.
I was knackered before I started. I had to take a couple of toilet stops and generally struggled all the way round.
The route was up to Mackery End and then over to Gustard Wood. Paul suggested an extension which was a bit of a disaster as it just prolonged my agony.
Anyway, I made it home and felt rough as old rope. An afternoon nap and the world was looking up again.
My mates Jon Cobb and Kev Deacon completed the Brighton Marathon today. Awesome effort in the heat. I'm hoping the weather will break now and we'll have rain by next Sunday.
The next few days will be running free - no miles - just a bit of rest and stretching.
I was out at a party last night, got home at 1.00am and had been crazy enough to agree to run with Paul at 0715. Bad decision.
I was knackered before I started. I had to take a couple of toilet stops and generally struggled all the way round.
The route was up to Mackery End and then over to Gustard Wood. Paul suggested an extension which was a bit of a disaster as it just prolonged my agony.
Anyway, I made it home and felt rough as old rope. An afternoon nap and the world was looking up again.
My mates Jon Cobb and Kev Deacon completed the Brighton Marathon today. Awesome effort in the heat. I'm hoping the weather will break now and we'll have rain by next Sunday.
The next few days will be running free - no miles - just a bit of rest and stretching.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Over, Done, Complete. 1000miles
That's it. 1000miles done in 22 weeks. I can't quite believe it but it's actually true.
This morning I was joined by a nice crowd of fellow runners. Simon & Kate were here with their three girls, Paul was here with his two girls and Jamie arrived with George. Kate & Michael were here with Eva too. With Susan and our four that made a nice little number.
I'd done a 1.9 mile loop earlier to leave just 0.5miles. After a bit of coffee and chat we set off.
The pace was set by Jack, George and the older girls, 9 minute pace was just too slow.
The weather was fab and as we looped around Gilpin Green it was brilliant to see 3 year old Theo concentrating hard.
We arrived back at the finishing tape to see that Jack and the girls had decided I was too slow to be allowed to break it. Oh well, Niall would have agreed with that.
Bacon sandwiches, orange juice, tea and coffee flowed. The Proclaimers were playing in the background and the sun was shining. Perfect.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Nearly there, Snow Run, 8.7miles
A first today. My first one-way run on the 1000. Susan and the kids were at the Snow Centre in Hemel and my challenge was to get there in less than 80 mins. Google said it was 9.2miles.
I headed through the park and picked up the Nickey Line and headed for Redbourn. Normally I head back towards Beeson End Lane but today it was all the way to Hemel. The path is good and it was a really pleasant run. In Hemel it seems to cut down towards the town centre but I had to leave it and take a route through some side streets.
I reached the snow centre in 1.16 but it was only 8.7miles. Nice to not have to loop back and instead just join the family for a while then drive home.
The Snow Centre is pretty impressive and I'm sure I'll be back to have a go. The kids loved it.
I headed through the park and picked up the Nickey Line and headed for Redbourn. Normally I head back towards Beeson End Lane but today it was all the way to Hemel. The path is good and it was a really pleasant run. In Hemel it seems to cut down towards the town centre but I had to leave it and take a route through some side streets.
I reached the snow centre in 1.16 but it was only 8.7miles. Nice to not have to loop back and instead just join the family for a while then drive home.
The Snow Centre is pretty impressive and I'm sure I'll be back to have a go. The kids loved it.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Closing in, 7.0miles
Dropped the car off in Sandridge and ran back through Heartwood. Wind was against so it felt quite tough. Out of the wind it was glorious.
Made it down to Southdown without being hit by a car - but its not pleasant at rush hour.
After Southdown it was up and around Thornbury and Dalkeith Road.
Got home and was skimming the local free paper when I see a couple of photos of me! I nearly died. One in my kilt and one from the St Albans Half Marathon - Niall is just on the edge of that shot. Its a nice article and might bring in a few more ££'s for Heart Research, which is actually the whole point.
7.0miles in my new shoes.
Made it down to Southdown without being hit by a car - but its not pleasant at rush hour.
After Southdown it was up and around Thornbury and Dalkeith Road.
Got home and was skimming the local free paper when I see a couple of photos of me! I nearly died. One in my kilt and one from the St Albans Half Marathon - Niall is just on the edge of that shot. Its a nice article and might bring in a few more ££'s for Heart Research, which is actually the whole point.
7.0miles in my new shoes.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Watering along the way, 5.3miles
We've planted some peas and they needed a bit of a watering so I had to spend a few minutes at the allotment doing the watering - with watering cans.
From there I headed out towards Luton on the Nickey line. I decided to throw in a 2 mile blast at race pace to see how it felt. I was pleased to find the pace without having to stare at my Garmin and even more delighted to see my heart stay in zone 2. That's a good sign for the marathon.
The scaling back of the mileage has been having a strange effect on my running. It feels lighter and at the end of the runs there's a kind of "is that it" moment. I guess I'll have the same feeling after the marathon but probably with a bit more leg pain.
So it was 5.3miles. Went up Cooters End Lane and found myself trying to slow down. No points for too much fast running at this late stage.
I've got new running shoes being delivered tomorrow. A new pair of Asics Stratus 3, I'll only have a few miles to bed them in but these others are officially shot to bits.
"Trainers for sale or rent"
From there I headed out towards Luton on the Nickey line. I decided to throw in a 2 mile blast at race pace to see how it felt. I was pleased to find the pace without having to stare at my Garmin and even more delighted to see my heart stay in zone 2. That's a good sign for the marathon.
The scaling back of the mileage has been having a strange effect on my running. It feels lighter and at the end of the runs there's a kind of "is that it" moment. I guess I'll have the same feeling after the marathon but probably with a bit more leg pain.
So it was 5.3miles. Went up Cooters End Lane and found myself trying to slow down. No points for too much fast running at this late stage.
I've got new running shoes being delivered tomorrow. A new pair of Asics Stratus 3, I'll only have a few miles to bed them in but these others are officially shot to bits.
"Trainers for sale or rent"
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Hire Car Run, 5.4miles
Today was a long old day and I'm pretty frazzled. I was off on the 0620 train and was in Somerset by 0930. A stressful morning trying to get my lines right and then the long train home.
I had to then go an pick up a hire car in Sandridge. The route was Ayers End lane, Heartwood and then up to the rental office. It was very pleasant running today, a cool breeze and clear skies.
I need a good night's sleep and an easy day tomorrow. That's a rap.
I had to then go an pick up a hire car in Sandridge. The route was Ayers End lane, Heartwood and then up to the rental office. It was very pleasant running today, a cool breeze and clear skies.
I need a good night's sleep and an easy day tomorrow. That's a rap.
Monday, 12 April 2010
Trailfinders, 8.1miles
Haircut at 5pm today, needed for a video shoot I'm in tomorrow. I might get 30secs in it but its important to look good! Ha ha! Pose running was always going to be my way when I heard about that!
Anyway, haircut done I had an hour before Theo had to be picked up from Busy Bees. So off I went out towards Kinsbourne Green, up the hill, passed Lee Dixon's house, passed rip-off Christmas Tree farm, down to Redbourn golf course to see the Phil & Tiger wannabe's strutting there stuff. All gear and no idea I'm afraid.
After the golf course I picked up a new trail which led up to the Nickey Line. It was steep but cut the route by a few hundred yards. Back to the park, West Common, East Common, and down to Busy Bees. Nice trot and 8.1 miles completed. It was windy and a bit chilly when facing it, but out of the wind it was another hot one. I'm hoping for a bit of rain.
Anyway, haircut done I had an hour before Theo had to be picked up from Busy Bees. So off I went out towards Kinsbourne Green, up the hill, passed Lee Dixon's house, passed rip-off Christmas Tree farm, down to Redbourn golf course to see the Phil & Tiger wannabe's strutting there stuff. All gear and no idea I'm afraid.
After the golf course I picked up a new trail which led up to the Nickey Line. It was steep but cut the route by a few hundred yards. Back to the park, West Common, East Common, and down to Busy Bees. Nice trot and 8.1 miles completed. It was windy and a bit chilly when facing it, but out of the wind it was another hot one. I'm hoping for a bit of rain.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Magnificent, 10.1miles
Another cracking day. Spent most of it at the allotment planting the tatties, onions, peas and mange tout. Doesn't sound much but took us a good 4 hours.
We got home, popped the roast in the oven and as everyone else settked for a rest, I headed off for a 80minte run.
The wind was coming from Wheathamstead, so I set off in that direction and then up the paths to Mackrey End. From there I took the paths and bridle ways over to Gustard Wood. I then took some new paths up passed Lamer Hill and then a loop around some new trails which took me close to the Cross Keys pub and the Ayotts. I looped back and found my way back to Gustard Wood golf course. Perfect. I was on the home run with the wind behind.
It was an excellent route, not much on-road and pretty scenic. 80mins, 10.1 miles, and then sunday roast. Splendid.
We got home, popped the roast in the oven and as everyone else settked for a rest, I headed off for a 80minte run.
The wind was coming from Wheathamstead, so I set off in that direction and then up the paths to Mackrey End. From there I took the paths and bridle ways over to Gustard Wood. I then took some new paths up passed Lamer Hill and then a loop around some new trails which took me close to the Cross Keys pub and the Ayotts. I looped back and found my way back to Gustard Wood golf course. Perfect. I was on the home run with the wind behind.
It was an excellent route, not much on-road and pretty scenic. 80mins, 10.1 miles, and then sunday roast. Splendid.
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Super Saturday, 11miles
The sun's still beating down, marvellous.
I met Alistair this morning at 0745 for another 10-11mile loop round Childwickbury. I was vested and skimpy shorts, yet still felt warm!! Alistair was in normal short sleeve top but bizarrely there were other runners out in fleece tops and one guy in a Helly Hansen thermal?!?!? I must be going through the man-apause or something.
Anyway, it was a nice warm-up over to Long Buftlers and then joining Alistair the pace picked up. We held it around 7.40s and chatted our way round. On the hills the pace slowed a tad but still we picked it back up to the 7.40s. I'm not saying the chatting was free and easy but back in the day, it is a well known fact, I could only grunt responses at 8.30 pace. Progress.
We made it up the Beeson End hill in no time as we realised we had 3 or 4 other non-running mutual friends. The world is a small place.
So we finished 10miles at 8min pace, not bad given that included my warm up and its a hilly old route. I finished off with a mile to warm down. So 11miles done and its not 9.00am. Perfect.
Now I've a day of being bossed about in the garden and then down the allotment. Oh what joy.
I met Alistair this morning at 0745 for another 10-11mile loop round Childwickbury. I was vested and skimpy shorts, yet still felt warm!! Alistair was in normal short sleeve top but bizarrely there were other runners out in fleece tops and one guy in a Helly Hansen thermal?!?!? I must be going through the man-apause or something.
Anyway, it was a nice warm-up over to Long Buftlers and then joining Alistair the pace picked up. We held it around 7.40s and chatted our way round. On the hills the pace slowed a tad but still we picked it back up to the 7.40s. I'm not saying the chatting was free and easy but back in the day, it is a well known fact, I could only grunt responses at 8.30 pace. Progress.
We made it up the Beeson End hill in no time as we realised we had 3 or 4 other non-running mutual friends. The world is a small place.
So we finished 10miles at 8min pace, not bad given that included my warm up and its a hilly old route. I finished off with a mile to warm down. So 11miles done and its not 9.00am. Perfect.
Now I've a day of being bossed about in the garden and then down the allotment. Oh what joy.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Sunshine and 8.2miles
Oh no. A winter of training in the rain and snow, and now less than 3 weeks to go and its gone tropical. The sun's shining, the birds are singing and its a bit of a difference running with the smell of barbecues burning.
I went out after work and headed north on the the path towards Luton Airport. At East Hyde I went up the hill and then into Luton Hoo. I came back out the same way and avoided a bit of running along the A1081. As I tried to cross over the main road I got a beep from Jon Cobb. We are not destined to run together. Whenever he's running I'm driving passed etc etc. Anyway it put a bounce in my step seeing Jon and I was home before I knew it.
8.2 miles at 8.30pace. Nice.
Tomorrow I've an 8-10 miler scheduled with Alistair and then on Sunday an easy 16miles. This taper lark is good.
I went out after work and headed north on the the path towards Luton Airport. At East Hyde I went up the hill and then into Luton Hoo. I came back out the same way and avoided a bit of running along the A1081. As I tried to cross over the main road I got a beep from Jon Cobb. We are not destined to run together. Whenever he's running I'm driving passed etc etc. Anyway it put a bounce in my step seeing Jon and I was home before I knew it.
8.2 miles at 8.30pace. Nice.
Tomorrow I've an 8-10 miler scheduled with Alistair and then on Sunday an easy 16miles. This taper lark is good.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
A long day with 7.5miles
I had a day in Bristol which involved an early train and late finish. But no rest for me and I had to get out for a few miles.
6 hours on trains though and my legs were wondering what was going on, I had an ache in my left knee, my right ankle, my right calf etc etc.
After a mile all was well though and as it was not quite dark I headed to the Nickey Line. By the time I reached West Common it was pitch dark though and I was relieved not to have twisted an ankle.
My thoughts tonight were all about the progress I've made over the last 925miles. There were 3 areas I targetted:
Endurance - by chugging out mile after mile there's no doubt I've improved
Technique - I've worked hard at getting "light" on my feet rather than thumping my way along the roads.
Pace - by doing reps week in week out I've got more and more comfortable running quickly.
The theory is that the combination of endurance, speed and technique will see me hit pb's across 5k, 10k and half marathon distances. As this is my first marathon I'll be doing a personal best whatever time I do.
So tonight was good, an easy comfortable 7.5miles at 9.13 pace.
6 hours on trains though and my legs were wondering what was going on, I had an ache in my left knee, my right ankle, my right calf etc etc.
After a mile all was well though and as it was not quite dark I headed to the Nickey Line. By the time I reached West Common it was pitch dark though and I was relieved not to have twisted an ankle.
My thoughts tonight were all about the progress I've made over the last 925miles. There were 3 areas I targetted:
Endurance - by chugging out mile after mile there's no doubt I've improved
Technique - I've worked hard at getting "light" on my feet rather than thumping my way along the roads.
Pace - by doing reps week in week out I've got more and more comfortable running quickly.
The theory is that the combination of endurance, speed and technique will see me hit pb's across 5k, 10k and half marathon distances. As this is my first marathon I'll be doing a personal best whatever time I do.
So tonight was good, an easy comfortable 7.5miles at 9.13 pace.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
A bit of race pace, 7.2miles
I was at home for the day, hard at it writing a report. When I finished I had an hour before I had to be back on duty with the kids.
I decided a 7 mile loop would be good and that I'd throw in a 3 mile middle section at my planned marathon pace. I expect that pace to be in my heart rate zone 3 or high zone 2 but lets see.
I warmed up with 1.5miles over to the Nickey Line. I went down the steps and took it from there, 3 miles at 7.10 -7.20 pace. It was relatively hard to stay in the zone, the temptation being to go too fast. I don't think I settled, probably a bit too focused on the garmin rather than feeling the pace. Oh well, I know what to practice for the next couple of weeks. The heart was in z3 and felt very comfortable.
I warmed down with a 2.7mile loop home via East Common. I was easing along nicely in z1 at 8.08 pace. That's pretty good for me and demonstrated the effect of being warm - faster and easier. Maybe my warm up was a bit too easy. I'll try something different next time.
I decided a 7 mile loop would be good and that I'd throw in a 3 mile middle section at my planned marathon pace. I expect that pace to be in my heart rate zone 3 or high zone 2 but lets see.
I warmed up with 1.5miles over to the Nickey Line. I went down the steps and took it from there, 3 miles at 7.10 -7.20 pace. It was relatively hard to stay in the zone, the temptation being to go too fast. I don't think I settled, probably a bit too focused on the garmin rather than feeling the pace. Oh well, I know what to practice for the next couple of weeks. The heart was in z3 and felt very comfortable.
I warmed down with a 2.7mile loop home via East Common. I was easing along nicely in z1 at 8.08 pace. That's pretty good for me and demonstrated the effect of being warm - faster and easier. Maybe my warm up was a bit too easy. I'll try something different next time.
Monday, 5 April 2010
Holiday Monday, 11.1miles
Easter Monday and I'm awake too early thanks to a crying Louis. He's a good wee lad but this morning he's unsettled and its only 0630.
I'm meeting Paul at 0815 but decide its time to get up and out. After a chilled breakfast I eascape and do a 4 mile loop over to Long Buftlers and back.
I meet Paul down at the George and we head roughly in the direction of Redbourn. He has a few new paths up his sleeve, so we head out of the park and over to the rugby club. From there we head down the hill and then broadly across towards the Watermill and Beeson End Lane. We don't head down to the hill so meet Beeson End up at the top. From there we head to Cross Lane and then around the houses to Crabtree Lane where we part.
Paul's on a new training programme that's aimed at increasing his 10k pace, it doesn't seem to be working as he's feeling fatigued and wasn't setting his normal sub 8 min pace. Hopefully he'll bounce back.
I enjoyed the run. My first 4 miles were all easy mid 9min pace and the rest medium 8's with the one sub 8 thrown in. My heart rate was zone 1 and 2 all the way apart from 4 mins in zone 3 when on the hills. 11.1 miles covered in 1hr 38mins, average pace 8.53.
I'm meeting Paul at 0815 but decide its time to get up and out. After a chilled breakfast I eascape and do a 4 mile loop over to Long Buftlers and back.
I meet Paul down at the George and we head roughly in the direction of Redbourn. He has a few new paths up his sleeve, so we head out of the park and over to the rugby club. From there we head down the hill and then broadly across towards the Watermill and Beeson End Lane. We don't head down to the hill so meet Beeson End up at the top. From there we head to Cross Lane and then around the houses to Crabtree Lane where we part.
Paul's on a new training programme that's aimed at increasing his 10k pace, it doesn't seem to be working as he's feeling fatigued and wasn't setting his normal sub 8 min pace. Hopefully he'll bounce back.
I enjoyed the run. My first 4 miles were all easy mid 9min pace and the rest medium 8's with the one sub 8 thrown in. My heart rate was zone 1 and 2 all the way apart from 4 mins in zone 3 when on the hills. 11.1 miles covered in 1hr 38mins, average pace 8.53.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Good day, 4miles
Excellent day. Great service and SBC, cool afternoon and evening.
The legs were feeling remarkably fresh after yesterdays 21, so I decided to get out and do an eay few miles. Its a cracking evening, clear skies, no wind or rain. Perfect.
So it was an easy 4 miles round the streets. Tomorrow its an early start for another easy few miles.
The legs were feeling remarkably fresh after yesterdays 21, so I decided to get out and do an eay few miles. Its a cracking evening, clear skies, no wind or rain. Perfect.
So it was an easy 4 miles round the streets. Tomorrow its an early start for another easy few miles.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
Longest and last, 21.2miles
Longest ever run today. It was forecast to be windy and potential for rain so I headed out with the old bright yellow jacket - wind proof and shower proof, and light enough to tie up if it got too hot, as it did. I only had one shower of rain and it was refreshing.
The route took me down to Redbourn and then out the back towards Flamstead, but cutting left towards Hemel's Woodhall Farm estate. I made a left turn instead of a right by mistake and ended up at Gaddesdon Row. I headed down an unknown road which I knew would eventually take me into Hemel. It did and I had to cut back out to pick up the route over to Buncefield. From there it was down to the St Albans road and back to the watermill. 13 miles done I headed over to Childwickbury and up to the Harpenden road. Instead of going left I turned right and headed towards St Albans. I picked up the bridleway by Woolams Sports Fields and then headed back towards Ayers End Lane. This was a bad decision as the fields were boggy and energy sapping.
I headed down Ayers End Lane feeling very tired and on reaching Southdown knew a loop via Long Buftlers would see me complete 20. I did that and then took a detour along Dalkeith to see me go over 21 miles. The last few miles were tough and overall it was 3hours 15mins, average pace was 9.15. Apart from the last few miles it was easy.
So that's the last really long run before London. There are 3 weeks to go. Next week is a 16miler followed by a 10 or 11 the week before race day. The mileage eases off now. Probably a 50mile week ahead followed by a 35/40. Either way, the 1000miles should be done before race day. Phew.
The route took me down to Redbourn and then out the back towards Flamstead, but cutting left towards Hemel's Woodhall Farm estate. I made a left turn instead of a right by mistake and ended up at Gaddesdon Row. I headed down an unknown road which I knew would eventually take me into Hemel. It did and I had to cut back out to pick up the route over to Buncefield. From there it was down to the St Albans road and back to the watermill. 13 miles done I headed over to Childwickbury and up to the Harpenden road. Instead of going left I turned right and headed towards St Albans. I picked up the bridleway by Woolams Sports Fields and then headed back towards Ayers End Lane. This was a bad decision as the fields were boggy and energy sapping.
I headed down Ayers End Lane feeling very tired and on reaching Southdown knew a loop via Long Buftlers would see me complete 20. I did that and then took a detour along Dalkeith to see me go over 21 miles. The last few miles were tough and overall it was 3hours 15mins, average pace was 9.15. Apart from the last few miles it was easy.
So that's the last really long run before London. There are 3 weeks to go. Next week is a 16miler followed by a 10 or 11 the week before race day. The mileage eases off now. Probably a 50mile week ahead followed by a 35/40. Either way, the 1000miles should be done before race day. Phew.
Friday, 2 April 2010
Good Friday run with Alistair, 10.4miles
It's Good Friday, great day and my song of the day is "This Light is for the World" by the Waterboys. Sums it up well.
Alistair is a Red Aro and doing the London Marathon. We have been trying for months to hook up and this was the day. We met over at Long Buftlers and then took the Ayers End Lane, Childwickbury, Beeson End Lane loop. 10.4 miles for me, Alistair was carrying on for another 10! Good man.
It was a pleasant run, painless and full of chat. Alistair is faster than me, so oyr chat was keeping him steady and just under 8.30's. He was finding it tricky going slow but I kept holding back.
Nice one, 0910 and now its time for a great family day.
Alistair is a Red Aro and doing the London Marathon. We have been trying for months to hook up and this was the day. We met over at Long Buftlers and then took the Ayers End Lane, Childwickbury, Beeson End Lane loop. 10.4 miles for me, Alistair was carrying on for another 10! Good man.
It was a pleasant run, painless and full of chat. Alistair is faster than me, so oyr chat was keeping him steady and just under 8.30's. He was finding it tricky going slow but I kept holding back.
Nice one, 0910 and now its time for a great family day.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Reps on the Nickey Line, 5.5miles
Worked at home today so missed the lunchtime reps with the elite. Instead I took the opportunity to do my old favourite 6x800m with 2mins off.
I did these week in week out between July and November last year. So I was hoping to see some improvement. My average pace in the old days over the 6 reps was marginally under 4min/km pace, just about 3.58's on average.
I did a decent warm-up to make sure I ready. It's a bit different on your own, no one to pace off and no one to keep you honest. I was just determined to do my best and see an improvement.
Rep 1 was steady. I tried to maintain "Will" pace. He's the National Grid elite who takes rep 1 steady, just easing into it. Rep 2 was into the wind and slightly up hill, so it was harder work.
Rep 3 and I'm feeling it. Rep 4 and the wind feels stronger. Rep 5, second last, important to keep working on this one, so the Will trick is to tell yourself this is the last and not ease off. Rep 6 and I'm blowing hard and the Paula Radcliffe bobbing about is back for the first time in ages. Finish off and nearly stumble into the bushes. Good work out and I'm hoping the Garmin's going to have good news.
I get myself home and the reps are just what I wanted, from a pace perspective they are:
3:42 / 3:45 /3:41 / 3:52 /3:33 / 3:52
Woo hoo. That's an average of 3:44 and a massive step up in pace and endurance. A sub 40minute 10k is achievable this year which would be a fantastic reward for all the hard winter training.
I did these week in week out between July and November last year. So I was hoping to see some improvement. My average pace in the old days over the 6 reps was marginally under 4min/km pace, just about 3.58's on average.
I did a decent warm-up to make sure I ready. It's a bit different on your own, no one to pace off and no one to keep you honest. I was just determined to do my best and see an improvement.
Rep 1 was steady. I tried to maintain "Will" pace. He's the National Grid elite who takes rep 1 steady, just easing into it. Rep 2 was into the wind and slightly up hill, so it was harder work.
Rep 3 and I'm feeling it. Rep 4 and the wind feels stronger. Rep 5, second last, important to keep working on this one, so the Will trick is to tell yourself this is the last and not ease off. Rep 6 and I'm blowing hard and the Paula Radcliffe bobbing about is back for the first time in ages. Finish off and nearly stumble into the bushes. Good work out and I'm hoping the Garmin's going to have good news.
I get myself home and the reps are just what I wanted, from a pace perspective they are:
3:42 / 3:45 /3:41 / 3:52 /3:33 / 3:52
Woo hoo. That's an average of 3:44 and a massive step up in pace and endurance. A sub 40minute 10k is achievable this year which would be a fantastic reward for all the hard winter training.
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